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MARCH 2025






To celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of our association, La petite Maison du Peuple, we needed to unite and unite again. And to live up to this honour, we launched an appeal to all ARTIST-MARSISTES from all countries, UN PEU everywhere.

[*]"Que plus d'hommes soient éclairés, et que chacun participe selon ses moyens, à la lumière de son siècle" Denis Diderot

Fifteen years of love and fraternity, naturally we will meet again. UN PEU merci.

As a reminder. La petite Maison du Peuple is a global artistic act. Today, as always, La petite Maison du Peuple, La pMP[*], is part of its time. It suffers the hardships of its time, but also enjoys its beauty. It is aware of the reality of today's citizens and supports their struggles. La pMP[*] is a free association based on free

membership and the cooperative principle of one person, one vote.

By Vincent Patigny



Expo Arnaud Camerlinckx "Il était une fois La petite Maison du Peuple"

Friday 28th of March 2025 Putan Club (Gianna Greco & François R. Cambuzat), Antoine Boute & Marsistes (Martin Graindorge, Eric Bribosia, Matthieu Ha)

18:00-22:00 (music/performances from 19:30)

paf concerts €10

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve

Saturday 29th of March 2025 Daring Land (film), Radio Klebnikov Live Band, Wollek

18:00-22:00 (18:00 poetry, 19:30 Wollek, 20:30 Radio Klebnikov Live Band, 21:30 Daring Land)

paf pay as you can

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve



EXPO/ "Il était une fois La petite Maison du Peuple"

Grapeïstical* Photo novel on celluloid (Canon A-1 & Canon AE-1) about some key moments of La petite Maison du Peuple Rue de Flandre et Rue Laeken. Continuous.

*Grapes of Art = photo-romancier Arnout Camerlinckx & peintre-romancière Ilse Derden.

PUTAN CLUB/¨A duo, from Italy and France, based between Dakar and Faro. Voices, guitars, bass & computer. The PUTAN CLUB is standing for feminism, electricity, electronics & savagery - as if Jeff Mills was devouring the Nine Inch Nails: groove and high tension. Trance, Dance and Challenge. The PUTAN PLUB is intended as a resistance cell, characterized by a mode of doing (force actions in various places) very close to the first plots of European partisans during the last world war and today by opponents from all over the world. Resistance is organized by the archaic and immediate means of our century: electric voices and rumors, tanks and counted words, like saying from cave painting to the most daring conceptualism, from avant-rock to contemporary classical music, from tribal savagery to the most brutal techno, from the kiss on the mouth to the kick in the ass ...

The PUTAN CLUB does not belong to any church (rock, techno, jazz, avant, punk, world or whatthe-fuck-ever) but claims the right to be all that, even more. And proved it, from Laâyoune to Beijing. Finally, the PUTAN CLUB collaborates regularly with other demons such as Lydia Lunch, Eugene S. Robinson, Denis Lavant and other shamans and master healers from Asia & Africa.

With an average of more than 150 concerts a year, over 1500 concerts since its creation, regularly on Tour in Europe, China, Turkey, Africa and Central Asia as well as part of numerous festivals as Amplifest (PT), Bazant Pohoda ( SK), Tomorrow Fest (RPC), Milhoes ( PT), Croisements festival (RPC), Tam-Tam (HR), the PUTAN CLUB is iconoclastic, violent, groovy and resolutely feminist-revolutionary.

Gianna Greco bass, vox, electronics

François R. Cambuzat guitars, vox, computer, electronics

pic by Dax

ANTOINE BOUTE/ He is back. Not only did he participate on that famous night 15 years ago, he also opened UN PEU. Antoine is forever tied to us, with every limb. He works to bring together poetry (written, sound and graphic), philosophy, performance and experimental music, notably by writing books, giving readings/performances and organising events. His books include Les Morts Rigolos (Les Petits Matins, 2014); S'enfonçant, spéculer (Onlit, 2015) and Inspectant, reculer (Onlit, 2016) and Apnée (Onlit, 2018); Manuel de civilité biohardcore (2020, Frmk/Tusitala); On peut boire la transpiration d'un cheval (2021).

LES MARSISTES/ def: Are those who go on holiday in March (Mars in French)

les ISTES was a trio of musicians in the early 2000s. Matthieu Ha on vocals and accordion, Eric Bribosia on piano and Martin Graindorge on drums. Their style of music, FANTASIE MUSIQUE, was inimitably festive, recognised by jazzmen and punks alike, and exceptionally independent. Between 2000 and 2010, without any institutional support, they toured Eurasia regularly. From Brussels to Japan, including a legendary tour of China and Russia. Using no words in their songs, they were the bearers of an unexpected manifesto: ‘VACANCES’. They projected subliminal slides onto their stage, translated into several languages. Matthieu Ha had also just put on a brand new performance called ‘de l'auto-stop-caravane’. In this way, the ISTES changed name every month: in July / les Juilletistes, in August/ les Aoûtiens, in September/ les Septembristes etc.... So this March they will be ‘LES MARSISTES’. Many cafés Bruxellois, squats and associations welcomed this trio, including La petite Maison du Peuple.


WOLLEK/ Coffee and beer vegetables and fruit days of impotence. Dates for you dates for me eternal friendship. For every child pen and gun under the belt. Am I sick now or am I not and what's the advantage? I was a fish in the room. I was a fish and swam around a bit.

Wollek brings Dutch-language brock 'n brol with a heart for living rooms and penitentiaries. With influences of the worst out there.

‘Het kind en de doos’, ‘De man in de gang’, ‘2000 dagen’, ‘Het kussen en het hoofd’, ‘Maanziek’, “Helder”, ‘Ik was een vis’.

Filip Lauryssen: drums

Florian Lauryssen: bass

Geert Huybens: guitar and vocals

RADIO KLEBNIKOV/ ChatGPT definieert het zo: “Radio Klebnikov is a Belgian radio show or project that blends music and spoken word with artistic, often experimental elements. It is typically associated with avant-garde and underground.”

One of the first performances by Radio Klebnikov took place in 2009 at La petite Maison du

Peuple. Meanwhile, international Klebnikovites (B / US / RU / NL / DUI / IT.. ) organised Klebnikov Carnaval in Leuven Klebnikov Carnival - a seven-day non-stop participation festival of free lyricism - and installed a programme on Radio Scorpio, the legendary free student radio.

On Saturday 29 March from 6-7pm, Radio Klebnikov will host a reading of own work and that of co-founder Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends aka Dirk Vekemans, Svetlana Zakharova, Fernando Pessoa, Venedikt Yerofeyev, Henri Michaux ...

And at 8.30pm, after Wollek, Radio Klebnikov Live Band mixes free lyricism

with beats, piano, guitars, harp.

With blues, dada and folk.

With Kerlijn Moons, Sanne ‘Zaahne’ Houbrechts, Jacoba Ryckeboer, Geert Huybens, Arnout

Camerlinckx, Ilse Derden, Greet Podevyn, Kris Pollet and Svetlana Zakharova.

DARING LAND/ Grapes of Art will show the film Daring Land on Saturday 29 March at 21.30, introduced by Jacoba Ryckeboer on piano. This short film (42', French subtitles) is a photo and painting montage. It

paints minutely the course of a quarter-century of loneliness, grain by grain of photo, stroke after

paint stroke. Grapes of Art (painter-poet Ilse Derden and photographer-screenwriter Arnout Camerlinckx) originated as a mussel festival in honour of Marcel Broodthaers. Grapes of Art was involved from the very beginning with La petite Maison du Peuple. It started with two photography performances where pictures behind glass at periodic bursts on the ground. Grapes of Art experienced a climax in collaboration with La petite Maison with a monumental painting exhibition in an abandoned palace in the Warande Park.


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SOLDES ALMANACH magazine sets up shop at UN PEU for two days, 14th and 15th of February. The annual magazine of philosophical workers and intellectual do-it-yourselfers gives a voice to the wise and the foolish (...) SOLDES organizes a public meeting in the early evening of Valentine's Day with Antoine Boute as a vernacular Aviator and 7 artists from the Belgian and international scene who will draw in front of you. Silio Durt, Antoine Paris, Frédéric Rébéna, Olivier Wiame, Eric Angenot, Matthieu Ha & Philippe Lardy. Come and be hypnotized or have your portrait taken by sublimation. Mes Lèvres will kiss you on Friday the 14th and Saturday the 15th, The Staart with An Pierlé, Gil Mortio, João Lobo & Fabian Fiorini.

Friday 14th of February 2025 18:00-22:00 concert paf €5 for lovers

Saturday 15th of February 2025 16:00-22:00 concert paf €10

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


soldes almanach

Antoine Boute travaille à faire se chevaucher poésie (écrite, sonore, graphique), philosophie, performance et musique expérimentales ; notamment en écrivant des livres, en réalisant des lectures/performances ou en organisant des événements. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages dont Les Morts Rigolos, (Les Petits Matins, 2014 ); S’enfonçant, spéculer, (Onlit, 2015) et Inspectant, reculer ; (Onlit, 2016) et Apnée, (Onlit, 2018 ); Manuel de civilité biohardcore (2020, Frmk/Tusitala) ; On peut boire la transpiration d'un cheval (2021)

Silio Durt, entre fulgurances des lignes, magmas plastiques et gestes spontanés, Silio Durt met en lumière, dans un flux généreux, une esthétique agressive ; une pensée en mouvement placée au service des êtres désaxés. Silio Durt crée une ode au désordre, il donne à voir un monde engagé où tout est à réinventer sur le rythme frénétique de la crise infinie.

Antoine Paris est peintre, musicien et vit à Paris. "J’ai longtemps donné dans les friches artistiques (Pôle Pi, Miroiterie...), La musique expérimentale, et les légendes urbaines (Aka - l’homme qui bêle en pédalant), avant de pousser mes expérimentations sur les territoires numériques en vidéo et photographie. J’assume faire partie des chercheurs qui n’ont pas trouvé, et je continue à explorer, comme un sillon toujours repris, ce qui se passe dans les profondeurs de la représentation".

Frédéric Rebena, né en 1965, il vit à Bruxelles, est auteur d'adaptations en bd, notamment de Bonjour Tristesse de F. Sagan. Il est aussi illustrateur dans le domaine de la presse et l'édition jeunesse. Il renoue depuis peu avec son premier amour, la peinture. Il invente principalement des romans de gare mais comme c'est trop long à écrire, il préfère les vivre. Travaille actuellement à une nouvelle bd, sortie prévue avril 2025.

Olivier Wiame est bruxellois. Depuis 1981 il réalise des affiches culturelles dont des affiches pour le Théâtre. Il assiste des scénographes comme Bob Ringwood et Mark Thomson. La scénographie devient alors son activité principale. Il se rend au Burkina Faso avec le spectacle Allah n’est pas obligé… de Amadou Kourouma, en Haïti pour la création du Festival 4 chemins et en RDC pour plusieurs spectacles et ateliers avec des acteurs locaux. Parallèlement, il poursuit des recherches personnelles en dessin et gravure.

Éric Angenot est artiste, il anime Postindutrial Animism, structure artistique expérimentale qui publie des microéditions, organise des performances et des manifestations, invente des rituels ou propose des sessions de travail collectif sur des questions environnementales. Il vit et travaille à Montreuil, à Bruxelles, et dans la forêt. Il enseigne à l'ERG, (Brux), où il coordonne le Master Pratiques de l'Art - Outils Critiques.

Philippe Lardy est le rescapé d’une carrière d’illustrateur à New York. Il a ensuite développé à Paris une forme de somnambulisme créatif. Dans Soldes il a donné forme aux cinq épisodes de Hypersomnia, concrétisation de son mythe personnel, influencé par les images de l’inconscient. Lardy fait confiance aux visionnaires. Main gauche et pied droit de Marc Borgers depuis le #1, il est l'un des iconographes de Soldes.


Marc Borgers, fondateur de SOLDES dont il ravive les feux et anime la plate forme expérimentale avec quelques complices. Plasticien de formation il est typographe, journaliste, parisien et belge. Après un cursus d'art plastique à Bruxelles et Londres, il crée le collectif artistique Ruptz, puis publie une première version de SOLDES en trimestriel. Warhol dira : «C’est le plus beau magazine au monde, c'est ce que j'aurais dû faire avec Interview ! » À Paris il s’intéresse à l’écriture, la mode et la presse ; collabore un temps avec Jean-François Bizot. Depuis 2011 il renouvelle l’expérience SOLDES chez tous les bons libraires avec l'almanach.


Friday 14th of February concert *** Mes Lèvres ***

Picture by Ben Pi

In-house band, Mes Lèvres will finish the night with a special barely electric piano set.

Mes Lèvres (formerly unknown as van Twolips) is a vocal duo from Brussels featuring a guitaresque and an accordionist. The use of their instruments is the fruit of an imaginary music, of a time forgotten or not yet arrived. Beyond the genre, which is definitely stylistic, there is a feeling of love, a musical horizon that is both operatic and unreasonable, a singular and independent creation.

The lips of this binomial pair belong to:

Cayo who superimposes her velvet voice strangely euphonious to her electric guitar, bringing poetry and natural sensuality to the songs. 

Matthieu Ha (MA HA HA), accordionist who created his own musical universe with a luminous voice, able to align several vocal registers (haute-contre, romantic baritone and tenor rockailleux). . 

They have just released their album “Ton style c’est tes lèvres”
Official videos:

Mes Lèvres - l’Arbrhorlogerie [Officiel Music Video]

Mes Lèvres - Johan Cruijff [Official Music Video]

Saturday 15th of February concert *** The Staart (An Pierlé + Gil Mortio + João Lobo + Fabian Fiorini) ***

The Staart is a popular music collective created by An Pierlé & Gil Mortio

Lambic music with spontaneous fermentation. The musicians change according to their desires and freedom. The cats play with it, the dogs stir it up, the ouroburos swallow it endlessly, and the little pig's swallow marks the end of the story. The Staart loves Dada, freedom, hooks, riffs, grooves, jazz, classical(s) and Kraut cabaret... unexpected combinations of new friends. Painted suits, an open heart. With Fabian Fiorini Le Fabuleux Manchot, Joao Lobo Le Portugais Persuasif, Gil Mortio L'Indécis & An Pierlé la Cantatrice de Saturne.

Saturday 15th of February

Doors 16:00-22:00

Music at the end of the night, around 21:00

paf €10,-

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve



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Friday 24th of January *** Anterior Insula presents Hung Shao-Huan, Stan Maris & LY Foulidis, TRESS, UN PEU 2 Years ago Anniversary ***

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Hung Shao-Huan has been always playing the Sheng as his main instrument since he was at the age of 9, since then the Chinese music has been the most strong base of his background, 12 years ago he found another strong passion in Jazz music, he decided to dive into Jazz world with his Sheng and move to Belgium to study at Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel. He became the first ever student of the Chinese instrument in the history of the school. After getting his bachelor and  master degrees in Jazz, ShaoHuan is now way deeper into modern jazz, improvised music and electronic music, and being a composer. After years of different social and musical influences, having a much deeper journey of discovering his personal colors has become a thing. ShaoHuan has been playing all around the world, besides his upcoming album, he has also participated in several album productions, being invited to projects and festivals.

Stan Maris is a Belgian accordionist and composer, mainly active in the jazz and improvised music scene. Aside from his solo works, Stan is currently (co-)leading Kreis, Ocean Eddie, Kin Gajo and Sumooi. As a sideman, he works with bands like Suura and Mathieu Robert Ensemble.

pic by Laurent Orseau

LY Foulidis plays glacial movements, swirling melodies and lichen on brick / On control voltage, tablet and tape loops / Pulsating sequences, bird song, a soft touch.

pic by Floortje Kattemöllet

Under the moniker of TRESS, Victor Goemaere sculpts sounds into sharp, propulsive elements and weaves them together into highly emotional, textural and polyrhythmic compositions. Mainly focussing on modern synthesis and sampling techniques he hovers on the border between the artificial and the organic. This provokes an intuitive sonic landscape, where the world of cinema, club music and the cosmos are crosscutting each other in fast speed.


Exactly 2 years ago, Anterior Insula (radio show and record label with sounds to stimulate your anterior insula) organised a magnificent night, here at UN PEU. They are back!

Doors 18:00-22:00

paf €10,-

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th of January *** Akira Sakata 80th Birthday Weekend with Akira Sakata, Giovanni Di Domenico, Giotis Damianidis, Pak Yan Lau, Gregoire Tirtiaux, João Lobo, Tatsuhisa Yamamoto, Pierre Berthet, Rie Nakajima (and on Sunday food from TOKI DOKI) ***


picture by Davide Belotti

For the 80th birthday celebration of legendary Japanese saxophonist, clarinettist and singer, Akira Sakata, we would like to invite you to a 2 days full of music, love and surprises with his friends:

Giovanni Di Domenico (composer and pianist of excellence)

Giotis Damianidis (no stranger to UN PEU, showing his multidimensional skills)

Tatsuhisa Yamamoto (electronics, synth, piano, field recording, percussion, drums)

Pak Yan Lau (from ceramics to toy pianos, be prepared to experience)

Rie Nakajima (sculptress & sound artist)

Pierre Berthet (musician, composer, inventor, craftsman)

Gregoire Tirtiaux (saxophonist par excellence) and

João Lobo (delicate drummer)


Saturday 25th 18:00-22:00

Sunday 26th 16:00-20:00

paf €15,- (€20,- for Saturday & Sunday)

un peu to eat & drink (TOKI DOKI on Sunday)



“This event was made in collaboration with Centro D’Arte dell’Università di Padova”


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Wednesday 4th of December 2024 *** Cayo's Birthday & Calendar Release with (T)RUELLE - Vivre avec un chien et un fusil - Fievel Is Glauque Duo ***

A special edition nonsecret secret Wednesday night. Cayo will celebrate her 52nd birthday, release the birthday suit calendar (Calendrier de l'abondance des mythos) with UN PEU help from her friends. Collective (T)RUELLE, Vivre avec un chien et un fusil, FIEVEL IS GLAUQUE and others.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Suggested paf €5,- to lend a hand to her friends

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Friday 13th of December 2024 *** Punk Kong - Pierre Michel Zaleski & Antoine Herran - Sigrid Keunen ***

Giotis Damianidis’s Punk Kong is coming back after a golden silence of six years with undoubtedly their most complete work in terms of composition, arrangement and execution. The bass-less ensemble offers a perfect blend of Free Jazz, Psychedelic Rock, dreamy Drone Blues music that flows over as a clean transparent river into the mountains! Their Third album, “Same but Different” came out in October 2024 on the Belgian almighty Label, WERF records! Worth mentioning that part of the album is the original score of the film of Italian director Davide Belotti, “Vita Altra” composed by Giotis Damianidis.

Giotis Damianidis: guitar
Grégoire Tirtiaux: alto & baritone saxophone
Viktor Perdieus: tenor & baritone saxophone
Ruben Verbruggen: alto & baritone saxophone
João Lobo: drums

Release of a new LP called : “Le paysage réservé”. Here, Antoine Herran has made an album that starts with recordings of Pierre Michel Zaleski improvising with its singular and powerful voice. Then, he added lots of instruments and cuts, for a result between Captain Beefheart, science-fiction, and radical montage aesthetics. Pierre Michel comes from the free improv Brussels scene, Antoine is a composer and songwriter. They will play a unseen duo with the album as a blueprint. 

LINES OF LOVE A performance for viola, voice, sounds & movement created by Sigrid Keunen. This performance-composition subtly illustrates the balance between strength and fragility, time and stillness, lying at the heart of both landscape and music. It creates a delicate, transient web that echoes the universal, timeless nature of music. A human-made space at the dancefloor of being. But where does time reside? In her quest to portray the musician as a universal figure, this performance marks the next step—the image of a sundial depicted as a musical microcosm.  You’re cordially invited to a sensory, layered experience.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music from 19:00

paf €10,- for the music

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Saturday 14th of December 2024 *** Lara humbert quartet + Ma - Sofi Naufal - Alice George Perez - Ihsen ***

The Lara Humbert Quartet + Ma's new "Village" repertoire recounts the life of a country village, setting to music, the elements that describe it, with songs such as "La Maison", "La Ferme", "La Forêt"... A very unique and personal repertoire, which questions memory, seen under the spectrum of two different experiences which exchange together, Ma and Lara, to create a common memory, in which everyone can find themselves.

Sofi Naufal composes messy, whispered folk music that drifts between melodies, loops and protest chants via guitar, synth and snippets of overheard conversation.

Alice George Perez has played more at UN PEU than any other artist. And rightly so, she has touched us to the core with her incredible finger picking skills, her amazing voice and most of all for being her. We are incredibly happy to finish off 2024 in style.

Ihsen is a young Belgian pianist, singer and composer. She will present her very first repertoire of personal compositions, accompanied by violinist Amèle Metlini. Her universe is largely inspired by artists such as Amy Winehouse, Mazzy Star, ...

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music from 19:00 SHARP

paf €10,- for the music

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve



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Friday 29th of November 2024 *** Concert: Midget! + Exhibition by Marc Rilliet & Performance by Lapiaz ***

CONCERT: Midget! is the meeting of singer Claire Vailler and guitarist Mocke. Claire Vailler performs solo under the name Transbluency and composes for theatre and contemporary art. In another life, Mocke was co-founder of the group Holden; since then, he has been known for his solo albums and for his distinctive guitar playing, which has influenced the records of many artists, including Arlt, Delphine Dora, Mohamed Lamouri and Silvain Vanot. After collaborating with Gavin Bryars and Ensemble 0, Midget has released ‘Qui parle ombre’ in February. The new album is mixed by electronic artist Uwe Schmidt (aka Atom Tm, Senor Coconut, Erik Satin, etc.) Micro symphonies bathed in contrary currents, gentle, strong or turbid waters; lachrymal or baptismal, dissolving polyphony draped in notes as long as dreams, mineral melodies of a body slowly returning to the earth, ‘Qui parle ombre’ explores the unknowable inner space, the unspeakable internal process that refuses to be tamed or even glimpsed. Echoing the complexity of emotion, Midget's combinatorial art applies a system of perspectival filters to the sound material, which itself becomes a bubbling flow.

EXHIBITION: Marc Rilliet is a Swiss painter who has lived in Brussels since 2012. He develops his visual language around the figure of the mask from his native Switzerland, but also around the various European carnivals. Strongly inspired by classical painting, he is constantly trying to develop new means of expression by working in a variety of mediums, from engraving and painting to surrealist collages and papier-mâché. This exhibition, Love and Vagrancy, aims to explore the themes of love, in its most graphic and evocative forms, while mixing it with the theme of marginality in paintings featuring undefined characters, with a troubled and undefined sexuality.

PERFORMANCE: Lapiaz is a solo project that is constantly evolving as a result of the various improvisations and inspirations of its creator and main member, Marc Rilliet, who was born in Geneva and has lived in Brussels since 2012. He has decided to combine sound experimentation, ‘traditional’ tunes and a layer of noise to create a visual and auditory landscape whose name Lapiaz (pronounced lapié) refers to the rock formations in the Alps where the glaciers have retreated, leaving nothing but a chaos of sharp, rugged rocks.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music from 19:30

paf €10,- for the music

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Saturday 30th of November 2024 *** Concerts: Gašper Piano - Josefine Mose + Exhibition by Marc Rilliet ***

In the project Krik Skovik, guitarist/composer Gašper Piano uses Slovenian folkloric traditions to develop his own instrumental guitar compositions. The process of creation and performance aims to highlight how an ancient, oral, spontaneous musical tradition can serve as a source of inspiration to generate contemporary music. Piano re-shapes folk music tradition with experimentation by extended and prepared guitar techniques, usage of  irregular rhythms, interpretation through variety of musical genres (baroque, serialism, modal jazz, noise) and improvisation.

Discover Josefine Mose, a classically trained singer-songwriter from the heart of Brussels, with a fondness for early jazz, soul, and funk. Her music is described as intimate and heartfelt, with a distinctive jazzy sound. Behind the piano, she takes you on a journey through her personal stories - sometimes vulnerable and doubtful, then hopeful, comforting, or with a touch of humor.

Josefine Mose takes you to dark nights on a deserted road, to intimate moments at home with a good glass of whiskey in hand, pondering over your deepest emotions.

And Marc Rilliet's exhibition continues.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music from 19:30

paf €10,-

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve




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Friday 18th of October 2024 *** ANK - Simon Lenski & Nicolas Rombouts "The Low Life" ***


Pic by Cayo van Breugel

Half rock, half folk, with a hint of jazz. ANK sings. In French. It's about bears, shipwrecks, barricades. It laughs, it rages, it consoles. If you can identify Anglo-Saxon influences - a sound like Tom Waits, Johnny Cash or Alexi Murdoch - you'll also recognise accents of the young Gainsbourg, Nougaro, Annegarn, Prévert and even Belin. In Nicolas Ankoudinoff, we sense a family cradle where everyone makes music. He played the flute and then the saxophone, dabbled in guitar, then took improvisation, composition and chamber rock classes at the Liège Conservatoire. He went on to form the alternative jazz group Animus Anima - which went on to release three albums. He also composed for the theatre, cinema and TV, and regularly performed with poets such as Pierre Guéry and Tom Nathalie. The stage, music and lyrics were all part of his life, and his desire to sing took root. First concerts and cabarets, breaking in as a solo artist... then forming a group, with Nicola Lancerotti (The Lonius, Zola Quartet) on electric bass, Théo Lanau (Limite, Le Bal de Marie Galante) on drums and Marco Giongrandi (Kettle of Kites, Honolulu Orchestra) on guitar.

'Cellist performer Simon Lenski and double bass player producer Nicolas Rombouts have been improvising together as a duo for years and have recently been doing so under the name ‘The Low Life’. Their improvisations are adventurous and lyrical, wall of sounds or just very minimal. Their performances can also be performative in nature, seeking the field of tension between music and movement.

This is ‘deep listening’. Close your eyes and listen to them and to yourself.’

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music from 19:30

paf €10,-

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Saturday 19th of October 2024 *** Shoko Igarashi  - Casimir Liberski - Peter Jacquemyn ***

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pic by Marco Do Santos

Born in the mystical, nature-rich Tsuruoka, Japan, Shoko Igarashi is a bold sonic adventurer who fuses the ancient with the cutting edge. After refining her craft in Tokyo, New York, and Brussels, she’s become known for her seamless blend of jazz, electronic, and surreal influences. Her experimental work with the Tenori-on (Yamaha) shines through in "Project Tenori", a mesmerizing electro album where she transforms a minimalist instrument into a tool for expansive, genre-bending soundscapes. With roots in Japanese City-Pop, '70s jazz fusion, and anime soundtracks, Shoko’s upcoming album "Onsen Music" (winter 2024) promises to push the boundaries even further, inviting listeners into her eclectic, futuristic world.

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pic by Marco Dos Santos

Casimir Liberski, a Brussels-born pianist and sonic architect, stands at the intersection of progressive jazz and the avant-garde, sculpting music that feels as much like an art installation as a live performance. His recent works, including "Cosmic Liberty" (RopeA dope 2021) and the upcoming album "The Z Suites" (WRWTFWW 2025) weave jazz, rock, and electronic textures into a hypnotic, genre-defying tapestry. Embracing Ornette Coleman’s "Harmolodic" philosophy, Casimir's music pulses with a restless energy, constantly shifting between form and abstraction. Known for his raw improvisational edge, his sound blurs boundaries and dissolves into something entirely otherworldly—perfect for listeners craving the surreal and unexpected.

And another larger than life person, soon to be married Peter Jacquemyn. He will present a new solo, created after the birth of his child.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music from 19:00

paf €10,-

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve



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Sunday 1st of September 2024 *** BOULEVARD DE DIXMUDE BROCANTE ***

As every year, UN PEU will be open. There will be un peu terrace, a fake shop and some music. We are looking forward to see you un peu.

Doors 10:00-17:00

un peu to eat & drink


EXTRA UN PEU EXTERNAL 7th & 8th of September 2024 *** ROSKOT FESTIVAL in Aalst Erembodegem ***

catering by ‘UN PEU’

This year, the festival Roskot is delighted to be collaborating with the CENTRE DE BEAUTE CULTURELLE UN PEU. A cult venue in Brussels, it hosts concerts and exhibitions. It’s also a creative workshop. Music, Art Decoration. Among other things, they build PETALS OF SHADE. These are giant paper petals, each representing a shade of love (un peu, beaucoup, passionnément, à la folie, pas du tout). For this festive WE, Cayo van Breugel and Matthieu Ha will be planting many of them. They’ll be unfurling them in the open air, spinning like gold and silver propellers. The art of living of these two associates is also reflected in their cuisine. So they’ll be preparing an enchanted CATERING for you – based on an Egyptian salad – the same salad that fed the pyramid builders in ancient times. Be careful not to lose the beauty of your eyes, because that’s all you’ll have left.

Friday 27th of September 2024 *** Noodzakelijk Kwaad - Release “Morsen Met Mensen”  & Beeldenstormer ***

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Noodzakelijk Kwaad has a new record.

‘Morsen Met Mensen’

The quartet consisting of Jef Mercelis, Teuk Henri, Frank Pay and Jan Ducheyne have been playing together for over more than six years. And it shows when they are on stage. The guitars of Teuk Henri sound completely balanced with the buzzing Korg of Jef Mercelis, who then adds his golden voice on top when it suits. Frank Pay makes sure everything is tight and loose at the same time with drums and percussion and well-aimed backing vocals. Jan Ducheyne is better than anyone at incorporating his lyrics into sometimes storming, sometimes slowly rippling music of Noodzakelijk Kwaad. Improvisation is never far away once this foursome takes to the stage. Which is not to say they don't write songs. ‘De Wind’, ‘Morsen Met Mensen’, ‘Wilde Bloemen’, ‘Kabine’ it is just a sample of the 15 songs on the double album. The record was recorded with wizard Pascal Deweze at Studio Jezus in Hoboken.

The cover design is from the hands of Jirka De Preter and Emma Ducheyne.

The record will be released by Rotkat Records.

Noodzakelijk Kwaad is an experience, a revelation for those who have never seen them at work

and a delight and always happy reunion for all those who have been following this foursome for some time.

Noodzakelijk Kwaad is looking forward to it! Up into your ears!

Beeldenstormer is the musical alter-ego of Brussels-based Johan Lenaerts. As Beeldenstormer, he couples his love of the Dutch language with his love of sixties beat and garage rock. Beeldenstormer is the electric life song. He performs solo.

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:30 Beeldenstormer

20:30 Noodzakelijk Kwaad

paf €10,-

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Saturday 28th of September 2024 *** Buddy Mixtapes N°2 Release + Exhibition by Thibault Gallet ***


Picture of Samedi Dimanche by Cayo van Breugel

We weren’t sure whether or not to do it again - The first Buddy Mixtapes (Samedi Dimanche) happened on a whim, in the spur of the moment, in the heat of a summer, in our friends’ hearts and in our own home. It didn’t make any sense until it did, completely and entirely, and we were conclusively urged to make another both by old pals and new faces who wanted in on the ride. More names were suggested in that same way, more people came forward, and off we leapt into round 2 of The Buddy Mixtapes - Fourteen people gathered to write songs and recite poems, play, harmonise, arrange, and revel. In that way, fourteen songs were born, new friendships were made, and the fourteen helped themselves to a weekend in May to record everything in the basement of my home away from home, UN  PEU. The idea was simple and as straightforward as they come - each act was allotted a two hour time slot, a few mics were set up about the room, and everything was recorded live. What came out of this episode is what we will be presenting tonight, a collection of tracks, made together and performed together in the very place they were recorded in, and in the very same order as laid out on the tape that we printed for the occasion. Come along, come listen, come watch us sing, dance, and quite literally play musical chairs. This time with Alice George Perez, Arnaud Héron, Joey Wright, Jane Paul, Cayo van Breugel, Matthieu Ha, Aurélien Auchain, Nina Hennart, Bárbara C. Branco, Dylan McKenzie, Linde Polfliet, Barney Roberts & Matt Watts

Cover art + exhibition by Thibault Gallet

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music from 19:30

FREE EVENT Dans le cadre de la Fête de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, avec le soutien de Court-Circuit

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve



UN PEU WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 27th of September (open for the Dixmude Brocante though on the 1st of September) BUT we will continue in Parc Royal at Vaux Hall every Thursday until 22nd of August.


JULY 2024

Friday 5th of July 2024 *** Petit écart / Grand dépassement: Grand écart Records presents: Mono Siren - MOTT FLYF - Borée ***


GRAND ECART RECORDS More than music, an art of living. Grand écart Records brings together people who have a poetic grasp of today's world. The result: we're living in crazy times.


MONO SIREN (Electro Synth Berçeuse)

Miss Turquoise, looking like a SIREN

brightens up your gloomy nights like a lantern.

Funk, punk, disco:

the synths vibrate MONO!


MOTT FLYF (song on batteries)

The drum machine sputters and the synths crackle.

His voice cuts through the sea spray.

He sings everything.

Like the North Sea.

But be careful, when he gets sunburned, he goes far.


BORÉE presents: première écoute

Reaching out, actively listening and responding in time and space.

A performance of pure improvisation, in which the performer and his audience discover a ‘first listening’ resulting from the conversation between the musician and his instrument: a modular analogue synthesiser.

Doors 18:00-22:00

paf €10 for the concert

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Friday 12th of July *** Aigue Morte + Olia Eichenbaum - Lispector ***

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Aigue Morte ✵ Dungeon Pop

Aigue Morte is said to be a little gem of low-fi French pop that transports us into tableaux with holiday objects, bits of paper stained with glitter, a gentle breeze that smells of salt, concrete and lipstick.


Olia Eichenbaum, half of the liminal pop duo Œ, singer and actress in Perfect Angels and self-taught DIY artist in Parlêtre, is also a multidisciplinary artist who has been practising visual and sound DIY for years. This time, in the company of Aigue Morte, they will be presenting a performance they prepared during their week-long residency.


A year after the release of her latest (and twenty-second) album, 'The Return Of The Old Flame', Julie Aka Lispector will be playing a few tracks with her touring partner Guillaume B. (himself a multi-instrumentalist under the pseudonyms of Futur Crayon and France Loisir). 
This one-night duo will be performing minimalist adaptations of some of Lispector's hyper-pop chamber music repertoire. 
The whole thing promises to be quite emo, but above all very relaxing!

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:30 Lispector

20:30 Aigue Morte + Olia Eichenbaum

paf €10,-

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Friday 19th of July *** N​Â​R - Wannarit Pongprayoon - Clement Nourry ***


NÂR is a Lebanese multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer based in Beirut.
In a constant metamorphosis, she works with various instruments, her voice and different objects she finds. Abrasive, hypnotic, NÂR’s performances are sonic experiments and live improvisations built up from A to Z, often led by short sentences on repeat like mantras. Her music takes its roots in a very large spectrum of sounds, inspiration or genre such as middle eastern and north African trance, industrial and electronic music.
In 2022,
NÂR took a more radical direction and created her Time machine. A handcrafted instrument composed of old clocks, bells and other metallic objects giving birth to a new dimension in her practice and allowing more rawness to her sound. “NÂR" is not a “Project” , it's a journey and the reflection of the fire burning inside me.A succession of sacred mistakes, a cult to the unknown ”
Article in Les inrockuptibles Magazine by Philippe Azoury


Wannarit Pongprayoon is a Thai electronic music producer and analog synthesizer player and repairer. Though he may not consider himself a highly skilled musician, he has extensive experience jamming across various music genres with top musicians, particularly in the experimental music scene.

Pongprayoon has had the opportunity to jam with notable artists like Jimi Tenor, Eyal Maoz

(of Cobra Jon Zon), Noise Assembly by Asian Meeting Festival, .... His duo band “Stylish Nonsense” has performed at events such as Documenta Fifteen festival in Kassel Germany, Kontula Electronic Festival in Finland, Synasthesie Festival in Berlin in past...

His music is influenced by retro electronic music and 90 alternative music.

Live improv

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Photo Ariane Ruebrecht

"Composer, musician and leader of Under the Reefs Orchestra, Clement Nourry takes his guitar along a narrow ridge overlooking melodic and sonic eldorados. Ritournelles always, simple musical objects above which hang swords of Damocles ready to tear apart his falsely naive melodies. Influences: Marc Ribot, Wendy Carlos, Ry Cooder.

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:00 Clement Nourry

20:00 Wannarit Pongprayoon

21:00 N​Â​R

paf €10,-

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


JUNE 2024

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Friday 28th of June 2024 *** "Slow Motion Scenes" with Julia Emmery & Axel Gilain ***

Take 1 - Photo exhibition by Julia Emmery and Axel Gilain

Julia Emmery and Axel Gilain are musicians, and this time they've decided to make visible the immaterial universe of their daily practices. A search for simplicity, already present in their music, is found in their images. The minimalist, spare and painterly scenes depict their love of light and strong and strong contrasts.

Take 2 - "Suite électronique" by Julia

As a composer, Julia has written music in recent years that has its roots in ‘pure minimalism’. A study in which she places a sound under the microscope, revealing its inner life and its textures. The result is a delay that allows time to feel what is happening while nothing is happening. ‘Suite électronique’ is a piece specially created for this exhibition. It mixes acoustic sounds with electronic (analogue) instruments to create microscopic harmonies.

Take 3 - "Slow Motion Scene" solo concert by Axel

To present his new solo album, Axel Gilain unveils his songs, voice and guitar, punctuated with sounds, thoughts and bits of interviews triggered on a cassette player, an imperfect and nostalgic object.

A post-mortem reconstruction or a waking dream in which the cinematographic light cuts this intimate journey, bathed in silences and breaths, into scenes.

Doors 18:00-22:00

paf €7

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Saturday 29th of June 2024 *** SYLVAN (Sara Tan & Eric Bribosia) - Nicolas Jules - BÀÀN “Club Set” Album Release ***

With sylvan, Sara Tan (dance) and Eric Bribosia (music) aim to explore the state of physical concentration one has to be in while restfully staying aware in the liminal space between the exterior world and one’s inner world. Keeping the body as a porous membrane, the dancer seeks to play with relating differently to what’s outside of her, and what passes inside and through her, never fully forgetting one for the other. “Our real self is not entirely inside of us.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Sara)

Picture: Thibaut Derien

Nicolas Jules: Brilliant singer-songwriter of the French touch. His voice takes centre stage in the mischievous cinema of his songs. Accompanied by his pared-down guitar, he'll be zig-zagging his way through lyrics that are both funny and placid, without ever betraying the poetry hidden within. He recently released an album LA REINE DU SECOURISME.


Club Set is a free interpretation of the original album “Reset”. The challenge was to use only one instrument each (a mono synthesiser and a drum machine), emphasising the ambient mood already existing in the music of BÀÀN. 

“A midnight version, challenging each other to call on the spirits of the band using a radically reduced set up. 
As if BÀÀN, as a body, is going through an REM phase,a desynchronised sleep, a waking state including rapid, low-voltage desynchronised brain waves, causing a musical hallucination where the heart rate is slower, body temperature reduced, breathing pattern and blood pressure irregular. Call it the witching hour. “

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:00 SYLVAN (Sara Tan & Eric Bribosia)

20:00 Nicolas Jules

21:00 BÀÀN

paf €10,-

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve




MAY 2024

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Friday 10th of May 2024 *** Fievel Is Glauque - Alice George Perez - Mes Lèvres ***

Fievel Is Glauque, a legendary duet between New York pianist Zach Phillips and Brussels-based French singer Ma Clément. A fresh jazz piano that moves as subtly as possible with a slight sleazy touch. This time with the big band minus one.

Fievel is Glauque - Dark Dancing / I'm Scanning Things I Can't See (Official Video)

Alice George Perez will grace UN PEU with her amazing voice and picking skills. Described as a music-hall queen, neat melange of string flirting, finger-picking indie-folk and choral avant-pop.

Mes Lèvres will open up the night with a short walk in the woods.

Mes Lèvres - Johan Cruijff [Official Music Video]

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music from 19:00

paf €10

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


APRIL 2024


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Friday 26th of APRIL 2024 *** Kate Birch - Roger F - Chicaloyoh ***

Kate Birch : violinist, singer and producer based in Bern Switzerland, the experimental indietronic/artpop project. Released the album The Fool on Red Brick Chapel Rcords (Mnevis, Alois), and new album is in the making. Kate Birch is Laura Schuler (voc, violin, synth, FX) and Clemens Kuratle (Drums, backing vocals, synths, samples)

Roger F. plays songs about individuality, obsessions, the relational consequences of budgets in art collectives and capitalism in general.

Chicaloyoh is Alice Dourlen's project. Begun in 2011, the project has evolved in line with her desires and wishes. Keeping the dreamlike narrative of its beginnings, but abandoning folk music, Chicaloyoh is turning more and more towards atmospheres inspired by its travels and dreams, minimalist in that it leaves plenty of room for the imagination...

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music from 19:00

paf €10

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve


Saturday 27th of April 2024 *** PART 2: Pommade - 4nouki PART 1: Lynhood - Antoine Herran ***

In the whirlwind of life, there's such a thing as the perfect day; Pommade has turned it into its first EP, and it smells of Chips. In the form of six techno rhymes, Pommade has fun telling absurd stories to ask serious questions. The words are yo-yos, the synths are engines, and together they create a poetry of movement.

Based in Brussels, 4nouki is an electronic music project somewhere between experimental art-pop and ambient music. My debut EP Fallen Angel, released in autumn 2023 on Marseilles-based Olga Productions, reveals a dreamlike world in which hazy synth layers and field recording blend with melancholy pop melodies.

LYNHOOD Delicate noise pop - Grenoble Lynhood creates a world of her own, oscillating between noise, pop and ambient. A bass, a bow, effects and a crystalline voice are the tools she uses to paint immersive pictures where bass sequences are looped, building a carpet of sound, over which her vocals hover. Rocked by the swell, the strata appear and disappear.

Alone on stage, Antoine Herran juxtaposes electric guitar improvisations with minimalist French songs in a minimalist style. The question is: which of the two approaches the other? And to this is added another colour - the assembly, using radio software, of a set of prepared tracks - a gesture by which he advances his pawns in a box of music. his pawns in a science-fiction nightclub.

For years, Antoine has been an activist, artist and composer in the underground in Bordeaux, Marseille and Brussels. He has performed with a number of different groups. Since 2023, he has co-produced the radio show Salut Les Fantômes.

Doors 17:30-22:30

Music Part 1 17:30 - 20:00 Lynhood - Antoine Herran

Music Part 2 20:30 - 22:30 Pommade - 4nouki

paf €7,- per part or €12,- for the FULL NIGHT

un peu to eat & drink

To reserve



MARCH 2024

Friday 29th of March 2024 *** L’ABONDANCE DES MYTHOS Banquet tragique en cinq services ***

Ouvertures des portes 18h30

Début du repas 19h30

A réserver, place ultra limité (Repas hors boisson 30€)

un peu buvette


1. Situation initiale

2. Secousse

3. A la recherche du bonheur

4. Dénouement

5. Résolution malheureuse


Intrigue : ils avaient tout pour se détester et pourtant… nous les avons réunis :




BICHEL, éditeur prolifique issu d’une illustre lignée de gourmets se mettant au fourneaux à chaque solstice pour invoquer des millénaires de recettes à une main, qu’il pratique à 2 mains.


EDWIN, échafaudeur de théories inconvenues et publicitaire occasionnel de causes perdues s’est rendu public, en privé, par l’(in)fameux restaurant « Le Couvre-Feu ». Il cuisine quotidiennement jusqu’à perte d'épices et on dit de lui en ville que « si personne ne l’arrête, il s’arrête lui-même ».


Je ne mens pas

Cette épopée transcendantale culinaire sera assaisonnée musicalement par la voisine, Maï OGAWA sur - dans - et à travers le piano, instrument polyphonique à clavier qui cache en son corps, des cordes bien sensibles.

... et as-tu toujours rêvé d'être nu dans un calendrier, distribué dans le monde entier? Voici ta chance, Cayo van Breugel shoots pendant toute la nuit.



Parcours d’artistes incertains

RDV 15h cinglante. Gratuit - Réservations

Bruxelles, années 2010. Une vague d’artistes submergent la ville après l’ouverture nocturne d’une centaine de bâtiments vides. Engloutis dans les îlots, aspirés dans les greniers, séjournant dans les caves et les anciens dépôts, ces ambitieux rêveurs investissent toutes les ruines modernes de la capitale. Les plus collectifs forment des meutes et tiennent le siège des anciens châteaux de l'industrie.

Mais les plus secrets disparaissent…

Une partie de ceux-là sont reclus au cœur même du quartier de Chicago, et de temps à autre, le lieu de beauté culturelle UN PEU les fait sortir de leurs antres autofécondes.

Nous partirons sur les traces de ces refuges de haute montagne, en plein cœur de la ville…

drawing by Matthieu Ha


Apothéose finaliste du murmure de Planck

CONCERTS - 10€ l’entrée - à partir de 18h



un peu buvette

A retrouver sur place pour bien manger

Les Soeurs Razin

Galettes Bretonnes

Roxane Métayer (Brussels, Belgium)

~ experimental, folk ~

Roxane Métayer is a french musician and artist based in Brussels. Between folk and experimental music, her project is made of sound recordings made in nature, violin, wind instruments, percussion, and his own voice.

Gaspard Le Ventre (Bruxelles)

~ karaoké wave, harsh nostalgie ~

Gaspard est convaincu d'être une star, même s'il n'est pas encore célèbre. Il décide donc de sauter les étapes en créant son propre karaoké, invitant le public à reprendre ses chansons méconnues  avec lui. Train fantôme vidéoscopique, entre funk, néo métal et bossa-nova.

Paul Loiseau (Paris)

~ dandy burnout anti-punk ~

Paul Loiseau (ex Boy Scoot Hopkins), compose des chansons punk expérimental, des ballades neo-folk qui flirtent toujours avec le blizzard industriel et des boucles, des samples malmenés qui se développent sous sa voix de crooner désabusé. c'est l'esthétisation du burnout, une version pervertie de la variété comme un gant de velours plongé dans l'asphalte. Il chante depuis une zone grise où l'humour et la gravité n'existent plus, le lyrisme se confond aux messages préventifs des paquets de cigarette.

All this is organised by the relatively new collective:

Collectif (T)ruelle


Constructeurs ponctuels, truands de ruelles, assemblage de Bruxelles.


Collectif d’initié composé, par ordre d’importance en lien d’amitié avec l’amitié elle-même :


MANON LAIGLE, découvre l’amitié en 2000, bien avant qu’elle soit officielle et reconnue par les instances ergonomiques internationales.

Par ailleurs, forgeuse de dentelle et inversement, à l’endroit.


CLEMENT DELHOMME, « une amitié née d'affaire vaut mieux qu’une affaire née d'amitié ».

Par ailleurs, musicien sans limite Vivre avec un chien et un fusil, et poète à l’éternel.


ADRIANO LINZARINI, amicalement vôtre, style de vie : esthète des dérives, plutôt mettre du sel deux fois que d’en manger.

Par ailleurs, ici et là-bas, photographe instable, calligraphe inéluctable. 


ALEX GUILLAUME, dernier fantassin de l’amitude, grattant la mousse dans les odeurs, se livre quelquefois à des « amitiés contre le reste du monde ».

Par ailleurs, écrivain-scénariste de son lisible quotidien.



Friday 23rd of February 2024 *** Kloot Per W - Moogisha - Jan Ducheyne ***


KLoot per W (1955) asked some musical friends to accompany him without the need for much rehearsal work. Master guitarists Elko Blijweert and Teuk Henri gladly cooperated. Songs with beautiful lyrics on a bed of free music. Erik Deridder of the band Schweeny comes to reinforce with voice and occasional piano. Velvet Underground, John Cale and own songs alternate.

Thanks to the elegance of his Blues-voicing guitar solos, his percussive rhythms inspired from Hip-Hop and his harmonic finesse learned from Jazz, guitarist and producer Moogisha has been able to forge his own musical singularity. His influences are John Mayer, Tom Misch and Parcels among other musicians. His debut EP Every Road is a piece which takes inspiration from multiple genres, such as Hip- Hop, Neo-Soul and Jazz.

Jan Ducheyne will shine light again during these dark February days. He is UN PEU de Stadsdichter van Brussel.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:30 Jan Ducheyne

20:00 Moogisha

21:00 Kloot per W
Reserve your space:
paf €10,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 24th of February 2024 *** Boris Boublil: Mù quartet with Csaba Palotaï, Antoine Berjeaut & Sacha Toorop - Alec Boff: Jean Sébastien is Bach - ArtSchoolAlex type sessions ***

For his first ship bearing his name, the keyboard player from the Surnatural Orchestra, Boris Boublil sets sail with a fine crew of friends from all walks of life, following in the footsteps of navigators like Mark Hollis and Nino Rota, in search of a lost continent.

, like Atlantis, is a lost continent, sunk in the ocean, whose existence has not been proven. Mù devised by Boris Boublil, combines acoustic timbres, electric and electronic music. This time with UN PEU quartet formation (Csaba Palotaï, Antoine Berjeaut, Sacha Toorop), Boris Boublil is ready to set sail on the seas of the new world, longing for simple melodies, post-rock colours and intoxicating wordless songs...

Jean-Sébastien is Bach is music.

But not covers or remixes of Bach.

Not reinterpretations or variations of Bach.

Not pots or flowers.

These are songs without puns.

An escape from Alek without Les Japonaises.

In which he sings electronic dramas or still ballads.

It can be anything and everything. But not Bach. Even so.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Type sessions throughout the night. This is not a write off.

19:30 Alec Boff: Jean-Sébastien is Bach

20:30 Boris Boublil: Mù quartet
Reserve your space:
paf €10,-
un peu to eat and drink




A small notice of UN PEU somewhere else - please click on these LIPS 👉


First of all, we wish you an amazing 2024.

This year, we will only be open the last weekend of each month called UN PEU FESTIVAL DE LA FIN DU MOIS.

In January we will start the UN PEU 5 years celebrations. These 5 years also resulted in a new album by Mes Lèvres. Ton style c'est tes lèvres, to be released on the 26th of January. The celebrations continue en famille on the 27th of January. COME WITH US.

agenda Janvier 2024 design by Matthieu Ha.jpg

Friday 26th of January 2024 *** UN PEU 5 YEARS RELEASE "Ton style c'est tes lèvres" by Mes Lèvres - Elevator Music by Yannick Dupont & Christophe Claeys - Tunes by Jordi 3000 ***

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On Friday the 26th of January 2024, Mes Lèvres, formally unknown as van Twolips, will come out with their latest creation, Ton style c'est tes lèvres. A USB opera on a LIPSTICK and in a groove.

We will be joined by Yannick Dupont and Christophe Claeys for some elevator music while celebrating a release and UN PEU 5 years. Mixed with some fine tunes by Jordi 3000, everything from Sun Ra to cosmic disco, from groovy afrofunk tunes to belly-dance tracks, from post-punk to 80's synth-pop gems. And last but not least, Jan Ducheyne will drop some lines.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

18:00 Jordi 3000 and in between as well as after concerts

19:30 Mes Lèvres 1st Act 

20:15 Elevator Music

21:00 Mes Lèvres 2nd Act
Reserve your space:
paf €5,- in support of the artists and UN PEU
un peu to eat and drink
CASH PREFERED -- Mes Lèvres vinyls (€20) and lipstick usb keys (€15) available

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Saturday 27th of January 2024 *** UN PEU 5 YEARS La Fanfare des Minuscuuls (Guillaume Maupin, Florian Guibert, Patrick Clauwaert, Clément Nourry, Catherine Graindorge, Yannick Dupont, Teuk Henri, Matthieu Ha, Cayo) - Jonty Toosey - Walid with Eric Bribosia - special guest Matt Watts with Alice Perez - Antoine Boute & Jeanne Pruvot Simonneaux - COLLE ***


On Saturday 27th of January, we will continue the 5 years celebrations UN PEU. Finally Centre de Beauté Culturelle UN PEU will be written above the door, stuck by COLLE. Matthieu's hand will be all over the wall. As well as analog prints by Cayo of the many artists which past by UN PEU. La Fanfare des Minuscuuls will regroup after almost 3 years of silence. They will play music to which giants dance. We will also have a mini cinema by the one and only Jonty Toosey, who has supported UN PEU with his creative mind over the last few years. Then a local Chicago singer, Walid, accompanied on the piano by Eric Bribosia. And last but not least Matt Watts, not only a suave UN PEU barman but also an amazing musician. And other little surprises.....

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:00 Mini Cinéma de Jonty Toosey

19:30 Walid with Eric Bribosia

20:00 Matt Watts

20:30 La Fanfare des Minuscuuls 
Reserve your space:
paf €5,- in support of the artists and UN PEU
un peu to eat and drink
CASH PREFERED -- Mes Lèvres vinyls (€20) and lipstick usb keys (€15) available


Friday 1st of December *** "I'm not done cooking" with Amèle Metlini, Lúcia Pires, Alejandra Borzyck, Adrien Lambinet, Gaspard Sicx, Matteo Mazzu, Raphaël desmarets, Lara Humbert ***

artwork by Eric Kinny

"I'm not done cooking" by Lara Humbert

Amèle Metlini - violin

Lúcia Pires - flute

Alejandra Borzyck - saxophone

Adrien Lambinet- trombone

Gaspard Sicx - drums

Matteo Mazzu- bass guitar

Raphaël Desmarets- electric guitar

Lara Humbert- piano

« And I am waiting

for linnets and planets to fall like rain

and I am waiting for lovers and weepers

to lie down together again

in a new rebirth of Wonder »

-I AM WAITING, A Coney Island Of The Mind, Lawrence Ferlinghetti-

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Concerts 19:30 Part 1 20:30 Part 2
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 8th of December *** Trinity: Consciousness, Art and Hypostasis by Andrej Thompson - Guillaume Maupin ***

Trinity: Consciousness, Art and Hypostasis is an ensemble from Australian/Slovene saxophonist Andrej Thompson. The ensemble is the product of a residency at Werkplaats Walter in Brussels. The central aim was to transcend the improviser/composer dichotomy and thereby allow the performer to enter a state of heightened consciousness where the ensemble can express a more aggregate understanding of reality. The first body of work is called Virga (recorded in July 2023) and features Andreas Bral on piano, Matthias De Waele on drums and Robert Jukic on double bass. The work focuses on the transitional process of improvising between two sound objects. Here the performer is improvising variations of a composed object whilst simultaneously seeking to slowly introduce a new composed element. Virga is rain that evaporates before reaching the ground; the water undergoes a physical transformation from droplet to vapour. A second album is due for recording called The Universal and The Personal (January 2023.) 

Andrej Thompson saxophone, Andreas Bral piano, Matthias De Waele drums

A capella, with a shruti box or a guitar, Guillaume Maupin is heir to the traditional singers of the French soil and distant cousin of American bluesmen.

In his dynamic, warm-hearted solo concerts, he can conjure up Sun Ra or transform contemporary pop into ageless folk.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Concerts 19:30 Guillaume Maupin 20:30 Andrej Thompson
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 15th of December *** SAGOR exhibition Finissage by Alexandra - Mocke & Nicolas Worms - One Nine Two Nine (Sisse Bro & Manuel Roland) ***

Exhibition SAGOR " Des histoires sur le passé, l'avenir, l'imagination et la nature "

Stories about the past, future, imagination and nature. About the never ending change. About the reuse and carrying on the stories. About the mix in life between the dream and the reality. to be continued… THE ENDlesness by Alexandra

by Stephen Munson

Dominique Depret, aka Mocke, is a guitarist, arranger and composer who has been in the shadows of many of the major projects of the last 20 years, writing and composing for the group Holden in the early 2000s and now forming the duo Midget! with musician Claire Vailler, with whom he began a collaboration with Gavin Bryars and Ensemble 0 in 2022.

We have seen him gradually free himself from any framework to settle in a territory that belongs to him alone.

Straddling the border between experimentation, oblique songs, world sound, contemporary music and improvisation, Mocke composes instrumental pieces built around his guitar like prose poems. His music became orchestral on the album "Parle Grand Canard" (Objet Disque, 2020), unanimously acclaimed on its release.

Whether he is at the helm of his solo albums or collaborating with others (the improviser Delphine Dora, Arlt, Mohamed Lamouri, Silvain Vanot, Chevalrex etc.), he composes musical creations for France Culture - notably 'Apollinaire, Poèmes de la paix et de la guerre' with Philippe Katerine, Bertrand Belin and the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France in 2018, les Fables de la Fontaine with the Orchestre Philharmonique and Emmanuelle Parrenin in 2021 and le poète noir in 2023 with Adama Diop - or film soundtracks - for example Gutland by Govinda Van Maele in 2018 and L'ourse et l'oiseau, an animated film by Marie Gaudry due for release in early 2024 - Mocke's harmonic signature is instantly recognisable.

‘Written by award winning composer, Manuel Roland, the music takes its quiet starting point in songs built around the voice and lyrics, sung with an entrancing, crystalline clarity and softness by Danish born Sisse Bro.’

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Free entry for the exhibition

Concerts 19:30 One Nine Two Nine 20:30 Mocke & Nicolas Worms
Reserve your space:
paf €7,- for the concerts
un peu to eat and drink


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Friday 10th of November 2023 *** Oh No Noh - Small Islands 

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Finding beauty, where one wouldn’t suspect it in the first place. Discovering music, where used to be only sound a moment before. Forming an orchestra out of everyday surroundings, the main thing out of the incidental, the fulfilling momentary situation out of the profane togetherness. All of this is part of the goal, meaning and sense of Oh No Noh, the project of Leipzig based guitarist, robot programmer, magnetic tape crumpler and composer Markus Rom. All of this floats and shines through "Kanzi", the second Oh No Noh album released end of last year.

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Small Islands is a duo comprised of Jürgen Augusteyns (guitar) and João Lobo (drums and percussion). 

Their unique sound is characterized by playful textures, subtle shades, and minimal structures that evoke the style of an impressionist painting. Through spontaneous, improvised pieces, Small Islands create vivid and atmospheric music that leaves plenty of room for the listener's imagination. 

Small Islands’ debut album will be released next year on MOKUHI Sonorities, run by Nicolas Rombouts. 

MOKUHI is a non-profit platform for like-minded artists who approach music primarily as an art form rather than a commercial product. MOKUHI encourages adventurous music-making, emphasizing improvisation and instant composition, as long as storytelling remains at the core.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Concerts 19:30 Small Islands 20:3Oh No Noh
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 11th of November *** Elizabeth Devlin (US) - music for hiccups (Nicola Lancerotti & Chiara Bacci)+ FINISSAGE Exhibition COLLE with DJ Captain Kirk ***

Elizabeth Devlin, combining an enchanting, lilting voice and Autoharp, is a NYC singer-songwriter with avante-garde-folk sensibilities; she defies traditional song structures, weaving small worlds where magic and fantasies collide.

music for hiccups

Chiara Bacci – voice, effects, composition

Nicola Lancerotti – modular synths, electronics, composition

music for hiccups was born in 2021 after a few improvised home sessions between singer Chiara Bacci and modular synthesist Nicola Lancerotti. Because both artists come from the jazz milieu, improvisation is the key around which this whole project revolves. 

The duo aims to take over the thread woven by eminent voice-electronics duos such as those of Richard Scott with Audrey Chen or Sidsel Endresen with Stian Westerhus, and through that to go in the direction of a musical body of organic and malleable character, interactive and lively. In more recent developments, they are now exploring the realm of quadraphonic/multiphonic spatialized sound, which adds a layer of complexity both in the improvising process and the sonic result. They have recently released “settembre” for Italian tape label tsss tapes.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

FINISSAGE COLLE plus ambience music by DJ Captain Kirk

Concerts 19:30 music for hiccups 20:30 Elizabeth Devlin
Reserve your space:
un peu to eat and drink


Friday 17th of November *** SAGOR exhibition opening by Alexandra - BERENGER 2000 - Marco Carboni & Marco Giongrandi ***


Exhibition SAGOR " Des histoires sur le passé, l'avenir, l'imagination et la nature "

Stories about the past, future, imagination and nature. About the never ending change. About the reuse and carrying on the stories. About the mix in life between the dream and the reality. to be continued… THE ENDlesness by Alexandra


Crooning singer in an electric chair
Grab on to the tough merry-go-round.

By Berenger 2000

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"Marco Carboni is a guitarist and singer-songwriter based in Milan. After graduating in jazz guitar he formed contemporary jazz quintet I Am a Fish. He now has two records under his belt, as well as several concerts performed all over Italy. At the same time, Marco has been developing his passion for indie-folk music; Blake Mills, Sufjan Stevens, Adrienne Lenker among others inspired him for his new solo project that he is now taking on tour in Europe. On stage with his longtime friend and wonderful musician Marco Giongrandi, Marco tells his story in the most intimate and delicate way."

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Free entry for the exhibition

Concerts 19:30 Marco Carboni featuring Marco Giongrandi 20:30 Berenger 2000
Reserve your space:
paf €7,- for the concerts
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 24th of November *** Ivan Tirtiaux quartet - Grégoire Tirtiaux solo ***


Between parables and short stories, Brussels-born Ivan Tirtiaux sings about nature and ordinary struggles. Surrounded by his long-time acolytes Raphaël Dumas (mandolins, guitars), Mathieu Verkaeren (double bass) and drummer Yves Peeters, a newcomer to the project, he returns to UN PEU in a 4-piece format to PERFORM the material for his next album. Songs in French that draw on the sources of folk, tropicalism, fado and jazz. Lyrics that say a lot with almost nothing. The lyrics are about Lisbon, gold diggers, Julian Assange, caged birds and free animals.


Brother Grégoire Tirtiaux will add some bass with his trusty baritone sax.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Concerts 19:30 Grégoire Tirtiaux solo 20:30 Ivan Tirtiaux Quartet
Reserve your space:
paf €7,- for the concerts
un peu to eat and drink


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Friday 6th of October *** Julien Tassin & Nico Chkifi - Jean-Philippe Feiss ***

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By Roger Vantilt

New explosive duet with the super active guitarist Julien Tassin who here enters in resonance with versatile drummer Nico Chkifi to explore new territories. Musical dialogues made of colors and chaotic sounds in the service of a music at the border of jazz, free improv rock, experimental, soundscape and noise


Jean-Philippe Feiss will play another suite from Bach. This time his son will join him.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Concerts 19:30 Jean-Philippe Feiss 20:3Julien Tassin & Nico Chkifi
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 13th of October *** GRAVAS (Aurélie Gravas, Françoise Vidick & Marc A. Huyghens) - Exhibition COLLE (Kalman & Geldhof) with DJ Captain Kirk ***


In 2022, Brussels saw the birth of GRAVAS, a trio led by Aurélie Gravas (La Femme d'Ali), Françoise Vidick (Zap Mama, dEUS,
BJ Scott, Joy) and
Marc A. Huyghens (Venus, Joy). That same year, the gave their first concert in their home town at the Festival
Francofaune and began recording their debut album. Using minimalist arrangements, sometimes stripped down to the bone, GRAVAS blends velvety vocals with hallucinogenic lyrics, taking us on a musical and pictorial acid trip.

Aurélie Gravas: vocals, guitar
Françoise Vidick: vocals, percussion
Marc A. Huyghens: guitar


Exhibition COLLE with background music bij DJ Captain KIRK

COLLE = when the intersection of a graphic designer and a music lover turns into collages on vinyl with a sound of music

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Exhibition plus ambience in the gallery

Concert 20:3GRAVAS
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 14th of October *** FRANCOFAUNE Concerts de sortie d'album: Semi-marathon de Manu Louis ***

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Semi-marathon / concert de sortie d’album de Manu Louis
Pour les fans de Stromae, Iannis Xenakis et d’Internet

“Plus coloré qu’un licorne vomissant un arc-en-ciel », dixit Gonzai. Pas facile de trouver un profil comme celui de Manu Louis. Né en Belgique, basé à Berlin, il a étudié la composition avec l’immense compositeur Frédéric Rzewski, la musique électronique sur internet et la dance pendant ses concerts. Chanteur passionné, agitateur de boutons, il joue aussi de la guitare avec une sensibilité punk-jazz tout à fait personnelle. Pour la sortie de son nouveau disque Club Copy, Manu jouera en trois sets l’intégralité de ses trois albums. Un marathon dont lui seul a le secret!
Concerts à 19h, 20h et 21h

paf €9,-


Tickets sur place ou

Friday 20th of October *** Jim White featuring Nicolas Rombouts & Geert Hellings - Matt Watts ***


JIM WHITE: Misfit's Jubilee
Jim White draws his inspiration from years of globetrotting, where he has had side jobs had from taxi driver in New York, boxer, minister, photographer, pro surfer to fashion model in Milan and Amsterdam. In 2003, he broke through with the about him made road movie "Searching for the Wrong Eyed Jesus". Here, he is followed on his tours of the Southern States, where he meets musical companions such as 16 Horsepower, the Handsome Family and Johnny Dowd, who are also like White, are inspired by the culture of the South. Jim White is a respected name in today's alternative country and roots music scene. He was discovered in the late 1990s by David Byrne, lead singer of the legendary group Talking Heads, and signed to his label Luaka Bop. For his records, White already worked with big names like Joe Henry, Bill Frisell, Morcheeba, and Aimee Mann.

The South is the cradle of virtually all American music, a vessel of fascinating contradictions and a relentless source of inspiration for countless musicians and writers. Jim White is sometimes called "The king of country noir" called. He makes dreamy and dark songs in which folk, country, Americana, bluegrass and pop in a haunting way. A attempt to unravel the secrets of the US South, while at the same time dealing with deal with his own demons. Or, as White himself puts it, "trying to put the
golden tooth in God's false grin.' His latest album is Waffles, Triangles & Jesus with which Jim could count on a lot of attention, resulting in a lot of hotly anticipated shows at a number of
top venues.

Jim's most recent album, Misfit's Jubilee, was released in October 2020. Music label Loose Music described the release as "Quickly becoming recognised as his most intriguing and unruly album to date ... a scrapbook of ideas, images, colours and sounds gathered over White's illustrious career, bound together to form his latest studio album."

Jim White plays in a trio line-up with Geert Hellings on guitar and Nicolas Rombouts on bass.


Matt Watts is an American songwriter and performer residing now in Brussels. His solo project has since become a collective of various artists. He'll be joined by Kris Dane on guitar and vocals.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Concerts 19:30 Matt Watts 20:30 Jim White
Reserve your space:
paf €10,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 21st of October *** KNOBIL - Langer ***


KNOBIL is a chanson and vocal jazz project created by Louise Knobil, a double bass player, singer and composer from Lausanne. Influenced by Esperanza Spalding, Charles Mingus and Oscar Pettiford, she uses her double bass and her voice to offer you original compositions with an aesthetic somewhere between chanson, post-bop and glittering jazz. Lulled by the songs of Joni Mitchell, Ella Fitzgerald and Kadhja Bonet, Louise also gives pride of place to her singing and the stories she tells. She will be accompanied by her faithful knodisciple: Chloé on bass clarinet.

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With 1300€ cash savings in a PVC tube under the driver's seat, Langer ditched his factory day job and drove to Brussels with the car he lived in. He published his first EP ‘Floodmark’, a raw Indie-Folk odyssey written in a cabin without running water or electricity for 6 months. This year, Langer was a finalist out of 300 artists in Odezenne's 2023 'GRAND PRIX' music contest. Applied to with 2 songs from his self-produced album 'The Waves Are Our Goodbyes'. An eclectic 10-minute roller coaster written from scratch in 24 hours. People compare his music to Jeff Buckley, Joni Mitchell and Ben Howard.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Concerts 19:30 Langer 20:3KNOBIL
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 27th of October *** Isabelle Sainte-Rose - Lukas De Clerck ***

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picture by Cha!

Isabelle Sainte-Rose is a musician, composer and sound artist. It is always a sensitive listening that guides her creations, which use different media: cello, voice, objects, field recording, sound and visual installations, radio documentary. She takes inspiration from places that she finds wonderful and creates music to share these sensations with you. Today, she'll play the cello: “Collines” is inspired by the landscapes of Gaumes and “Racines”, by the Forêt de Soignes. Isabelle takes you on a crossing through soundscapes, a sensory journey that is at once powerful, fine and moving.

Lukas De Clerck lives and works in Brussels.
His artistic practice is currently centered around the Aulos,
an ancient-Greek double reeded double pipe that got extinct more than a millennium ago.
Inevitably auto-didact, he tries to imagine different improvised sound worlds.
Solo as Bloedneus & de Snuitkever and in the duo Ï Î, together with Victor Guaita Igual (Viola).
Furthermore, he likes to work with recognizable, almost everyday sound production. By putting actions like gargling, whistling and sneezing in an artistic context, a connection is made between the audience and its environment.
Throughout De Clerck's work, a tension between the extra- and the ordinary prevails.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Concerts 19:30 Lukas De Clerck 20:30 Isabelle Sainte-Rose
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink


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Friday 1st of September *** BÀÀN - JAMES P HONEY (UK) ***


Bààn is a Belgian instrumental duo "initiated in Brussels in 2016 by Pascal N. Paulus (keyboards) and Jean-Philippe De Gheest (drums). They knit ambient, psych, jazz and rock into an intoxicating musical blanket that gently wraps around you and slowly lets you drift to a different universe." And they are back for a second time at UN PEU. Don't miss them.


James P honey writes songs on the edge of his bed dressed in his underwear and then puts clothes on to sing them on stage. simple songs for complicated times.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

Concerts 19:30 James P Honey 20:30 BÀÀN
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 8th of September *** Noah Kite (US) - Frédéric Samier ***


The son of an acting coach and a therapist, Kite seems to have it in his DNA to blend the dramatic and analytic. Each musical wave crest and fall mirrors a turn in the story. Instruments rest for minutes before suddenly emerging. Emotions and motifs sustain and then drop into oblivion. The tone switches suddenly from accusation to epiphany. It is the sound of someone going through it.
Alongside the the musical tumult, the steady voice of Kite never loses his cool despite the searing intimacy of the song's content. He thoughtfully guides us through the story of his relationship, in as well as struggles with friends, substances, sex and codependency. He has been clearly affected by the proceedings, but is determined to stare into them without blinking.

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1. État de quelqu'un qui est frappé par quelque chose d'inattendu: Cette révélation causa une surprise générale. 2. Événement inattendu : Tout s'est déroulé sans surprise.


Origine, fondement, principe de quelque chose, ce sur quoi tout repose (souvent pluriel) : Établir les bases d'un accord.

Surprise de base

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:30 Surprise de base 20:30 Noah Kite
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 15th of September *** Minotaure (Karim Gharbi & Clément Nourry) - MÛ (Yann Lecollaire, Eric Bribosia & Quentin Manfroy) ***

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"In Minotaure, Karim Gharbi (voice and keyboard) and Clément Nourry (guitar and pedalboard) lovingly ransack their long years of musical complicity and indulge in a sonic redeployment. May contain traces of Cher, Tuxedomoon, Ligeti, Don Cherry"


MU, in chamber music format, plays delicate, intimate music with undefined contours.
MU is inspired by improvisation, Ars nova writing processes, the musical accidental, permutations of all kinds and sound perception in general.
MU expires in a series of musical pieces revealing their shapes and colours. Beautiful, mystical and sensitive, these pieces passionately explore the systems of variation of a material and the ramifications that make up the unity of the work. The balance struck between the rigour of the written passages and the elusive improvisations gives rise to a lyrical and hypnotic work of astonishing clarity.
MU will be playing its most beautiful melodies.

Eric Bribosia: piano, keyboards  
Quentin Manfroy: bass flute
Yann Lecollaire: bass clarinet

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:30 Mû 20:30 Minotaure
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 22nd of September *** Werend Alleen - Yadayn - Sam Kogon ***

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Werend Van Den Bossche (Dishwasher_, The Green Mean Machine, Eleanor ...) ventures into his solo project, "Werend Alleen." Embracing a myriad of influences from baroque to jazz, he delves into mystical realms. In this research, Werend unravels the secrets of saxophone acoustics while integrating electronic elements. With a passion for the ethereal, through experiment and improvisation he conjures a fusion that tries to transcends the ordinary.


Yadayn is a solo project of Brussels-based guitarist Gowaart Van Den Bossche (Kassei, Zura Zaj). Since 2014 he has released several albums and EPs with labels such as Navalorama, Eilean, Lost Tribe Sound and Gazer Tapes.


Sam Kogon describes his new approach as that of an “Upstate country rockabilly crooner,” a sound he had once put off while playing in Brooklyn’s psychedelic scene. Kogon lived and played in New York for several years, but nowadays lives in Westchester and spends more time in LA. He has always skewed a little older in his sensibilities, from an early affinity for Chopin and the Beatles to the session work he’s done with Al Jardine of The Beach Boys, fronting the 1960’s revived baroque pop group The Left Banke (“Walk Away Renee”), and songwriting with Grammy Award nominee Patty Smyth. He has recorded two albums of psych-adjacent power pop, including 2016’s standout Psychic Tears (Beyond Beyond is Beyond), which was co-produced by Kogon and Sam Owens (aka Sam Evian) and features a duet with Frankie Cosmos on the track “I Was Always Talking.” His latest self-titled EP (2022) was produced by Kurt Vile and Dinosaur Jr. producer, John Agnello.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:00 Sam Kogon 20:00 Yadayn 21:00 Werend Alleen
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 23rd of September *** Mostly Interrupted label presents vlerk, bontridders plays Félicette & kamerkaai ***

vlerk is Achiel de Vlerk's (brorlab, Milk TV, MOAR) constantly evolving solo project. Acoustic guitars, drone synths and vocal harmonies weave an uncertain net of nostalgia and melancholy, leaving ample room for playfulness and sound experimentation. The approaching album "I Took My Shirt Off in the Yard" sounds like a musical hybrid of acts such as the Microphones, Low and Talk Talk.

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Félicette is a project I started in 2023. It's focused around sound experiments and connecting nostalgia to certain acousmatic sounds and the special sonorous quality of outdated or corrupted digital audio. Intimacy, ambient songs, small chants about felines and other friend

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Streepland is located on the motorway between Antwerp and Rotterdam just across the border somewhere.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:00 Kamerkaai 20:00 bontridders plays Félicette 21:00 vlerk
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 29th of September *** La Fête de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles with Limite - Julien Gasc - Mes Lèvres ***


Sinking stories, in life and dreams...
Crafted and abrasive post rock songs to move you in every direction!

Kobe Dupont (vocals, guitar) . Benjamin Sauzereau (guitar, vocals)
Camille-Alban Spreng (synths) . Jordi Cassagne (bass) . Théo Lanau (drums)  

Julien Gasc returns with Léopold Collard on piano. Re Eff matured

Mes Lèvres is recording at Studio de la Pierre Vive at the very moment this is written. They will present their latest creations which will be on record soon.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:00 Mes Lèvres 20:00 Julien Gasc 21:00 Limite
un peu to eat and drink (CASH ONLY!!)

avec le soutien du Gouvernement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et Court-Circuit

JULY 2023 objets trouvés

"- sous les pavés il y a la plage où tu as perdu ton objet - quand d'autres se retrouvent..." Matthieu Ha

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Saturday 1st of July *** ECHAFAUDAGES olé - Patrick Honoré ***

"A Celebration of the Work in Progress and the Decline of It",





                  ECHAFAUDAGES olé

UN PEU tapdans and broadway in Brussels by Patrick Honoré
Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:30 Patrick Honoré 20:30 ECHAFAUDAGES olé
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 7th of July  *** Santé Loisirs presents Calvin Grad (US) & Leo Hardman-Hill (US) & Liouba Frydman ***

Calvin Grad (b. 1991) is a musician from Park Slope. He is a member of Big French, Turbo World, and Colugo Solution. He is formerly of Salt People, Close Body Talent, and Hostages Beware. He has released two albums of his own material. He also teaches music. Thank you for being interested!

Leo Hardman-Hill is a composer, multi-instrumentalist and theater-maker from New York City. He has performed at various venues and festivals around New York including The Stone, MoMA PS1, Miriam Gallery, and The Flea Theater. He's played in a variety of bands, including Salt People, Listening Woman, and Your Next Pie, and composed several film scores, including Waiter Movie, an upcoming film by Edy Modica (Jury Duty). You can find some of his work at

On July 7th a band made up for the occasion will play sections of his theater piece Jason Rhymer

Liouba Frydman, 23yo, is a french and fresh composer, he started making music officially 1 year ago, passionate by mixing genres. On July 7th you will see him in his personal piano universe (he is also a songwriter, pop singer and musical illustrator). His compositions can be described as a mix of classical and contemporary inward piano.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:00 Liouba Frydman 20:00 Leo Hardman-Hill 21:00 Calvin Grad
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 8th of July *** Ottla (Bert Dockx, Thomas Jillings, Louis Evrard, Gerben Brys) Full Night ***

You might know Bert Dockx from the inimitable alternative jazz-rock-trio Dans Dans; or from his moody, psychedelic rock formation Flying Horseman; or from his more intimate but equally special solo records. In 2019, the ever productive guitarist released an album with Ottla, a jazzy sextet blending different genres, textures and moods in wholly original ways, resulting in long, evocative pieces, brooding with tension and atmosphere. Recently, the band has transformed into a quartet, a tighter unit with a sparser and slightly more electric sound. This new Ottla is playing a mixture of reimagined tracks from the aforementioned album, and several brand new pieces. Ottla’s music - like all music for which Dockx is responsible - is imaginative, intense and deeply felt.


Bert Dockx - Guitar

Thomas Jillings – Tenor Sax, Clarinet

Louis Evrard – Drums, Percussion

Gerben Brys - Bass

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Ottla
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 14th of July *** Mes Lèvres Béry dira Duray "Jamais Trop Toujours Plus"

Eric Jacques et Céline Cétout traque " LE TEMPS QUI TABASSE ". Sortie du C.D.
Texte de présentation du C.D. (initiales identiques) de Christian Duray

Céline Cétout parle le Possible - Impossible, souffle antidote de l'ennui respiratoire, une famille recompostée, Champignon Atomique - Papillon Furtif, les " j'ai mangé avec " assis en face " des mains qui me nourrissent ". L'oncologie du désespoir revisitée sous l'ombrelle du Tambour-Major. Au " Bidouillage électronique " ( c'est Lui qui insiste sur l'expression ) RenéDesFlammes alias Eric Jacques, vaporisateur sonore, une des cordes de son Arc-en-Ciel, une couche dans son berceau. Eric Jacques et Céline Cétout présenteront leur C.D. " LE TEMPS QUI TABASSE ".

Les Lèvres Béry dira Duray. Encordées, 2 générations d'alpinistes en dévers, intermittents de l'horizon et du sommet, des Faces Invisibles de Dos Voûtés. Matthieu Ha - Cayo, Pétales circulaires Emetteur - Récepteure de Beautés, Lula Béry, Lampe frontale conductrice, colmateront les " Ne faites plus d'enfants, faites des abeilles " du Gueux Duray de Haute Tension. Extraits de l'autobiographique - Jamais Trop Toujours Plus - . Matthieu Ha: Contre-alto, accordéons, claviers, pois de senteur. Cayo: Electric guitar, murmures, Régie des sentiments. Lula Béry: Scène, voix, parle couramment l'Albatros dans des endroits amphibies. Christian Duray: un peu ...

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Les Lèvres Béry dira Duray 20:30 Le temps qui tabasse
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 15th of July *** Lauro, Vanderstraeten, Van Isacker, Haenen, Stokart - Léonard Steyaert ***

Lauro/Vanderstraeten/Van Isacker/Haenen/Stokart

On this ensemble Quentin Stokart put together various formations that appear on his label qeerecords. The main goal was to have a stereo effect with two guitars, Quentin and Sylvain Haenen and two saxophones, Audrey Lauro and Frans Van Isacker. Adding the drummer Kris Vanderstraeten was an obvious choice for sonic reasons. The end result is an ‘improvised music’ focusing mainly on sounds and textures.

"Complex rhythms, organic synthesizers, warm guitars and a celestial voice: these are the ingredients of Léonard Steyaert’s music that collide into an enchanting electronic whirlpool. As a classically trained musician and modular synthesizer developer, Steyaert pours his sound experiments into intimate songs. Sometimes threatening, sometimes explosive, yet ever-alluring. Léonard Steyaert currently works as a programmer/developer for Shakmat Modular and is a resident artist at Volta Brussels in 2021-2022."

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:30 Léonard Steyaert 20:30 Lauro/Vanderstraeten/Van Isacker/Haenen/Stokart
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 21st of July *** Stump - Lenny Pistol ***

Stump! (formerly Tezeta) is a young indie-post-punk psychedelic band based in Brussels. The five friends/musicians shape their sound by drawing from influences such as krautrock, pop, shoegaze, and electronic music. The result is a combination of binary rhythms, psychedelic synthesizers, and distorted guitars, all led by their unique voices constantly searching for catchy melodies.


Lenny Pistol is the name of non-essentialist music composer and performer Léonard Thiébaut. The musician took a short break from his solo project to join the group Gut Model and arrange the music for Anemone and ATM Sniper victim. This summer, Leonard intends to release some new music and return to play some curious solo numbers. Expect a few songs from his 2022 album Satellite Appetite, which wasn't improvised, and some new songs improvised with loops, pedals and metallic clicks.

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:30 Lenny Pistol 20:30 Stump!
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

END OF SEASON / found it!

Saturday 22nd of July *** Opening Rita Braga: Exhibition + concert ***

Mes Lèvres will kiss you goodbye to finish the season


"First ever solo exhibition by Rita Braga aka Super Braguita from Portugal, comprised of drawings that take influence from the permacultural music scene in Brussels and its lively personalities. Rita will perform an acoustic set, singing with ukulele. 

With the support of Culture Moves Europe mobility grant."

Doors 18:00-22:00


Concert 19:30 Mes Lèvres 20:30 Rita Braga
Reserve your space:
un peu to eat and drink

JUNE 2023

Friday 2nd of June *** Suura - Anton Lambert ***

Suura is an instrumental band that floats in the elasticity between fluctuating spaces and granular outlooks. Bringing forth layered structures in which the observer indulges itself in profound, lush, endlessness meandering streams. Think of ambient folk, drone, texture and sound improvisation.
They will present work from their latest album 'Stuve', released on bwaa. records.

Suura is:
Benjamin Hermans - Reeds
Stan Maris - Accordion
Nicolas Van Belle - Guitar, Bouzouki, fx
Emanuel Van Mieghem - Double Bass

Anton Lambert: Brussels based double bass player and electronic music composer. He records, collects and archives all sorts of sounds which he moulds and modifies; ranging from pure field recordings to heavily granulated and deconstructed textures. For his solo set, Anton performs with his double bass and a live electronics setup in which noise-based algorithms let the input of the acoustic bass trigger and interact with his sonic archive, the hardware and effects. Combined with improvisation, he recomposes his source material in an almost Schaeffer-esque way.

Doors 18:00 - 22:00

19:30 Anton Lambert 20:30 Suura
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 16th of June  *** Antonin Leymarie - Duo 'Au Plecat' ***

Antonin Leymarie expresses himself through music, working in particular on the resonance and impact of objects in his "Hyperactive Leslie" project. The intention is always linked to a gesture that will create a unique and random sound. These different sounds are captured and then 'processed' with various effects (delay, reverb) to augment the acoustic sound and create a composition combining acoustic and electronic music.

This duo will take you along the Balkan route that runs through Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. A journey these two enthusiasts have made on several occasions to fully immerse themselves in the musical culture of these countries. On the saxophone, Grégoire performs melodies that can be swirling, gentle or energetic. In this, he is accompanied by Anaïs on the guitar with rich and moving harmonies. Grégoire Tirtiaux (saxophone), Anaïs Moffarts (electric guitar)
Doors 18:00-22:00

19:30 Duo "Au Plecat" 20:30 Antonin Leymarie
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 23rd of June *** LLIAN (Florian Guibert & Nicola Lancerotti) - Whoman ***

About LLian (Florian Guibert & Nicola Lancerotti) : "Right after dusk and just before dawn, when light and darkness share a moment together, real and otherworldly sounds creep in and delight our ears, unsettling or soothing, like dewdrops and frost, like stepping on fortune cookies”

For UN PEU, Whoman will play their acoustic-for-the-mountains set. 

Their original repertoire is rearranged for 3 voices and 3 guitars : mandoline, guitar and bass. They could be called TTVTGT : "The Three Voices and Three Guitars Trio".

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Whoman, 20:30 Llian
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 24th of June *** Santé Loisirs presents Eamon Fogarty (Austin, TX) - Alice Perez (& Eric Kinny) ***

Eamon Fogarty is a composer, songwriter, singer, multi-instrumentalist and audio archivist who was born in the state of New Hampshire. Aquarium Drunkard described his 2019 record Blue Values as "a remarkable piece of art-pop, exhibiting the low slung ease of Tim Buckley’s jazz-rock, the shambolic grace of Beck, the progressive grandeur of Scott Walker, and the mystic yearning of Talk Talk." He has written for, recorded, and performed in a broad range of capacities and contexts, including numerous folk and rock bands, (Alex Dupree, Psychic Temple, Matt Kivel) choral groups, free improvisatory ensembles, puppet theater productions, and even a surf video or two.

Alice Perez, a gifted singer-songwriter living in Brussels, currently working on her first album. Her voice is crystal clear and her style is reminiscent of artists like Connie Converse or Tiny Tim. She is joined live on the pedal steel by Eric Kinny.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Alice Perez 20:30 Eamon Fogarty
Reserve your space:
paf €7,- Exceptionally cheap!
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 30th of June *** Ocean Eddie - du raifort dans mon ciboire ***

Ocean Eddie: when circular currents coexist within larger ocean movements, they are sometimes referred to as eddies. Equal bodies competing for limited space and impact.
The overlap­ping functions and timbres of this line-up (
Stan Maris - accordion, Viktor Perdieus - sax, Andreas Bral - piano & harmonium) evoke a similar phenomenon. Usually every player can play every part, which leads to improvi­sa­tions in which orches­tra­tion is central. Modular composi­tions and pieces that start from a central motif are the starting points. From here, the redistri­bu­tion of impulse, sound and silence begins again and again. This creates an interac­tion that can be both playful, tireless and slightly competi­tive.

du raifort dans mon ciboire is :

wind and strings, electrons and water, brigitte fontaine with a colander, apnoea in a bowl of chicory

it is not: an octopus swallowed sideways, a cat on a burning roof, three stools in a row

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:30 du raifort dans mon ciboire, 20:30 Ocean Eddie
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

MAY 2023

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Saturday 6th of May *** Boris Boublil : Mù (Sacha Toorop, Robin Fincker, Csaba Palotaï, Morgane Carnet, Theo Girard, Boris Boublil, Antoine Berjeaut & Jesse D Vernon) ***

Theproject was born from the desire to create an orchestra of instrumental post-rock, letting the listener navigate on simple and intoxicating melodies, electric and acoustic colors, songs without text, which leave room for reflection and imagination; and whose compositions may be inspired by both Mark Hollis and Nino Rota.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music from 20:00
RESERVE your space
paf €15,- there is a lot of them...
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 12th of May *** Phoenician Drive - Juan Torres & Joaquín Bermúdez - Leporello ***


Phoenician Drive is a sextet formed in Brussels in 2016, a mix of rock and traditional music where the oud, derbuka, and other percussions confront distortions and pop sounds. In the footsteps of previous East-West musical blendings from the 70s such as Erkin Koray or Orient Express and under the influence of the German kraut-rock scene (Neu!, Can, Faust, ...).

Zahumerio: Juan Torres & Joaquín Bermúdez (Flamenco). Zahumerio is a project of variable geometry that was born from the meeting of several artists between Brussels, Berlin and Spain. The group was created as a parallel project of its members. One could say that Zahumerio is a Flamenco collective without borders. This time we can count on the presence of Juan Torres, cantaor with old and deep resonances coming out of his throat and Joaquín Bermúdez, guitarist raised by the tradition of guitarists from Málaga like Paco Antequera and Pedro Escalona.


Photo by Matthieu Peyraud

Leporello is the solo project of Brussels singer-guitarist Valérian Meunier (Moaning Cities, Phoenician Drive). Leporello is a collection of folk-rock songs, a potpourri of experience and phantasmagoria, stained glass and grey skies, love and beer. Given birth in a Norman attic during the first lockdown and then left fallow, Leporello comes out of the closet, open book.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:00 Leporello, 20:00 Juan Torres & Joaquín Bermúdez 21:00 Phoenician Drive
Reserve your space:
paf €10,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 19th of May *** Nima - Little Musgrave ***

NIMA brings together saxophone player Mathieu Robert and drummer Nicolas Chkifi. Both of them are composers and improvisers.
Together they create music that transcends the genres with simplicity, purity and a warm acoustic sound. 

The music that Joey Wright makes as Little Musgrave pulls at the threads of the ballad tradition until it starts to come apart at the seams. Though the ghosts of a more conventional troubadour style can be discerned here, Wright’s highly original songs take in everything from speaker-blowing industrial electronics to the avant songcraft of artists like Scott Walker, Xiu Xiu and Einstürzende Neubauten. On ‘Matches’, Little Musgrave’s debut LP, Wright yokes his disparate influences together into one of the most brilliantly unusual takes on the singer-songwriter form you will hear for some time.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Little Musgrave, 20:30 Nima
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Supported by Court-Circuit

Saturday 20th of May *** schntzl - Mika Mayonnaise ***

Hendrik Lasure - piano, keyboards, sampler
Casper Van De Velde - drums, percussion, sampler

schntzl is a Belgian duo that creates hyper visual music, provocative but kind. Their music can be heard as pop music of a parallel universe, a teardown of established values but with a taste for kitsch. Accompanied by their percussion, samplers, keyboards and drums they function as a fail-safe orchestra of two people, dancing and orbiting around each other. On 20/05 they will present their new album called Holiday as a pre-release concert.

(the schntzl foto is (c) Thor Salden)

Having debuted with poxcat in 2017, Mika Mayonnaise has gone on to play at festivals such as Dour and Horst. Her mixes combine soft and hard styles ranging from ambient to acid, and sometimes include themes like her latest: taking a bath. She carefully handpicks every track in her mixes to make sure they blend into the commonality of melody, which you will notice when you hear her at Kiosk Radio where she is a resident DJ.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 SCHNTZL 20:30 Mika Mayonnaise
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 26th of May *** ZAÄAR - Dièze ***

"ZAÄAR is a Belgian collective born from a rib of NEPTUNIAN MAXIMALISM, the cosmic free-jazz orchestra that in the last two years catalyzed the attention of those in love with psychedelic music, experimental drone doom and space ambient. “Magická Džungl’a” is ZAÄAR’s monumental manifesto, as amazing and ambitious in scope as was NEPTUNIAN MAXIMALISM’s “Éons”.

Moving along the same sonic coordinates of that illustrious predecessor, however ZAÄAR's debut double album is a quite different electric beast. Featuring singer/multi- instrumentalist Guillaume CZLT (also active in ÔROS KAÙ and SOL KIA), saxophonist- extraordinaire Jean Jacques Duerinckx, the explosive rhythmic section of Sébastien Schmit (K-Branding) and Hugues Philippe Desrosiers, and Didié Nietzch's visionary synths, ZAÄAR drink deep from the same inspirational well to open our third eye on majestic horizons of psychedelic beauty, but their approach is more instinctual, cruder, more primitive. Their psychedelic free-jazz soaked in droning ambient melodies awakes and stimulates ancient and forgotten senses, laying dormant since when humanity has been projected into the greyness of an industrialized reality, bringing the listener back to a time when everything was new and exciting and dangerous.

ZAÄAR is more than a band: it’s the reconquest of our savage side; the terrifying and primeval roar of a mind ravaged by magic drugs; the lush sounds of a soul swimming in the primordial broth, savoring again an existence full of marvels and hazards. Welcome to the jungle!"

I, Voidhanger Records.

Dièze equals rhythmic, melodic and textural explorations, improvisation

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:30 Dièze, 20:30 ZAÄAR
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

with the support of Court-Circuit

Saturday 27th of May *** Degurutieni + Le george Orchestra ***


Alco Degurutieni was born in the Nishinari Ghetto’s of Osaka in the end 60’s (Alco Degurutieni: that time in the 1970s was a rough time for everybody once a month riots in the streets red lights of prostitution parlours and yakuza “mafia” were familiar to us every day. These memories of youthful chaos have been a catalyst for my Peter Pan Syndrome since then) Degurutieni creates harmony through juxtaposition, extracting melody from chaos and decadence from junk. At 13 he got his first boombox and became the best customer at his local rental record shop, working his way through all genres from the Beach Boys to Black Sabbath. From 16 he began to create his own songs using the only things he had access to; junk, altered children's toys, and a beat up right tape recorder. All of these still play an important role in his music production today.

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A collectif from Brussels! They make Noise, music, films and sometimes everything at the same time during George Nights or George Invites

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Le George 20:30 Degurutieni
Reserve your space:
paf €10,-
un peu to eat and drink

APRIL 2023

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Saturday 1st of April *** Akira Sakata ENTASIS ceremonial live - Cayo's solo for Matthieu Ha's 50th ***

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Entasis is an international quartet composed of Akira Sakata, Giovanni Di Domenico, Giotis Damianidis and Aleksandar Škorić who is replacing our lovely colleague Christos Yermenoglou who passed away in January 2022. This group released their first record, Hōryū-ji, in May 2019. Hōryū-ji, or " Temple of Thriving Law Learning '' is one of the seven most powerful large Buddhist temples in Japan. Hōryū-ji has Entasis, which in architecture is the application of a convex curve to a surface for aesthetic purposes. It also has an engineering function in terms of strength, a key word in this collaboration that brought together Sakata, Škorić, Di Domenico and Damianidis.

Photo by Davide Belotti

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30 special birthday concert by Cayo 20:30 Akira Sakata ENTASIS
RESERVE your space:
paf €15,- Exceptionally....
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 7th of April *** Popdragon ***


P𝗼𝗽𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗻 is the new band from the creators of Applause, la fanfare du Belgistan and de Orange Kazoo. Hypnotic rhythms where kraut drums and oriental percussion swirl around saturated electric bass. Echoing guitar backing vocals. Saxophones transformed by electronic effects. A deluge of baritone saxophone.

Five musicians all in electric trance and organic dances.

𝗠𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝗥𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 - Guitar

𝗝é𝗿é𝗺𝗶𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘆 - drums

𝗘𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝗟𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮𝘂𝘅 - Bass

𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗼 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘇𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 - Percussion

𝗚𝗿é𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗧𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗮𝘂𝘅 - Saxophones, FX

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Surprise, 20:30 PopDragon
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 14th of April *** Grey Lodge - Mathieu Sylvestre ***

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Grey Lodge is like a Friday night feel good movie gone wrong: simple, happy melodies that end up dismembered with saturated guitars and dissident vocals.


By his musical approach Mathieu Sylvestre explores the strains between natural soundscapes and artificial/electronic sound sources. The main focus is to merge antinomic sounds and push in boundaries using atypical treatments in field recordings with modular synthesizers with tapes or loopers. The importance of precise details along waves of harsh frequencies bring a physical and appealing magnitude in the process.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Mathieu Sylvestre, 20:30 Grey Lodge
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Supported by Court-Circuit

Friday 21th of April *** Matthieu C Vergez - Galatée ***

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Matthieu C.Vergez's concerts oscillate delicately between poetry, noise and minimalism. In a experimental approach, with the help of an electric guitar, circular saws or tapes, he creates an assembly of scenes of sober, remanent sounds. The inclusive and intimate text is like a sensitive link. A suspension or a set of sharp movements, recitative and this tenuous, almost unspeakable thread; gentle violence.

"One only inhabits the place one leaves, one only creates the work from which one detaches oneself, one only obtains duration by by destroying time.

The duty (...) is, during the truce of the seasons and the siesta of the happy, to produce an Art with the help of the clouds, an Art that comes from pain and leads to pain."

René Char -In thirty-three pieces-

Galatée is a symptom. And praise and flippancy

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Galatée 20:30 Matthieu C.Vergez
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 28th of April *** Molto Morbidi - The Swim ***

© Bénédicte Dacquin

Following a well-received debut as part of the band Shadow Motel (Cranes Records), the singer and keyboardist takes her first solo step as molto morbidi and colours a most intimate first EP “I Don’t Know What I’m Doing” from her bedroom turned low- fi lab. With limits out of the way, a unique magic is free to operate. Honey-dipped melodies meet primitive drum machines, and the result is a series of pure pop vignettes with exotic and dreamy accents, at the crossroads of post punk and synthwave.This new EP “Expiration Date” follows along this lineage of experimentation with a bolder and more modern production. The ever-graceful vocals, now all the more stirring, support the unforeseen turns taken by an atypical composition. Once again, Carl Saff (Moor Mother, Purple Mountains, Thee Oh Sees) lends his irreproachable hand to the mastering. Unabashedly, the overall sound calls up the best of Young Marble Giants, Broadcast, or more recently, Cate le Bon.

The Swim is a three piece band from Brussels playing groovy, high pitch songs with a punk attitude.

Canned Heat meets Tame Impala on a garagerock trip for Motown records. And Donna Summer's buying drinks.

Or just come and listen for yourself...

Koen Maesmans bass & backings, Olivier Onclin drums & backings, Thomas Devos gitar & lead vocals

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:30 The Swim, 20:30 Molto Morbidi
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

MARCH 2023

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Friday 3rd of March *** Cuar - Fred Deltenre ***

Neil Ó Lochlainn’s Cuar
“a beautiful missive from the new post genre frontier” The Irish Times
“Cuar is redefining the possibilities of Irish traditional music and taking it—roots and branches—into haunting, imaginatively fertile new terrain” Ian Patterson, All About Jazz

Neil Ó Lochlainn - double bass, flute
Ultan O’Brien - fiddle, viola
Sam Comerford - saxophone
Cuar is an Irish chamber music ensemble founded by Neil Ó Lochlainn. The project explores composition and improvisation within the framework of Irish traditional music, playing new music written especially for the group. Citing influences as varied as Tommie Potts, Tony MacMahon, sean-nós singing and uilleann pipe music, on the one hand; and the Karnatak (South Indian) music tradition, composers Morton Feldman, Bela Bartok and downtown Jazz on the other, the music disavows the idea of genre to create a boundary less style rich in melodic detail. Together they forge a unique sound world which establishes a new, distinctly Irish, creative chamber music language. This concert will celebrate the release of the groups’ second album ‘Umhaill’ described by the Irish Times as “rugged immediate music that draws the listener close”.


RELEASE "L'autre joue". Et c'est de Fred Deltenre...

Autoproduction, enregistrement : François Schulz et impression pochette : Harry Studio.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Fred Deltenre, 20:30 Cuar
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 10th of March *** Kassius - Florian Guibert ***

"Kassius is the result of a musical discovery between producer Frederik Tings, keyboardist/producer Alex Lesage and drummer Max Hilpert. Their sound is a blend of several electronic music styles with a jazz mindset behind it all incorporating improvisation and an interactive play style. Their inspirations are as varied as their sound. Some elements can be compared to artists such as Weval, Polynation or Ross from Friends.Their first single 'Switcharoo' was released in spring 2022. The core idea of Kassius is to explore the relationship between electronically produced and live performed music. Resulting from this is a unique process that blurs the line of a traditional band sound. Characteristic of it are danceable, yet meditative beats and atmospheres."

Florian Guibert, a man of many talents and above all an excellent flautist (British English), will start off the night with a solo in our gallery.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Florian Guibert, 20:30 Kassius
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

with the support of Court-Circuit

Friday 17th of March *** Gomez - Eric Bribosia ***

Gomez is a project formed by Vera Cavallin, Pierre Slinckx and Gilles Gobert, all three of them are part of the SMOG evenings organisation. The trio is improbable and eclectic: field recording, harp transformed or not, casio or banjo, electronics.

Vera Cavallin, harp and chimpanzees (or gorillas?)

Pierre Slinckx, casio sk-1

Gilles Gobert, electronics

Eric Bribosia will kick off with a piano microphone sound system.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Eric Bribosia, 20:30 Gomez
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 18th of March *** Sheik Anorak - Bárbara C. Branco ***


He will be back! Sheik Anorak is a solo/ one man band project based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Electro minimalism, hypnoT.

Bárbara C. Branco, the multidisciplinary artist, and Brussels post-punk stalwart has been secretly working on something solo in the comfortable confines of her garden. She has been writing songs in the company of blackbird, starling, heron, strawberry, plum tree, neighbourhood cat and her beloved coffee. But despite this urban idyll she yearns for the crashing waves and the mournful cry of the seagull of her native Portugal. The Fado of home and melodies all her own offer us an acoustic counter-point to the angular grooves of PEGA and electricity of TUVALU, her two other musical projects.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Bárbara C. Branco, 20:30 Sheik Anorak
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 24th of March *** Gašper Piano - Mes Lèvres ***

In Skinned Knee - music & words for lonely souls the musician juxtaposes his own poetry with versatile compositions and improvisation. Artist's longing, dreams, humor and hopes oscillate between abstract sensations of music and the playfulness of poetic language. Live performance is unveiling a complementary context between sound and words, experimenting with transitions between the two elements and searching for an inspiration, effect and impact of this combination.  

Mes Lèvres (formerly unknown as van Twolips) is a vocal duo from Brussels that brings together a guitarist and an accordionist. 

The use of their instruments is the fruit of imaginary music, of a time forgotten or not yet arrived. 

The lips of this binomial pair belong to: 

Matthieu Ha, composer and accordionist who created his own musical universe with a luminous voice, able to align several vocal registers (haute-contre, romantic baritone and tenor rockailleux). 

Cayo who superimposes her velvet voice strangely euphonious to her electric guitar, bringing poetry and natural sensuality to the songs. 

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Mes Lèvres, 20:30 Gašper Piano
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 31st of March *** Ocean Voices Duo - Melodica Duets ***

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Ocean Voices Duo is music directly inspired by the ocean, the sea, the waves, whales and dolphins, forces of Nature and much more. Ocean Voices Duo is the new electro-acoustic musical project of Guillaume Vanespen with gong with bow and Thanas Kas with bendir and electronic effects.  The first creates kinds of colorful waves, played on the edge of the gong and sounds reminiscent of dolphins, played on the gong string. The second uses rubber chopsticks rubbed on the bendir's skin, mimicking whale songs, while electronic effects reharmonize the whole thing and more.


MELODICA DUETS is a journey into the sound world of melodica and a search for its idiomatic tone. Formally, the music is designed as a set of solos to be performed asynchronously by two players. These duets can also be performed solo, with pre-recorded accompaniment. Both manners of performance of Melodica Duets embraces a key characteristic of the melodica: its unstable and day-to-day fluctuation in tuning. Composer and performer GRZEGORZ MARCINIAK (1981) was born in Szczecin, Poland, now lives and works in The Hague, The Netherlands. He graduated from the Royal Conservatory in The Hague at the faculty of composition, studied karnatic music at the Conservatory in Amsterdam and bassoon at the Music Academy in Poznań. His compositions, installations and songs were presented in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, the United States and Canada. He is the founder of Omega Impact, a band with Hélène Duret, Jordi Cassagne and Théo Lanau. Slovenian composer, improviser and saxophonist TILEN LEBAR (1993) lives and works in The Hague, the Netherlands. His sound world reveals a great knowledge of individual instrumental extended techniques as well as contemplated colours, detailed structures in sound tinctures and a thorough knowledge of the tradition of contemporary Western art music and various experimental fields. His scores are published by the Society Of Slovene Composers (DSS) and Donemus – Publishing House Of Contemporary Classical Music.  

Doors 18:00-22:00

19:30 Melodica Duets, 20:30 Ocean Voices Duo

Reserve your space:

paf €7,-

un peu to eat and drink



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Friday 3rd of March *** Gaspard Sicx Quintet - Happy Fuji News ***

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This band was put together by Gaspard Sicx in June 22' for his master recital. The musicianship between everyone was so good that he decided to keep on going with this project. The music is an attempt to blend different types of music not especially jazz-related, with influences from bands like Aphex Twin, Tortoise, The Bad Plus or the Ornette Coleman Quartet, and to play them in an 'acoustic' jazz quintet.
Sylvain Debaisieux : Saxophone, Anatole Damien: Guitar, Simon Groppe: Piano, Jim Monneau: Double Bass, Gaspard Sicx : Drums and compositions

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Happy Fuji News is a live-edited "movie" by Eric Kinny made out of 201 woodblock prints for a total length of 30min, written, carved and printed over the course of 2016-2022. The prints are shown and thrown at the rhythm of a pre-recorded audio soundtrack with MIDI-guitar music by Raphaël Desmarets and characters voices by McCloud Zicmuse, Siet Phorae, Molly Rex, Ma Clément, Alice Perez & Joey Wright.
The plot follows a touristic guide on the foothill of Mt Fuji in Japan, trying to make sense of life after facing harsh Tripadvisor reviews of the mountain. With an equally comedic and dramatic approach, Happy Fuji News is a surrealistic dive into the world of apps, geology, tourism, love and more, done in a joyously performed proto-cinematic way.
In English (no subtitles)
Happy Fuji News premiered at Monokino's Shhh Silent Film Festival in Oostende in early September
More links:

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Happy Fuji News, 20:30 Gaspard Sicx Quintet
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 4th of February *** RELEASE SAGE RAGE Tout Finira Bien & Passeur de Silences *** 

They are back for the last two letters: Débris d’éGalité & Ta viE


Le slameur PASSEUR DE SILENCES et le groupe de jazz TOUT FINIRA BIEN présentent leur album commun SAGE RAGE. Alchimie entre rage et sagesse, déclaration d'hospitalité et cri d'espoir autant que critique décomplexée d'un monde rongé par les inégalités, les textes de Passeur de silences célèbrent la vie, la vérité et la nécessité d'assumer. La musique féérique de la formation de Tout Finira Bien (vibraphone, basse, flûte traversière, sax, clarinette, machines) porte à merveille chaque mot scandé. Une rythmique électronique vient compléter avec tact les arrangements acoustiques tout en finesse. SLAM: Jean-Yves Bourgain, FLUTE: Gilles Bourgain, SAXOPHONE: Jordi Grognard, CLARINETTE BASSE: Yann Lecollaire, VIBRAPHONE: Stéphan Caracci, CONTREBASSE: Simon Tailleu ou Nicola Lancerotti

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Friday 10th of February *** Easy Pieces - Alice Tunney *** 

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Easy pieces plays original compositions written for the unusual instrumentation of piano, keyboards, and guitar, exploring the combination of acoustic and amplified sounds. Ranging from wide soundscapes to carefully crafted melodies, small and refined instrumental pieces with an improvised dimension that suggest real life stories but leaves enough space for the listener to wander.
Benjamin Sauzereau: guitar
Dorian Dumont: piano 
Hendrik Lasure: keyboards

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Alice Tunney is a French-English singer, songwriter and composer. In 2019, it is by busking in the streets of Dublin, London and Paris that she made her first steps. She then pursued her passion for music and concerts by singing her own compositions and covers in cafés and in cafés and restaurants in Paris and Rennes, in festivals in Hungary, or at committed events such as the small "Day of Democracy" festival in Remagen, Germany. Through her guitar/vocal compositions, she touches on intimate subjects such as dreams, mourning, love or mourning, love or secrets, always in a soft and melancholic universe. In July 2020, she released her first single in English "Petit Fil Rouge". Since September 2021, she has been living in Brussels, she continues her passion for music, which is nourished by new collaborations with the recording of her first EP "Alice in Brokenland" released in June 2022!
Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Alice Tunney, 20:30 Easy Pieces
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 17th of February *** Grande Rousse disques presents Megaviolet, Xaxi & Anemone ***

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Megaviolet: The heavy metal door closes behind you with a sinister creak. Your pupils dilate. Light is scarce in Dr. Kenza's office. Your eyes, finally accustomed to the darkness, make out shapes: test tubes, microscopes and stills. On the wall, cells enlarged thousands of times, like abstract shapes. "Am I in the waiting room? The only answer you get is a long silence. But your wait is coming to an end. Soon your hand will be trapped in his grip like a microbe caught between two plates, under the cold eye of a microscope. Long, carefully manicured fingernails will mark your skin harshly, and in a voice from beyond the grave you will hear "Welcome to the doctor's practice".
In 2023, megaviolet returns with a new tape
"The Experiment" on Grande Rousse records. A decoction as singular as it is experimental, composed of cold Techno powder, a concentrate of Dark Ambient, a pinch of Witch House and a hint of industrial powder."
K7 “Données cellulaires” : 
Soundcloud :

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Xaxi is a project composed of Ernesto Gonzalez (Bear Bones, Lay Low) and Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle (Lamina). They use different electronically processed and improvised sound sources to create collages and organic landscapes that intertwine in a dreamlike way.

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Anemone, musique mélodieuse au clavier avec de la basseBizarre.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:00 Anemone, 20:00 Xaxi, 21:00 Megaviolet
Reserve your space:
paf €6,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 18th of February *** Santé Loisirs presents Fievel Is Glauque, Starla Online solo & Raphaël s'améliore  *** 

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Fievel Is Glauque (duo set)

Ma Clément - voice

Zach Phillips - piano

French singer and visual artist Ma Clément met American songwriter Zach Phillips in 2018 as he reeled from a concussion after colliding with a Brussels streetlamp.

The bandleading and songwriting duo independently released the mono live compilation God's Trashmen Sent To Right The Mess on New Year's Day of 2021 with little fanfare, but it gradually garnered cult acclaim among musicians and online crate diggers. This strange document was recorded entirely live in early rehearsals with cheap microphones, half-broken cassette equipment, and a rotating cast of twenty-five accompanists in New York, Los Angeles, Brussels and southern France. Among others, Stereolab took note and asked Fievel to support them on a full US tour.

Fievel Is Glauque's first studio record Flaming Swords was recorded live in a single septet session in Brussels, mixed adeptly by Ryan Power, and released via MATH Interactive on November 25th, 2022.

While Fievel Is Glauque represents Ma Clément's first published musical work, Zach Phillips is known for "fifty-ish" releases under his own name and various pseudonyms, in groups like Blanche Blanche Blanche, Perfect Angels, and CE Schneider Topical, via his former independent label OSR Tapes, and with various collaborators such as Chris Cohen, Jib Kidder and Chris Weisman.

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Starla Online (US)

Lindsay Dobbs - synth, voice

Starla Online is Lindsay Dobbs’ attempt to understand the distinct dream world of Starla. The band is compromised of synth sounds built on a Roland JX-3P, often lyrical vocals, call-and-response flute solos, drums, and bass. Some melodic and lyrical content is constructed through dream recollection. The music is inspired by NYC’s DIY scene, baroque classical aesthetic, disorientation, irresolution, and anti-groove. Starla Online released their debut LP in November of 2022

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Raphaël s'améliore Adventurous songwriting by our local guitar hero Raphael Desmarets (Robbing Millions, Alabaster Deplume, Rozi Plain...) for his new solo project. Come and you'll be heavenly surprised

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:00 Raphaël s'améliore, 20:00 Starla Online (solo), 21:00 Fievel Is Glauque (duo set) 
your space:
paf €8,-
un peu to eat and drink


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Friday 13th of January *** Anterior Insula presents Reggy van Bakel, Belle//Maris & Acasta Gneiss ***


Reggy van Bakel is an ambient producer and composer from Maastricht, the Netherlands. Drawing inspiration from the natural world and his surroundings, van Bakel seeks to capture and translate emotions, feelings, and experiences into music. Sound in general is a key inspiration for Reggy, who incorporates field recordings from the city or nature into his work.
Working intuitively, he aims to paint landscapes with his music, creating a visual and immersive experience for the listener. As a producer, composer, and musician, Reggy is dedicated to creating music that evokes a sense of emotion and transports the listener to another place.

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Stan Maris // accordion, fx
Nicolas Van Belle // guitar, bouzouki, fx​
​Belle//Maris is a duo solo split project in which both musicians explore and combine the possibilities and lesser convenient practices of their instruments. Although performing together, they only enter in dialogue with each other as the other artist has presented his selection of music. This evening they'll present their album Belle//Maris, which was released on 2nd December, on the Ghent label bwaa.

Acasta Gneiss is an experimental music producer and DJ based in Brussels. His recent compositions can be described as minimal explorations of day-to-day impressions and the emotions they evoke. Opting for a stripped-down approach that hints at a deeper, truer, sense of things. His sophomore album entitled “Everyday Pieces” will be released on Anterior Insula in the spring of 2023. He is the co-founder of Anterior Insula and resident DJ at Kiosk Radio.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:00 Acasta Gneiss, 20:00 Belle//Maris, 21:00 Reggy van Bakel
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-
un peu to eat and drink

Friday 20th of January *** Sortie du livre de Marine Debilly Cerisier édition le mot/ Lame Après Dieu, L'Idiot *** 

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**Le Mot / Lame** est une maison d’édition fondée en 2015 à Paris. Elle s’est fait connaître à travers la publication de recueil de poèmes à thèmes et d’actions politiques. Aujourd’hui, elle s’oriente davantage vers la recherche et la création musicale. Nos publications recouvrent nouvelles, poésie, et essais. La recherche que nous menons questionne le rapport au réel et la place des arts dans notre relation à l’autre.


Lecture de l'auteure accompagné de **Florence Cats** (thérémine) et  **Mauricio Amarante** (synthé). Gouttes de cristal et plumes électriques, leur duo expérimental flotte quelque part en contrepoint, entre harmonie et noise. Ils accompagnerons les mots de Marine, entre lecture et improvisation.

Le travail de Florence Cats se situe sur une ligne de fuite de son, couleur, lumière, signe et mouvement. Elle vient de sortir l'album Ys sur le label anversois ediçoes CN.


Lecture de **Nathaniel Molamba** (la direction artistique du Mot / Lame), auteur, graphiste et performeur, sa recherche questionne le rapport au réel à travers l’écriture créative, la poésie, le graphisme et la performance. Il est l’auteur de nouvelles et de recueil de poésie. Actuellement, Nathaniel poursuit l’écriture d’un roman et l’enregistrement d’un EP.


Lecture de **Antoine Boute** travaille à faire se chevaucher poésie (écrite, sonore, graphique), philosophie, performance et musique expérimentale, notamment en écrivant des livres, en réalisant des lectures/performances ou en organisant des événements. Il fait des performances un peu partout en Belgique, France et Pays‑Bas.


Concert de **Amarante-Cerisier**: Duo Guitare voix et percussions composé de **Mauricio Amarante** (Argentin d’origine, exilé en Europe depuis vingt ans) et **Marine Debilly Cerisier** (danseuse, performeuse, co-fondatrice de lieux culturels alternatifs à Marseille et Bruxelles). Par rapport à leurs projets précédents (Radikal Satan pour lui, Isophrenia pour elle), ils ont déplacé le centre de gravité de leur musique, son cœur, vers des compositions moins sombres, une beauté (des textes, des mélodies) qui s’assume et une chanson en français qui s’inscrit dans le présent révolu des générations précédentes (« Les Parents ») voire dans les siècles passés (un morceau inspiré par Hadewijch d'Anvers, poétesse mystique du XIIIe siècle).

Doors 18:00-22:00

Reserve your space:

paf €8,-un peu to eat and drink


Friday 27th of January *** Albert Vila & Camille-Alban Spreng *** 


From the beginning of his career, Albert Vila established himself as a unique musician on the European scene, with his love of strong melodies and well-crafted compositions. For his new album ‘Levity’, a first outing on solo guitar, Albert Vila offers a surprising and eclectic repertoire. The jazz guitarist takes you from Antonio Carlos Jobim and American Jazz Standards to gems from Nick Drake, The Beatles and Bob Marley. While the repertoire is diverse, the respect for the artists and the coherence of each of the eight tracks develop organically over the course of the album. The global phenomenon of the pandemic catalysed this new album. The album was conceived during the heaviest time of the pandemic, and in some way, creating these arrangements lifted Albert up, keeping him inspired through uncertainty and helping him to navigate its darkest moments.
Hypnote Records
January 2023
Produced and recorded ( over the course of 2021) by Albert Vila under Hypnote Records asbl license and Mocloud Records
Mixed and mastered by Vincent De Bast
Images by Bernal Revert
Artwork by Azul Prusia

Camille-Alban Spreng presents his new solo work for Fender Rhodes and electronic. Expect some blip blop.
Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Camille-Alban Spreng, 20:30 Albert Vila
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-
un peu to eat and drink

Saturday 28th of January *** Papier Machine lance sa COUETTE sortie N°13 *** 

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Papier Machine a le feu aux couvertures et lance sa COUETTE délicate aux nez, aux yeux et aux oreilles des curieuses et curieux que l’odeur du papier et l’éclat du mot sauront bien attirer. Ne vous y trompez pas, la douceur apparente de ce numéro 13 dissimule une fournaise de joyeuses bizarreries !
Au programme : des mots, encore des mots, toujours des mots, mais aussi de la musique dans une cave, des créations sonores dans une caravane, une installation de rêve dans un monte-charge, de la couleur et des traits aux murs, de la bière, de la soupe, des croques, et des revues, plein de revues !
Dans le détail :
•    Une performance Howl(istique) de
Nicolas Richard et Rubin Steiner tout droit inspirée des pages 96 à 98 de Papier Machine n°13
•    Une performance viscoscénique, de
Adriel·le Cendreuil et Mathilde Schoenauer Sebag habitantes des pages 54 à 61 de Papier Machine n°13
•    Une installation de rêve de
Martin Wautié occupant des pages 99 à 107 de Papier Machine n°13
•    Des créations sonores réalisées à partir des contributions visuelles de Papier Machine n°13 par des élèves du
Créadoc orchestrées d’une l’oreille affutée par Chloé Despax.
•    Des dessins de
Sixtine Jacquart, hébergés aux pages 62 à 66
•    Un Tribunal des mots, toujours !
Et bien évidemment d'autres petites pépites encore undercover…

Papier Machine est une revue de création, une revue hybride qui adore s'en laisser conter mais refuse de se taire. Pour chaque numéro, elle élit un mot sans foi, ni loi, ni prestige et le soumet à une trentaine de personnes aux horizons variés, aux esprits (mal/bien/dé) placés aux stylets affirmés, pour peupler un espace où règne sans se fâcher le Beau, le Bizarre, le Coq et l'Âne.
Doors 18:00-22:00

un peu to eat and drink

Entrée libre et gratuite

All there is left to do in 2022
is to pass by un peu. Shopping has finally become a rather pleasant experience while supporting your local artist.

we are OPEN every day until 24th of December from 07:00 to 20:00


One Thousand and One Terrace

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Friday 9th of December *** princess4president ***


princess4president is a project of pianist/composer Kaat De Windt, bassist Mirko Banovic, drummer Etienne Plumer and singers Naomi Sijmons and Annelies Van Dinter. The multicolored pop and jazz arrangements of the rhythm section form the basis for the idiosyncratic universe of Kaat De Windt's compositions. Free jazz forms and minimal pop get the warmth of gospel and desert blues without shying away from rawness. The strong socially engaged lyrics of Elvis Peeters, among others, the penetrating voices of singers Naomi Sijmons (aka Reena Riot), Annelies Van Dinter (Echo Beatty), the grooves and sound palette of bassist Mirko Banovic (Arno, Arsenal), the fine and tribal percussion by Etienne Plumer (Rêve d'Eléphant, Animus Anima) and the idiosyncratic keyboard work of Kaat De Windt yield musical pearls.
Kaat De Windt (piano, rhodes, composition),
Naomi Sijmons (vocals, guitar),
Annelies Van Dinter (vocals, guitar),
Mirko Banovic (bass, arrangement bass),
Etienne Plumer (drums, arrangement drums)
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

Saturday 10th of December *** Julien Gasc, ESCAPE-ISM (Ian Svenonius), Mes Lèvres *** 

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Julien Gasc is joined by Livvy O'Hagan, Léopold Collard, Jérémie Orsel and Cédric Monzali
"Originally Re Eff (pronounced Ri Èf) was a bunch of texts. One hundred and fifty pages that Julien Gasc wrote by trying his hand at the art of cut-up: a literary and political act of counter-fiction based on William Burroughs’s method. It was also Julien Gasc’s response to the isolation of 2020, while he was seeking refuge in the Southwest of France, with time as far as the eye could see, and a piano. For a long while, it hadn’t been about songs, but about expressing the indescribable by cutting randomly from books and his own notes, attempting to fleetingly strike a balance, find a beauty, a happy accident. Incidentally, it was almost by accident, while recycling a piece that he’d composed for pedal steel guitar, that Julien Gasc sketched the first draft of “Ce soir les bouteilles dansent” (“Tonight the Bottles Are Dancing”). This was combined with a version of “Rosario Bléfari”, recorded on an inexpensive Casio synthesizer. These were Re Eff’s baby steps. While everything was at a standstill, in stasis, Julien Gasc wanted to send a group message to some friends, to his family, a message from a confinee to those who weren’t answering, friend or foe, imaginary or otherwise. It was this collective recipient that he nicknamed Re Eff. The name comes from “re” (re-) and “effacer” (erase), words found during a cut-up and transformed into ri èf for added euphony, like a facetious grief (grievance, reproach in French) without the “g”. Like its title, a kind of serious joke, the album is one long interplay between humour and gravitas, sense and nonsense, shadow and light, aiming to fully describe feelings in terms of their ambiguous and contradictory elements. Through a return to regular piano practice, calm recovered at a holiday resort town, and literary experimentations, to which he added transcribed dreams, as in “La scie de la vision modern” (“The Saw of Modern Vision”), Julien Gasc composed ten demos on his computer. These demos were then rerecorded at Syd Kemp’s Haha Sound studio in London, in December 2021. The mix was completed there again, in February 2022, by Syd and Julian. Play to play and write to write, those are the keywords of Re Eff, in which memories are freely combined (“À travers le regard de l’indienne” / “Through the Amazon’s Eyes”), the theme of enclosure and passion (“Amour velours” / “Velvet Love”), melodrama ("Délivrance"), and romantic novella (“Tout ne peut pas nécessairement donner quelque chose” / “Not Everything Leads to Something”). Music resolutely oriented towards the piano, towards bold and filmic harmonic movements that make a successful form of lyrical poetry possible. Because all in all, by singing about current events – his own and those of the world – in an elegiac tone, like bards, Julien Gasc was gradually transformed from pop singer into poet." Joseph Sainderichin

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UN PEU is delighted to have Ian Svenonius passing by as ESCAPE-ISM. Escape-ism is the Found-Sound-Dream-Drama starring Ian himself. For those in the unknow, "Ian F Svenonius is the author of the underground best sellers Supernatural Strategies for Making a Rock ‘n’ Roll Group,The Psychic Soviet, and Censorship Now!! He was also the host of’s Soft Focus, where he interviewed Mark E. Smith, Genesis P. Orridge, Chan Marshall, Ian MacKaye, and others. As a musician he has created more than twenty albums and countless singles in various rock and roll combos (Escape-ism, Chain & the Gang, The Make-Up, The Nation of Ulysses, etc.). He lives in Los Angeles, CA. He is in Europe to promote his new book "Against the Written Word: Toward a Universal Illiteracy". Against the Written Word is the most important, most revolutionary book produced since the advent of the printing press; the book that will liberate readers from reading, writers from writing, and booksellers from peddling their despicable wares. This book ushers in a new era of freedom from reading and all its attendant bedfellows such as Enlightenment thinking and the mass alienation wrought by the phonetic alphabet. Against the Written Word will be a tremendous best seller and simultaneously the last book that anyone will read."

ESCAPE-ISM "Nothing Personal"


And UN PEU's resident duo, Mes Lèvres will take you for a walk through the woods.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music from 19:00. Be on time!
Reserve your space:
paf €10,-


Friday 16th & Saturday 17th of December *** SAGE RAGE Tout Finira Bien & Passeur de Silences *** 

They are back for the next two letters. 
16/12 On vient tous d’ailleuRs
17/12 A ce qu’on sache

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Le slameur PASSEUR DE SILENCES et le groupe de jazz TOUT FINIRA BIEN présentent leur album commun SAGE RAGE. Alchimie entre rage et sagesse, déclaration d'hospitalité et cri d'espoir autant que critique décomplexée d'un monde rongé par les inégalités, les textes de Passeur de silences célèbrent la vie, la vérité et la nécessité d'assumer. La musique féérique de la formation de Tout Finira Bien (vibraphone, basse, flûte traversière, sax, clarinette, machines) porte à merveille chaque mot scandé. Une rythmique électronique vient compléter avec tact les arrangements acoustiques tout en finesse. SLAM: Jean-Yves Bourgain, FLUTE: Gilles Bourgain, SAXOPHONE: Jordi Grognard, CLARINETTE BASSE: Yann Lecollaire, VIBRAPHONE: Stéphan Caracci, CONTREBASSE: Simon Tailleu ou Nicola Lancerotti

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-


agenda novembre 22

Friday 11th of November *** Jeroen Stevens presents De Stoeltjes and Jerry Stevens ***

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Overkill does not exist. At least not at UN PEU
De Stoeltjes by Jeroen: "My name is Jeroen Stevens and I am a musician. I play drums/percussion with Mauro, Roland, DAAU, ... but I also like to do what I want myself. And that's why I'm releasing a cd "De Stoeltjes". It means "the little chairs" and sounds a bit like "the stooges". So what I did was drum covers of the entire Stooges debut album, playing chairs instead of typical drums."

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Jerry Stevens by Jeroen: "Also, I will be playing some Christmas shows at the end of this year as Jerry Stevens. Let me know if you think that would maybe be something for Un Peu. This video will give you an idea of what to expect, although I might play the electric version this year (same songs different sounds extra kitsch): 
If this is overkill, I understand. I just thought it would be smart to ask now rather than, as I usually do, way too last-minute :). 24th December is already taken for a show in Antwerp :). And I will do some surprise Christmas shows in June (Antwerp) and September (Meakusma) because for me it's Christmas all day every day ;)."

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music De Stoeltjes 19:30, Jerry Stevens 20:30
Reserve your space:
un peu buvette

paf €7,- CASH ONLY

Saturday 12th of November *** Samedi-Dimanche ***

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Alice George Perez Joey Wright Bárbara C. Branco Thibault Gallet Marie Epinat Jane Paul Claire Bouche Barney Roberts Nina Hennart Eric Kinny Linde Polfliet Emy Di Nardi
"Samedi-Dimanche (initially called ‘The Buddy Mixtapes’ for reasons that will become clear) is an idea for a tape that came about when a friend thought that something had to be done about another friends’ song not having a place to sit, earnestly, and be heard. This song existed only in said friends’ heart and the memory of those who had heard it once before. There and then, it was decided that a recording would be arranged in order to remedy this problem. Realising that a tape cannot be composed solely of two songs, the idea was brought to the attention of other friends who’s lyrical abilities had been off the radar for a while, or simply didn’t have a space in which to exist presently, for whatever reason. In the following weeks, new-found and long-established buddies met, songs were sang, poems were recited, parts were written, ideas bloomed, technical aspects were discussed, and with one thing leading to another, a pinch of hard work and a whole lot of love, Samedi-Dimanche was born. What came out is a tape comprised of 12 songs and poems, mostly acoustic, recorded in two hours each over the course of two days in two flats, our home, and it is with tremendous joy that we showcase them, together, in the place that makes the most sense, the die-hard centre of love, Un Peu."
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music during the opening hours
Reserve your space:

un peu buvette
paf €7,- CASH ONLY

Monday 14th of November *** Moon Diagrams & Anastasia Coope ***

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Moon Diagrams: Pitchfork says "Moon Diagrams is Moses John Archuleta, drummer and founding member of Deerhunter, who have many times enshrouded buoyant pop songs—think “Memory Boy,” “Vox Humana,” “Nothing Ever Happened”—in a dense, discordant pall. But Deerhunter is chiefly a rock band, and they write substantive, at times conventional rock songs; the cassette-hiss and ambient noodling that enriches their aesthetic are ornamental. Archuleta’s solo work is much more amorphous and diffuse. He doesn’t write orthodox pop numbers and simply twist them a little toward the avant-garde. Rather he seeks out glimpses of pop—snatches of a lovely tune, echoes of an irresistible beat or bassline—and assembles them, hazily, dreamily, into a nebulous pop-noise hash."


Anastasia Coope: In 2022, It's been 94 years since Andre Breton wrote his Manifesto of Surrealism. In the resulting near century creatives from all walks of art have turned to it for inspiration. Enter Upstate NY Ethereal folk artist Anastasia Coope, who paints in Surrealistic tones with her lyrics and vocal harmonies. Voices that pile layer upon surrealistic layer to amount to a cherubic choir: rueful, disruptive and whimsical all at once. Coope, a 19 year old student studying painting at Pratt Institute, only began taking music making more seriously during the summer Covid shutdown. Starting with just Garageband and her mother's old Martin acoustic, Anastasia began writing the songs that form her debut EP release, out now.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music Anastasia Coope 19:30 Moon Diagrams 20:30
Reserve your space:
un peu buvette

paf €8,- CASH ONLY

Friday 18th and Saturday 19th of November *** SAGE RAGE Tout Finira Bien & Passeur de Silences ***

They are back for the next two letters. 

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18/11 saGe rage

19/11 Un autre mondE existe déjà

Le slameur PASSEUR DE SILENCES et le groupe de jazz TOUT FINIRA BIEN présentent leur album commun SAGE RAGE. Alchimie entre rage et sagesse, déclaration d'hospitalité et cri d'espoir autant que critique décomplexée d'un monde rongé par les inégalités, les textes de Passeur de silences célèbrent la vie, la vérité et la nécessité d'assumer. La musique féérique de la formation de Tout Finira Bien (vibraphone, basse, flûte traversière, sax, clarinette, machines) porte à merveille chaque mot scandé. Une rythmique électronique vient compléter avec tact les arrangements acoustiques tout en finesse. SLAM: Jean-Yves Bourgain, FLUTE: Gilles Bourgain, SAXOPHONE: Jordi Grognard, CLARINETTE BASSE: Yann Lecollaire, VIBRAPHONE: Stéphan Caracci, CONTREBASSE: Simon Tailleu ou Nicola Lancerotti
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
un peu buvette

paf €7,- CASH ONLY

Friday 25th of November *** Radio Trapani & Marco Giongrandi ***

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RADIO TRAPANI (NL/ITA) makes synth-pop, groovy beats with a hint of melancholia. It is the alter ego of Dario Trapani, Amsterdam-based producer, guitarist and songwriter with a background in jazz and countless hours spent on Ableton. His songs translate a broad musical interest into a processed blend of Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Frank Ocean, Mac DeMarco and Dirty Projectors. His first album T.V.B. Kind of Love was released on Sept 16th 2022.

Picture by Teresa Costa


After spending several years working with singer-songwriters, jazz players, and improvisers, co-writing songs in different languages and pondering the meaning of either writing or improvising music, Marco Giongrandi has now started a new project about his own songs. They're in English, they're about what he loves and fights and they might have a touch of Nick Drake, Sufjan Stevens, Adrianne Lenker. 

Alongside Marco, there will be Hendrik Lasure, Casper Van De Velde, Soet Kempeneer, one or two guitars, a banjo sometimes, a piano, some synths, a bass, drums, some bells.

Photo by Chloë Delaghe

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:30 Marco Giongrandi, 20:30 Radio Trapani
Reserve your space:
un peu buvette

paf €8,- CASH ONLY

Saturday 26th of November *** Mortelle Randonnée***

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Mortelle Randonnée explores the iconoclastic and hybrid repertoire of composer Carla Bley. Sixteen members and four musicians who play all at the same time - and at the same time - the instruments of the fanfare and the power trio, toy instruments and a few keyboards to reinvent the fantastic arrangements of Carla Bley. A “kind of tumble” in the greyish atmospheres of an empty seaside resort, a crazy cabaret and absurd, a dance of rickety chairs... In a disconcerting mix of genres: tightrope walker hymns, patarock cadences not bothering with coherence, repetitive and obsessive structures, delirium psyché-folk, avant-pop songs, Mortelle Randonnée takes pleasure in getting off the marked trails and heckle us in the off-piste.
Sébastien Cirotteau trompette, saxhorn alto, orgue, synthétiseur, voix, appeau
Andy Lévêque saxophone alto, basse, clavier, flûte à bec, voix, appeau
Benjamin Glibert guitare électrique, basse, clavier, percussion, voix, appeau
Clem Thomas batterie, glockenspiel, ukulele, voix, appeau
Picture by Freddy Morezon
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
un peu buvette

paf €8,- CASH ONLY


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Saturday 1st of October *** FRANCOFAUNE avec Félicien Lia & UN PEU de Courtoisie ***

FRANCOFAUNE: Avec plus de 50 concerts dans 20 lieux bruxellois et wallons, FrancoFaune propose des coups de projecteurs sur la diversité, l’originalité et l’innovation de la scène francophone. Au programme, cartes blanches à des artistes confirmé·e·s et mise en lumière d’espèces musicales en voie d’apparition, avec la langue française comme point commun


Félicien LiA: Boîte à rythme, synthé, basse et guitare: Félicien LiA (L’Effet Philémon, Guggen Prose) est de retour avec un nouveau groupe expérimental. Quelque part entre poésie et groove psyché, le natif du Jura suisse défend ses volcans intérieurs aux côtés de Louise Knobil (basse, chant) et Julien Israelian (drum machine, percussion).


UN PEU de Courtoisie: Le duo Mes Lèvres (Matthieu Ha et Cayo Scheyven) revisite une chanson courtoise datant de la Renaissance française – Une jeune fillette de Jehan Chardavoine – avec pour objectif de faire renaître d’anciennes langues françaises en musique improvisée. Il seront accompagnés du violoncelliste Jean-Philippe Feiss.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music UN PEU de Courtoisie 19:30, Félicien LiA 20:30 
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

Friday 7th of October *** Zwischen *** 

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zwischen (Félicie Bazelaire x Silvan Schmid)
The project will present different approaches towards an improvised beat orientated music. Instruments (bass & trumpet), playing techniques/approaches and phenomena are combined to illuminate unfolding cycles of rhythm and thought.
Félicie Bazelaire is a cellist, double bass player and performer, based in Paris. Coming from a classical background, she is working in open and experimental artistic forms. She takes part in the ensemble Onceim (dir. Frédéric Blondy) and plays in small bands (Les Certitudes, with Juliette Adam and Léo Dupleix; Les Bêtes with David Chiesa). She develops a solo work with personal concepts (Hits; Pyramids) and works and records pieces between composition and improvisation (Basse Seule by Bertrand Denzler, L’épaisseur innombrable by d'incise; Solo for strings and Variations by Hannes Lingens. She initiated CoÔ (strings ensemble with musicans of Onceim), three albums appear under the labels Potlatch (Arcs by Bertrand Denzler and Reflets by Patricia Bosshard) and Wandelweiser (Triptych by Hannes Lingens). Félicie Bazelaire improvises solo, she collaborated with artists like Cristian Alvear, Sebastien Bouhana and Guylaine Cosseron, Eric Cordier, Isabelle Duthoit, Jean-François Pauvros, Marie Takahashi and Taku Sugimoto. Félicie Bazelaire also organizes events (concerts, performances, conferences and exhibitions) at Les 26 Chaises in Paris.
Silvan Schmid is a trumpet player based between Zürich and Maastricht. He plays live and does recordings with people and projects such as Solo, Gamut Kollektiv, Alex Riva, ТЕПЛОТА x RIVASCHMID, Félicie Bazelaire, Timothée Quost, Elio Amberg, Eddé Khouri/Glanzmann/Schmid, Marina Tantanozi, Amereller/Schmid/Wheatley, Bertrand Denzler, Hum, Schmid/Svosve/Scott/Prévost, KvG's Bottom Orchestra, Urs Blöchlinger Revisited and Hans Kennel. He is a member of the Gamut Kollektiv, whose purpose is to explore, to seek and to set new things in motion. The collective serves as a fruitful breeding ground for ideas, experiments and new processes. In addition to the annual Gamut Festival, they run the label Edition Gamut and organize different concert series in Zurich. In Autumn 2022 they will release their new project “LABYRINTH” – an online platform for artistic creations .

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

Saturday 8th of October *** Rita Braga *** 


Rita Braga (Lisbon, 1985) is a singer-songwriter, performer and multi-instrumentalist. She toured most of Europe, Japan and Australia shortly before the pandemic and has recently released the album "Time Warp Blues". Her work was featured in a best of list in The Wire. It takes influence from Silver Apples, Sister Irene O'Connor, Bruce Haack, early 20th century variety and novelty, and more. Rita has collaborated with Mary Ocher, Felix Kubin, Ian Svenonius (The Make-Up, Chain and the Gang) and others.
Media: Tremble Like A Ghost (music video) / Time Warp Blues (LIVE)
Discography: / + info

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

Photo by Barbara Anastacio

Friday 14th & Saturday 15th of October *** SAGE RAGE Tout Finira Bien & Passeur de Silences *** 

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Le slameur PASSEUR DE SILENCES et le groupe de jazz TOUT FINIRA BIEN présentent leur album commun SAGE RAGE. Alchimie entre rage et sagesse, déclaration d'hospitalité et cri d'espoir autant que critique décomplexée d'un monde rongé par les inégalités, les textes de Passeur de silences célèbrent la vie, la vérité et la nécessité d'assumer. La musique féérique de la formation de Tout Finira Bien (vibraphone, basse, flûte traversière, sax, clarinette, machines) porte à merveille chaque mot scandé. Une rythmique électronique vient compléter avec tact les arrangements acoustiques tout en finesse. SLAM: Jean-Yves Bourgain, FLUTE: Gilles Bourgain, SAXOPHONE: Jordi Grognard, CLARINETTE BASSE: Yann Lecollaire, VIBRAPHONE: Stéphan Caracci, CONTREBASSE: Simon Tailleu ou Nicola Lancerotti
UN VOYAGE VERS L’IMAGINAIRE - Pour chaque sortie de titre, un dessin de l’artiste EGLANTINE TRI sera révélé. Le bateau de la couverture de SAGE RAGE se retrouvera dans différents environnements collant aux paroles de chaque chanson.. 
Les dessins originaux seront exposés à UN PEU lors des concerts.
Le disque physique contiendra un livret avec  les 8 dessins.
Par ailleurs, un extrait vidéo de chaque titre a été réalisé. Les extraits seront révélés lors de la sortie de chacun des titres.

14/10 L’eSsentiel ne se dit pas
15/10 Assumer
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, PASSEUR DE SILENCES pose ses textes sur différentes musiques et sous différents pseudos. Il commence le slam en 2004 sur la scène du Café culturel (Saint-Denis) puis co-écrit et joue le spectacle Dinosaures sur plusieurs scènes parisiennes en 2006. Il se fait alors appeler Yunsaï. Après avoir animé sa propre scène ouverte à Lyon, il sort deux albums et un maxi sous le pseudo Samba (“L’Art m’attend”, 2009, ”Sortir du colonialisme”, 2010 et “Il est temps”, 2011), puis crée le blog littéraire et la marque de vêtements Passeur de silences et publie son premier livre (“Toi aussi“, Kindle Publishing, 2020) sous son nom civil Jean-Yves Bourgain. Après avoir coécrit les deux albums du groupe TOUT FINIRA BIEN emmené par son frère Gilles, Passeur de silences et le groupe de jazz créent ensemble l’album SAGE RAGE.

TOUT FINIRA BIEN est un groupe bruxello-dionysien de chanson française aux influences jazz qui a fait son tout premier concert sur la scène de la Ligne 13 en 2008. Le groupe a sorti deux disques (“Mouton Mouillé”, 2011, AhPon Records et “Au Coeur”; 2016, Igloo Records) et réalisé plusieurs musiques pour Grand Corps Malade. Lauréat de la Biennale de la Chanson Française en Belgique, Tout Finira Bien est composé de musiciens de la scène jazz franco-belge. Depuis le confinement, le groupe a entamé une nouvelle collaboration avec Passeur de silences dont l’album et le concert SAGE RAGE sont l’aboutissement.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Friday 21st of October *** Divagation presents Primevère, Cour de Récré & Jeffers Waldo *** 

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Un Peu and Divagation team up again to welcome you to a heartwarming autumn evening made of blissful synth, chansons en français and fuzzy dreams. Toulouse pop avant-garde artists Jeffers Waldo and Cour de Récré will share the bill with local crooner Primevère, who will present his second album.

Doors 18:00-22:00
19:00 Jeffers Waldo, 20:00 Cour de Récré, 21:00 Primevère
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

Saturday 22nd of October *** Bodies *** 


Bodies is a modern electro-acoustic jazz quartet that combines many different musical influences into grooves and soundscapes that have old school modal jazz colors and dream pop vibes, experimenting with sound textures and an important role of improvisation. The band melts the diverse influence of its players, presenting the compositions of the bandleader and saxophone player Alejandra Borzyk together with Chae Yeon Lee (piano and keys), Mateusz Malcharek (electric bass) and Elie Gouleme (drums). They will be recording their first EP in December 2022 and have been active in the Brussels scene since March, playing in occasions such as the Brussels Jazz Weekend. Every concert takes the audience into a different space, travelling together into their universe in discovery.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Friday 28th of October *** SABBAT MATER et BOZON2X éditions, Serge Delaive *** 


The first part of the evening will be on the ground floor, a performance by Dorothée Lambinon "SABBAT MATER". Sabbat Mater is an atypical professional theatrical show, written and performed by Dorothée Lambinon, directed by Claire Blach. A real performance of an actress full of poetry and humor.
The 2nd part of the night will be subterranean. A Meeting with the publishers,
Bozon2X éditions and Serge Delaive, the amazing poet & photographer.

Saturday 29th of October *** Closing Tourisme frontalier by Ignacio Galilea  ***

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"L’expérience totale, la plus intense, se situe entre la fin et le début, à la limite, à la frontière physique ou mentale. C’est ma zone préférée, celle qui donne un sens à ma vie. Le tourisme me permet seulement de ne pas stagner et de conserver le sens ludique du voyage. Cette expo se compose de souvenirs obtenus lors de mes voyages frontaliers. Souvenirs sous forme d’œuvre graphique, tableaux, livres objet, installation, vidéo et performance."
Cette expo, composée du mélange de tous ces canaux artistiques et de points de vue différents, est la caractéristique fondamentale de ce que la Galilée appelle "Un événement sociodelique".
Votre passeport et votre document de vaccination sont indispensables pour y assister.

Every Friday 7, 14, 21 October from 17h: Guided visit by Ignacio Galilea or Guided tour on horseback (price: 20 eur.).
Performance at 20h : "Animales Muertos 2" by Ignacio Galilea.
And Amarte Episode 4 at 19h00
Event supported by Artpotheek sans frontières.
visual art:

Doors 18:00–22:00
Price - It depends on whether you want to cross the border


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Friday 2nd of September *** Mozes & Kaltenecker *** 

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Tamara Mozes and Zsolt Kaltenecker met in 2017 in a jazz-electro ensemble where they co-composed several songs. They then began working on their own material specifically for keyboards (with various effects) and vocals (with French and English lyrics). They made their debut as a duo at the BMC Opus Jazz Club in Budapest to great acclaim. Their musical universe is a unique mixture of jazz, pop, rock, electronic sounds, progressive musical elements and improvisation. The music video for the song “It Is Open” was widely lauded by the press. They recorded their first full album in early 2022 with BMC Records, which consists of their own compositions and some reworked pop songs.
“...a musical event that matched the power and totality of a theatrical performance... The complexity evokes Björk’s musical creations as well as Esperanza Spalding’s recent ‘all-arts’ projects. A very personal, world-class contemporary production was born, digging deep, demanding full openness and trust between each other, and with the public...” (2021, Jazzma, Géza Barcsik)


Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

Sunday 4th of September *** Boulevard de Dixmude Brocante *** 

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From 11am to 9pm, UN PEU will be in the midst of a street crossing. There will be the yearly flea market, and UN PEU will provide the area with a touch of tea petals. 

Matthieu Ha will oversee the time by the hour of the trees - ABRBHORLOGERIE throughout the day

11-12:00 Ben & Mo sur le Chariot
Nyati Mayi
13-15:00 Parade of the PEACE Pigeon (Alice George Perez, Cayo en de duiven)
Gnawa de Bruxelles
15-17:00 Emballage Kadoo
17-18:00 Nele needs A Holiday, a secret pop star
dj Alaa

and permanently at UN PEU Thé à la Menthe

Friday 9th of September *** LE VRAI NICK CAVE *** 

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Le Vrai Nick Cave exists of Gregoire Motte: vocals, Gilles Mortiaux: Guitar, Louis Evrard: Bass, Yannick Dupont: Drums, Eric Bribosia: Keyboards; Clara Levy: Violin

It was at the H2O, a nightclub in Pecq, he had sat down on a stage, a little exhausted, and a girl had told him that he really looked like Nick Cave (it was true). A little later she had written her number on her pack of cigarettes and she was gone. As the evening progressed, he had smoked all his cigarettes and he had thrown away the packet without a second thought. When he realized the disaster, he went to the bar for a glass of water and asked the bartender if he had seen a pack of Marlboro cigarettes with a number on it. That made the bartender laugh. Towards the morning, in the car park, he had met a group of jazz musicians who had taken the wrong address, they hadn't played but they had stayed there for a while… Everyone was really talking with an open heart so he had told the story of the pack of cigarettes. The guys, who were very enthusiastic, said it would be cool to do a Nick Cave cover band in French (they were all French speakers). And then inevitably, each - individually - had embraced the reality of the December rain waking you up to your harsh condition in the H2O parking lot, and there it was. But not too long ago, one of the guys in the parking lot, who called himself the Condor, accidentally turned up at the cigarette guy because his girlfriend works with his girlfriend, and that's how LE VRAI NICK CAVE was born twenty years later. That's why Friday the 9th of September is only their third real concert.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Saturday 10th of September *** Tourisme Frontalier by Ignacio Galilea *** 

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"L’expérience totale, la plus intense, se situe entre la fin et le début, à la limite, à la frontière physique ou mentale. C’est ma zone préférée, celle qui donne un sens à ma vie. Le tourisme me permet seulement de ne pas stagner et de conserver le sens ludique du voyage.
Cette expo se compose de souvenirs obtenus lors de mes voyages frontaliers. Souvenirs sous forme d’œuvre graphique, tableaux, livres objet, installation, vidéo et performance.
Cette expo, composée du mélange de tous ces canaux artistiques et de points de vue différents, est la caractéristique fondamentale de ce que la Galilée appelle -Un événement sociodelique-."

Votre passeport et votre document de vaccination sont indispensables pour y assister.

Tourisme frontalier /
Durée: Saturday 10 Sept. to Saturday 29 Octo. 2022.
1 Opening: Saturday 10 Sept. from 17h.  Mundial Premiere of "
AMARTE" 4 chapter. (Two sessions at 18:30 and 20:30). Presented by Ivan Noria.
2 Every Friday 16; 23; 30 Sep and 7; 14; 21 October from 17h: Guided visit by Ignacio Galilea or Guided tour on horseback (price: 20 eur.).
3 Closing: Saturday 29 October / Performance at 20h : "
Animales Muertos 2" by Ignacio Galilea.
Event supported by Artpotheek sans frontières.
Link visual art web:
Link performance web:
Link Amarte:

Friday 16th of September *** Gavur Gelinler *** 

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Gavur Gelinler are Belgin Bingöl, Dido Gosse, Elmas Sevindik, Nurten Aka, Seniz Karaman, Sibel Dinçer, Maya Dewaele and Valérie Martin.

In Turkish, the word  gavur has a pejorative connotation that would be translated as unfaithful. It would come from the Arabic kafir or kafûr: unbeliever. Gelin means daughter-in-law and gives the plural gelinler. The project, born in 2005 at the initiative of  Sibel Dinçer, was to bring together a female audience of Muslim culture around the practice of polyphonic singing by dodging the patriarchal pressure of fathers / husbands / brothers ... As the singers go back and forth, a kernel has been built. Today, the Gavur Gelinler is a family of hearts that brings together eight independent women, Turkish, Kurdish, Belgian, Moroccan women who want to sing stories of women ’s life transmitted by the vast heritage of folk songs of Anatolia, often anonymous. The repertoire has also expanded with songs in Arabic, Kurdish, Armenian songs and some original compositions. Rhythmic has emerged beyond the sounds of rings, bracelets and diapozone. Here, bendir, violin, darbuka, saz, violin, beat-box, tea glasses and pans accompany the songs of love, sadness, hope and revolt ...

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 20:00

Reserve your space:

paf €7,-

Saturday 17th of September *** Ananta Roosens *** 

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With her solo project 'Ceci n'est pas un violon' (or ‘this is not a violin') Ananta breaks out of her comfort zone, a 'tabula rasa' of her musical orientation. With her violins, her vocal cords and some household wares she goes on an unexpected journey with her familiar instruments towards the unknown. Don't expect classical or 'world' music, because any style is enriching until it becomes a restriction; as a desire for freedom will find an outlet in this challenge…

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 20:00

Reserve your space:

paf €7,-

Illustration by Jan Sebastiaan

Friday 23rd of September *** SPOOK *** 


SPOOK is the brand new trio with Simon Segers (De Beren Gieren, Black Flower) on drums, Nicolas Rombouts (Ottla, Dez Mona) on double bass and Filip Wauters (The Whodads, BackBack) on pedal steel and guitar.
What initially started in the summer of 2019 as a one-off spontaneous jam quickly grew into a solid trio that effortlessly throws overboard the boundaries between free improvisation and composition. The intense interplay between these three seasoned musicians takes the listener on a cinematic trip, in which fragments of Americana and country are topped with a healthy dose of psychedelics. They describe their music as “free country” or “post western music”. The prominent role of the pedal steel undoubtedly has something to do with this.
Simon Segers' driving but deliberate grooves allow influences from the prog rock tradition to seep into the repertoire. The open mind and free play that are characteristic of jazz form a second basic ingredient is this rare cross-pollination. The result is a unique sound and yet another enrichment for that particularly creative 'Belgian wave'.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 20:00

Reserve your space:

paf €7,-

Saturday 24th of September *** UN PEU de vallons Bruxellois avec Les Canaris des Mines *** 

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Chantal Levie, piano

Paula Defresne, clarinettes 

Cécile Broché, violon

Pierre Bernard, flûtes

En l’état actuel des choses, nous déclarons le SILENCE face à l’austérité ambiante - il y a de quoi se réjouir. Ce projet est aussi l’occasion de faire usage de l’extraordinaire évolution technologique, sachant que l’élargissement est une piste à suivre - oui c’est encore possible ! Essentiellement pour des questions d’équilibre de vie, son application nécessite un changement de culture vers davantage de confiance - sensibiliser, tout un art !
L’approche est plutôt top-down pour les aspects macrobiéthiques et bottom-up pour les bas qui montent, n’en rajoutons pas une couche, stop au suremballage (débat ?)

Portes 18:00–22:00

Musique 20h00

Entrée gratuite

la Fête FWB 2022 avec Court-Circuit 

Friday 30th of September *** DUFFHUES *** 

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Since 2001, DUFFHUES (NL, Den Bosch) has been enriching the world with his dark narrative songs, rusty brown voice and raw performance. With a seasoned repertoire of murder ballads, twisted blues, mystery songs and thoughtful folk, he is a storyteller like no other. DUFFHUES is a singer-songwriter of the heavy kind, with roots in the heavy music genres. He doesn't play sweet songs, but hits the audience, at home and abroad and for 9 albums, with sounding black pearls around the ears as if his life depended on it. But don't expect only macabre doom and gloom, his songs also seep the necessary absurdity and black humor. Let DUFFHUES transport you to a unique universe.

Spotify –
BandCamp –

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 20:00

Reserve your space:

paf €8,-

JULY 2022

One Thousand and One Terrace Amours de Vacances

July 2022 July is rather different and is the month of holiday sweethearts. We will have a few events at UN PEU, van Twolips (UN PEU's resident band) will play outside brussels but in Belgium and we even have a wedding. So look and read carefully. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write or call us....

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Friday 1st of July *** Chien Mon Ami & Aulp Ulma *** 


Chien mon ami What we talk about when we talk about love? Definitely about dogs as well. About the two weirdos at Rue de L’Industrie and their mind for the wobbliness able to cross oceans. Naomi, the way in which she divides up a pot of coffee into four cups, you could write a book about just that. Tenko throws a record into the fire and spreads out mattresses throughout the floor of his surrealist cabinet. Being a host is a goddamn art as well, maybe we can learn it best from those who are unattached. Pissing off without a penny, Europe or Africa if they think it’s the right thing to do, in a vehicle that gulps down half a gas station in a hundred kilometres. 

Aulp Uma Bipolar tantric music, between nothing, noise, rhythm and melody. Suggestive sound atmospheres in metamorphosis.
We don't know where we are going.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music Aulp Uma 19:30, Chien Mon Ami 21:00
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

Friday 15th of July *** Sylvaine Hélary's Glowing Life Quartet *** 

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Sylvaine Hélary, flutes, voice, Antonin Rayon, hammond organ b3, moog synth, piano, clavinet, Benjamin Glibert, electric guitar, electric bass, Christophe Lavergne, drums

Sylvaine Hélary’s new quartet explores a more electric branch of her work as a composer, creating here heady melodies, romantic sizzles, amplified rhythmic hordes and waves of misty ritornelles. Each piece thus collected, like timeless portraits of imaginary characters and situations, leaves in its wake the traces of a captivating soundtrack.
The legacy of ancient legends (Henry Cow, Robert Wyatt, Arto Lindsay, Stereolab) rubs shoulders with the emergence of a world of astonishing dimensions, where the outlines of a singular soundscape are drawn, reflecting various and complementary expressions of the four musical personalities involved who express themselves with joyful freedom.
Acting as a bridge between the very English "Canterbury" scene, contemporary jazz and experimental pop, this group produces the sound of a life in scintillating and phosphorescent colors, a refreshing and bewitching "Glowing Life" promising bright futures.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

Friday 22nd of July *** Stylish Nonsense *** 

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Stylish Nonsense is a Thai electronic duo consisting of Yuthana Kalambaheti and Wannarit Pongprayoon. Starting out on a 386dx computer with a Blaster16 soundcard in 1993, they have evolved over the years into a highly regarded band that makes each gig unique, since they rely solely on the art of improvisation.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

JUNE 2022

June 2022 What to Expect: Our One Thousand and One Terrace on street level will be telling stories throughout the opening hours while you can enter the subterranean terrace (by paying a small contribution) to enjoy the artists mentioned below. 
Exhibition continues until the 25th of June with works of PASCAL DUQUENNE, MIKE DESMET, DIYANA AFSAR, MARIE-JEANNE MOREAU, SHERAZADE GHARBI, MARC VERVLOET (Créahmbxl)

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Friday 3rd of June *** Barbara Drazkov *** 

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Barbara Drazkov | Prepared Piano For 9 Fingers 
Barbara will prepare the piano at Un Peu to play her solo project for 9 fingers. It was premiered last year at Nuits du Beau Tas after Brussels secret police had broken her left hand's little finger in a traffic accident.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Saturday 4th of June *** Jordi Grognard Trio *** 

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The 'Jordi Grognard Trio' consists of Manolo Cabras on double bass, Gaspard Sicx on drums and Jordi on wind instruments/reeds, mainly tenor saxophone, clarinet and bass clarinet. Most of the group's repertoire consists of the leader's original compositions. However, an original by Monk or Ornette Coleman is never far away.
The vision of the trio is to defend a resolutely jazz sound, an acoustic concept that sounds deep, natural, alive and vibrant. To use dynamics and timbres to better lead the music towards stories, ranges of freedom. Trying to get to the essence of this music, in a free, frank and generous approach.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:

paf €7,-

Friday 10th of June *** Lara Humbert Quartet *** 

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"Around a repertoire of original compositions by pianist Lara Humbert, this quartet of improvised music takes you into an atmosphere at the crossroads of jazz, pop and classical music. The atypical combination of the sounds of the violin (Amèle Metlini), electric guitar (Benjamin Sauzereau), drums (Gaspard Sicx), and piano (Lara Humbert), takes us on a journey through their first repertoire entitled "Pinède", referring to the name of a beach strewn with pines, and with the airs of the south, in the French Alps."
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Saturday 11th of June *** Quasi Una Fantasia *** 

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The Diva Christina Van Peteghem vocals and Pierre-Jean Vranken everywhere. They are Quasi Una Fantasia! Noise, classical guitars, exquisite melodic songs, minimalism, neoclassical, avant-garde are the medium and the message.
There is no need of more explanation, it's almost everything!

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Friday 17th of June *** Sabine Happard *** 

sabine Happard.jpg

Sabine Happard is coming back to UN PEU with her amazingly french touch. Don't miss it.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Saturday 18th of June *** Willy va voler by Sauvez-Willysme *** 

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In order to show himself to the world, Willy will rise in the air and spread his message of love, freedom and universal consciousness throughout the city.
We invite you to follow its aerial route through the center of Brussels from the ground. Once the procession is over, we will then meet again to make the traditional jump into the original ocean while drinking fish.
It cannot be ruled out that our enemies the Orcists will attack Willy during the procession. We would therefore be forced to bring Willy back to a safe place. The more of us there are, the less they will dare to attack us.

DEPARTURE from Un Peu (Bd d'Ypres 3, 1000 Brussels) at 4 p.m.
PROCESSION to Mont des Arts (route to be specified) from 4 to 6 p.m.
CEREMONY at Un Peu at 6:00 p.m. (there will be a refreshment bar so outside consumption is prohibited)
END of the Sauvez-Willyste meeting at 11 p.m.

Sauvez-Willysme is a movement that advocates freedom, universal awareness and love.

Friday 24th of June *** Able Noise & RED BRUT *** 

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Able Noise is George and Alex’ experimental baritone guitar and drum duo, based between The Hague, the Netherlands and Athens, Greece. Through the use of voices, tapes and alternative methods of playing their instruments, they create a minimal and visual musical performance. Their output has been primarily focused on live concerts, letting their music be shaped by the physicality of their playing, the acoustic and aesthetic properties of the space, and the dynamics formed between themselves and their audience. Their recorded work relies less on their respective instruments, and more on an assemblage of field recordings, out of context snippets of concerts, and memos of pieces to be, all of which are processed and warped through tape, employed as an instrument of its own. Their recorded debut was released on tape in October of 2020 through the Glasgow tape label GLARC.


photo Kasper Vogelzang
Red Brut is the moniker of Marijn Verbiesen (part of Sweat Tongue and JSCA). As Red Brut she is isolated, displaying a highly talented ear for day-to-day sounds, musique concréte composition and spontaneous sound collage.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30 Red Brut, 21:00 Able Noise
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

Saturday 25th of June *** Seijiro Murayama & van Twolips *** 


Percussionist Seijiro Murayama will play a set with special guests at UN PEU, born in 1957 in Nagasaki, Japan. He started performing improvised music in 1972, under some influence of Vinko Globokar and musicologist Fumio Koizumi. After graduated from Tokyo University in 1982 in Urdu studies he toured the USA with Keiji Haino as part of the seminal psychedelic band Fushitsusha. Returning to Japan after a period in NYC he continued playing drums and electronics in K.K. Null‘s noise/rock band A.N.P. (Absolut Null Punkt), while further exploring free improvisation. A relocation to France in 1999 led to collaborations that extended into dance, theatre and performance as well as ongoing partnerships with musicians Jean-Luc Guionnet, Eric Cordier, Michel Doneda, Mattin, Lionel Marchetti, among many others. 

EXTRA:Workshop sur l'improvisation (non-idiomatique), ouvert à tous les disciplines artistiques 

(Par Seijiro Murayama, percussionniste - improvisateur, co-auteur du texte "idiomes et idiots" )

Date(s):  le 25-26 juin

Nombre de participants:  10 max  

Prix : 20 euros pour deux journées

Le repas à midi : 5 euros

Horaires :

le 25 :10-16h

le 26 :10-16h

inscription > seijiro :


van Twolips will end the night gently with new stuff.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30 Seijiro Murayama, 21:00 van Twolips

Reserve your space:

paf €7,-

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MAY 2022

Friday 6th of May *** Les Personnes *** 

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Founded a few years ago in Brussels, Les Personnes now brings together Matthias Roche (guitar), Luc Vasseur (violin) and Seijiro Murayama (drums) around Jeanne Pruvot and Antoine Herran (bass, piano, vocals). For their first concert since November 2019, and in a new formation, they will perform a handful of original rock songs.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, nothing stops you to see them twice for the same price.
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Saturday 7th of May *** deuxfoisdeux *** 


20 strings with 2 double basses and 2 guitars. Improvised soundsculptures. 
Peter Jacquemyn, Gasper Piano, Hugo Antunes, Teuk Henri

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Saturday 14th of May *** Rombouts&Bruil *** 


"Nicolas Rombouts (Dez Mona, Stef Kamil Carlens, Matt Watts, SPOOK, ...) and Sjoerd Bruil (Millionaire, Mauro Pawlowski, Roosbeef, ...) explore in long or short instrumental improv sessions the sonorous world of their instrument without missing the occasional rock riff. This is done with electric bass and electric guitar, a small battery of effects pedals and maybe a drum machine. Expect drawn out clouds of sound that can sometimes become danceable."
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Friday 20th of May *** Giovanni di Domenico *** 


Giovanni will put his hands back on our piano. Let yourself go while he caresses the keys.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Saturday 21st of May *** Ma.Ma.And trio *** 


Friday 27th of May *** Chazam *** 


Votre Chazam will come to play the organ and sing songs from his international opuses, the vinyl LPs "Organ Gifts", and "Incertitudes volontaires". "Songs of lovelessness, since they are the only ones that interest us", and not love songs, slows, typical rhythms, a bittersweet atmosphere, melodies that will reach our hearts through our minds.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Saturday 28th of May *** Vin de Sprite, Antoine Loyer & Mégalodons malades and Creahmbxl exhibition *** 


Vin de Sprite is a very young group of Créahmbxl (création et handicap mental).
The group practices very modern yet funny French songs in all its glory. On May 28th, we will hear certain songs from their first album which promises to be insane.

With the support of Court Circuit

Antoine Loyer & Mégalodons malades despises audio material and provokes silence with little jokes that tend to whisper. We can speak of an anarcho-childish song, of tender avant-garde, of earthen coat song.

The repertoire for this Saturday will almost be exclusively made up of unreleased songs (with Mira Matthew, Morgane Trouillet, Alice George Perez, Sandra Naji, Arianna Marcolini).

AND UN PEU will exhibit several works by Créahmbxl artists PASCAL DUQUENNE, MIKE DESMET, DIYANA AFSAR, MARIE-JEANNE MOREAU, SHERAZADE GHARBI, MARC VERVLOET curated by Matthieu Ha & Cayo Scheyven.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music starts at 19:30 with Antoine Loyer & Mégalodons malades followed by Vin de Sprite at 21:00
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

diyana afsar.jpeg

Ditana Asfar


Shérazade Gharbi

APRIL 2022

One Thousand and One Terrace


Friday 1st of April *** Paprika & Varnishkes *** and Matthieu Ha's birthday

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Lucy Grauman vocals and keyboard, Hanna Bárdos-Féltoronyi vocals, Gilles Sadowski clarinet, this brand new group does not hesitate to blur the usual benchmarks of traditional music to find a language of its own. Csárdás, klezmer, doïna, Yiddish folklore, revolutionary refrains, Transylvanian songs, add schnapps, pálinka, spices, butterflies, birds, and let yourself be transported.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:30
They will only play once!! So reserve your spot as spaces are limited.
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

Thursday 7th of April *** Ryder the Eagle ***

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Ryder the Eagle is all about the other side of love. A mariachi with divorce ballads.

van Twolips will add a small musical interlude that night, unwilling to divorce oneself.  
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 20:00
Reserve your place:
paf €8,-

Friday 15th of April 2022 *** Divagation presents Megabasse + W.M.D. (Giulio Erasmus & Giallo Taupe) ***


After blowing out its 5 candles together with us in February, itinerant concerts Divagation comes back to UN PEU for a night of bass pleasures and vibrant chords. Two radically beautiful instrumental projects that you will hardly find on the internet. 

Megabasse is the double bass solo project of Pierre Bujeau, member of the superband Tanz Mein Herz and also running the clothing imprint Ateliers Dénudés which focuses on experimental music.

W.M.D aka Giulio Erasmus & Giallo Taupe is a still secret new project blending double bass, sax and tapes. Giulio has been seen playing bass in Umarell & Zdaura and is running the Absolute Fiction shows on NTS Radio

Music 20:00 W.M.D , 21:00  Megabasse   

Reserve your spot

paf €6,-

drawing by Adèle the graphist of Divagation who was inspired by our lifeguard high chair

Friday 29th of April *** Les Alchimistes ***

les alchimistes.jpg

Poetry for the eyes and ears. Illustrated albums and musical readings by
Nadia Berz Drawings, photos and illustrations
Lily Berz Texts and poems
Noémie Berz Music

Read by Yves Arques 
Doors 18:00-22:00
Performance 19:00 Le Silence de Fleurdo & 20:30 Ouziel ou le rêve d'ailleurs
Reserve your space:
paf €7,- 

Saturday 30th of April *** Christian Duray, Céline Cétout Zairi Heinz & Eric Jacques RenéDesFlammes, Baudouin Le Clercq & Benoit Piret, Strike Lucicki, van Twolips ***


A night of poetry where the sea becomes the earth.
First up, Trop Toujours Plus, a short by Christian Duray, a man of soft spoken eloquence, straight to the point where it matters the most. This time, Christian will deliver it right there and then, supported by van Twolips and Strike Lucicki.
Followed by BLUME, a duo with Baudouin Le Clercq (sound programmation) and Benoit Piret (Spoken Words and "Vox Clamantis" installation)
And last but not least, Céline Cétout Zairi Heinz (words) and  Eric Jacques RenéDesFlammes (Theremin and drum machine - "On July the 13th, 2005, Boom badaboum!!! I explode. Change of life, status and reconstruction. Birth of ReNédesFlammes: Artist- Handicapped").
Doors 18:00-22:00
Performances from 18:30, so come early! 
Book your spot:
paf €8,- for the night.

MARCH 2022


March 2022 What to Expect: Our One Thousand and One Terrace on street level will be telling stories throughout the opening hours while you can enter the subterranean terrace (by paying a small contribution) to enjoy the artists mentioned below. To receive more of you, most artists will play twice (once around 19:00 and once around 20:30). It will be an event to avoid the crowd and meet the people.

Thursday 10th of March *** Jordi Cassagne ***


Immersed in ancient music and the practice of the violone or letting himself be carried away by the alchemy of jazz and improvised music, Jordi Cassagne's career is a stroll through the artistic encounters of the moment.

Jordi is a graduate in both Jazz and Early Music. From 2008 to 2014, he completed a Master's degree in Jazz at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague,
then from 2016 to 2019 he continued his studies at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel in Historical Double Bass. During these years he notably studied with Hein van de Geyn, Frans van der Hoeven, Clemens van der Feen, Maggie Urquhart, Korneel le Compte...

He is the leader of two ensembles, the jazz quartet NOUROOG with Sylvain Debaisieux, Sam Comerford and Samuel Ber, and the group LIMITE, with more rock influences, with Kobe Dupont, Benjamin Sauzereau, Camille Alban Spreng and Théo Lanau.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
He will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Friday 11th of March *** Pétrole ***


A relatively new duo by drummer Theo Lanau and guitarist Benjamin Sauzereau. IT'S beautiful and will make you walk down memory lane. A happy path to take.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Friday 18th of March *** Bb Lona ***


Bb Lona aka Barbara Mavro Thalassitis was a choreographer and dancer for many years, based in Brussels and defining herself as a protean artist, Bb Lona has been developing a very personal and poetic musical universe for several years. With her new album Kill Your Darling, she transforms a serial killer into a killeress with a French touch.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Saturday 19th of March *** Tuur Florizoone Trio ***


It was on the occasion of the first part of the River Jazz Night 2018 played at the Jazz Station that Tuur Florizoone created this project as hybrid as it is sensational.
Author of the soundtrack of 'Moscow, Belgium', for a long time, this chameleon artist of the Belgian scene seduces with his talent and his stage presence. Come and taste the 'mix-tuur' that this outstanding musician has concocted for us: A 'traditional' group with bass, drums and accordion.
In this trio, he will be a melodist and composer and will involve our dear Etienne Plumer in the adventure and for the first time a Nicolas Fiszman back from a tour with Sting!
Tuur Florizoone's music is rich and generous. It invokes large spaces as well as the most buried intimacy. With this new trio, the heart travels.

Nicolas Fiszman: electric bass
Etienne Plumer: drums
Tuur Florizoone: chromatic accordion & compositions

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Friday 25th of March *** Aziza ***

After her experience as a backing vocalist or bass player for different artists, Aziza decided to dive into her eponym project and share her world. The project relies on personal compositions played in a trio formula : Aziza (vocal/bass), Diego Higueras (guitar) and Théo Téboul (drum). This «Hipsoul Hoprock» band is a mixture of different influences such as soul music, rock, hip hop and so on.. The songs combines softness and an englobing atmosphere which brings us to a singular universe you'll have the freedom to define the way you like too.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Photo by Maël G Lagadec

Saturday 26th of March *** Kreis ***

Foto Kreis ((c) Leon De Backer) gewoon.jpg

A trio on the brink between lyrical jazz, pondering chamber music and film music, 
exploring the borders of composition and improvisation.

Benjamin Hermans, saxophones & clarinet

Stan Maris, accordion & compositions

Kobe Boon, double bass

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
Reserve your space:
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Photo by Leon De Backer

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One Thousand and One Terrace

February 2022 What to Expect: Our One Thousand and One Terrace on street level will be telling stories throughout the opening hours while you can enter the subterranean terrace (by paying a small contribution) to enjoy the artists mentioned below. To receive more of you, most artists will play twice (once around 19:00 and once around 20:30). It will be an event to avoid the crowd and meet the people.

Friday 4th of February *** NP & NÂR - Beirut Experience ***


NP is an electronic, experimental duo formed in 2019 by Jad Atoui and Anthony Sahyoun. It reflects on the current political transformation and its imposed uncertainties, as a method to explore musical futures. They have made a name for themselves in Lebanon for performing both extended experimental music, and banger live dance music, using acoustic objects, modular systems and programming.
NÂR is a Lebanese multi-instrumentalist and Singer/Spoken word performer. In constant metamorphosis, she works with various instruments, her vocals and many objects she finds, processed through a chain of analog effects and loopers she uses in a very singular way. Layer after layer, she builds up and deconstructs each piece, often leading her sonic experiments with short sentences on repeat like mantras oscillating between Arabic and English or declaimed poetry by writers such as Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath and other contemporary poets as Lydia Lunch.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
Reserve your space:
paf €8,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
Photo of np BY Joe Saade

Saturday 5th of February 2022 *** Anchoises & Crustacés ***

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Les Anchoises are Anne Gennen on baritone sax, and Aurélie Charneux on clarinet. A successful anchovy is above all a memory revived in the hollow of the neurons of the public. It was a dark evening in January 2010 that they suddenly found their vocation: to become a living jukebox. Since then, the two musicians have been passionately blowing hits in their hits, and continue to patiently expand their repertoire, somewhere between Edith Piaf and Pink Floyd. A few hundred appearances later, the Anchoises blow out their 12 candles with a full seafood platter! They therefore invited two crustacés of choice: Etienne Plumer on drums and Jean-Jacques Renaut on brass and percussion.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
Reserve your place:
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Friday 11th of February *** ERNST ***


The art of being serious... Ernst brings cinematic jazz with a David Lynch vibe.​

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited. - Reserve your spot
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Saturday 12th of February *** 5 Years of Divagation ***


A special event for curious ears as Divagation is celebrating its five years on Saturday 12/02 at UN PEU with a cozy event of dreamy lives and short movies
18h & 20h Short films curated by Mika Baudoux
Oneiric trip back and forward, memories, doubts, space
19h Catherine Danger live
Dub infused psych ambient

21h Arkanar live
Dreamy melodic dungeon synth
+ Vinyl selection by Divagation friends
BEWARE☝️☝️ This one is special. You can book either the short film or a concert or both/all. Each section cost €4,- ➡️ reserve your place.
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Doors 17:00-23:00

Friday 18th of February *** Fiona Brown ***

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Higher Plain Music says "usually, when musicians take a cold, industrial route into their music, it follows a vocal style that matches. Fiona Brown is an exception to that rule. Bringing a vocal that is more akin to soul or warm synth music, this is the coldest of music with the warmest of regards."

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
Book your spot:
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace
Photo by Guy Kokken


One Thousand and One Terrace

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JANUARY 2022 What to Expect: Our One Thousand and One Terrace on street level will be telling stories throughout the opening hours while you can enter the subterranean terrace (by paying a small contribution) to enjoy the artists mentioned below. To receive more of you, most artists will play twice (once around 19h00 and once around 20:30). It will be an event to avoid the crowd and meet the people. 

Reservations by email are suggested and please don't hesitate to write us if you have any questions (

Or as Matthieu says: UN PEU d'agenda du mois de Janvier. "Mois spécial autour du BAS". Les nouveaux contes des MILLE ET UNE TERRASSE mettront le «HAUT LA » dans les graves parce que l'heure est grave !!!! Dans le Bruxelles  de l'amour Cayo Scheyven et Matthieu Ha ont fait appel aux musiciens suivants : Peter Jacquemyn à la basse, Gaspar Sickx à la batterie et Gasper Piano au piano - afin d'amplifier leurs sentiments les plus distingués pour cette année de dédoublement : 2022. Viens UN PEU, seul à deux...ou à 22.

Friday 14th of January *** Gašper Piano, Gaspard Sicx, Peter Jacquemyn ***

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Improvised music, ethnic with jazz colors and a certain subtlety... 
This trio adapts to the surroundings un peu.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Photo of Gaspard = Roger Vantilt, Photo of Gašper = Iztok Zupan

Friday 21st of January *** Jon Doe One ***


Music nowadays is a crime. The whole dark art consisting in whether the composer opts for death by suffocation (maximalism) or death by strangulation (the perennially fashionable anti-fashion that is minimalism). Jon Doe One's debut record, Small Numbers, involved layer after layer of obsessive construction. Faced with its delirious palimpsest of rhythm and sound, listeners – those curious lost souls, I count myself amongst their ranks, alas – had no choice but to gag on the expansive ensemble. In other words, the composer had done all the hard work for us. To guard against this oversight, and his own imaginative zeal, for the next opus he decided to establish certain constraints. Firstly, that the music should sound live, spontaneous – to which end an old tape machine was marshalled; a live show cannibalised. Second, that each track should feature drums, guitar, electronics and bass, no more, or a combination of any three, notably the artist's hitherto neglected ‘first love’, electric bass (how sentiment threatens to quash the scientific). Four, all other whimsy such as melody would be stripped away. Fifthly, finally, and most brutally, only the best six tracks would make the cut. The day of the record’s release, I came across Johannes d’Hoine in the streets of Antwerp. Peering into the void of a baroque church, he looked somehow reduced. To raise his spirits, I piled praise on the record. Less is more, he muttered strangely. Kill your darlings! But I saw that, though the music lived, something in d’Hoine had died; he and Doe One did not speak again. (Text: Clodagh Kinsella)

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:00 & 20:30

He will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Saturday 22nd of January *** Vivre avec un chien et un fusil ***

vivre avec un chien et un fusil.jpg

Who is it who kisses the sun and who writes poems like a lover in transit under U.V rays? It's Vivre avec un chien et un fusil Outstanding guitarist, Clément Delhomme turns his ritornello in all directions to bewitch you to the core. On the compilation, his piece resembles a dream that passes and repeats without any weariness. A soft fiber butterfly hunter.


Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:00 & 20:30

He will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Friday 28th of January *** Frise Lumière ***

frise lumiere.jpg

It's an intimate project, only on bass guitar. A sound rooted in experimental, minimalist and traditional music at the same time.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:00 & 20:30

He will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

Saturday 29th of January *** Peter Jacquemyn & Farida Amadou ***

A double bass session like no other. Electrifying acoustics. Come and discover this new duo un peu.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:00 & 20:30

They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.


Drawing by Peter Jacquemyn


One Thousand and One Terrace


DECEMBER 2021 What to Expect: Our One Thousand and One Terrace on street level will be telling stories throughout the opening hours while you can enter the subterranean terrace (by paying a small contribution) to enjoy the artists mentioned below. To receive more of you, most artists will play twice (once around 19h00 and once around 20:30). It will be an event to avoid the crowd and meet the people. 

Reservations by email are suggested and please don't hesitate to write us if you have any questions (

Friday the 3rd of December *** Backback ***


About 100 years ago, Duke Ellington began his impressive musical career in 1920s New York. In addition to his countless well-known standards, he wrote almost 2000 compositions. Ellington has always been an innovator who could bridge the gap between the blues and the avant-garde. Ranging from the dance music of the early 1920s, which he performed at the "Cotton club" in Harlem, to suites and longer compositions that are more close to contemporary classical music, numerous recordings for smaller ensembles and solo piano work. Today Backback will be working on the project “DEUK” with a selection of his lesser known work. So no “satin doll”, think rather of obscure titles such as “Oclupaca” from the “Latin-American suite”, “Chinoiserie” from “Afro eurasian eclipse”, or “Anatomy of a murder” from the film score of the same name. The Bigband arrangements make way for the essentials, and this with the proven no-nonsense approach that we are used to from Backback. Backback's new album will be consisting of a few hidden gems from Ellington's oeuvre. This will be the fifth album in the 20-year existence of Backback, the trio that still blows a breath of fresh air through the Flemish jazz landscape.

Filip Wauters - el guitar, baritone guitar
Marc De Maeseneer - baritone sax, tenor sax, keyboard
Giovanni Barcella - drums

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
All measures (hygienic and others) are taken… 

backback foto benoit  van maele.jpg

Saturday 4th of December *** UN PEU d'écoute ***


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𝐒𝐞́𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐝'𝐞́𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞 : "𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐝𝐞𝐧" (𝟏𝟖:𝟎𝟎) + "𝐋𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐮 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐞" (𝟐𝟎:𝟎𝟎)

Un Peu accueille la première des trois séances d'écoute proposées en décembre à Bruxelles parallèlement à la sortie du film 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐲 au Cinéma Aventure.

𝟭𝟴:𝟬𝟬 > 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐝𝐞𝐧 (𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟖, 𝟒𝟐 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬).
Le principe est simple. On s'installe confortablement autour d'une sono. On se plonge dans l'obscurité et dans les sillons. Sur la platine : Spirit of Eden, le quatrième et avant-dernier album du groupe anglais Talk Talk. On écoute le vinyle dans son intégralité, avec pour seule pause le changement de face. Et pour qui veut, on en discute ensuite en présence de Gwenaël Breës, réalisateur du film et auteur d'une série d'articles sur Talk Talk et Mark Hollis publiée chaque semaine sur le site de PointCulture.

𝟮𝟬:𝟬𝟬 > 𝐋𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐮 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐞 (𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎, 𝟓𝟖 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬).
D'un point de vue sonore, le silence n'est pas une absence de son. Et comment pourrait-il en être autrement, puisque "Toujours l'existence palpite et fait entendre une rumeur qui rassure sur la persistance des repères essentiels" ? Dans ce documentaire audio (produit par l'Atelier de création sonore radiophonique), Hervé Brindel part en quête dans les terrains vagues du sonore, afin d'ausculter le silence et de questionner notre relation au bruissement du monde. En présence du réalisateur Hervé Brindel.

Entrée gratuite. Soupe et croques-monsieur pendant la pause.


𝐿𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑚 𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑡𝑒́ 𝑎𝑢 𝐶𝑖𝑛𝑒́𝑚𝑎 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑚𝑖-𝑑𝑒́𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑟𝑒. 𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑠 :


𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐞́𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐝'𝐞́𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐳-𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬 :

- Au Centre culturel Jacques Franck le dimanche 12/12 à 18h pour (re)découvrir l'album 𝐿𝑎𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 de Talk Talk (1991).

- Au PointCulture ULB le mercredi 15/12 à 18h pour (re)découvrir l'album solo de 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑠 (1998).

Friday 10th of December *** Punk Kong ***


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***Punk Kong*** Edgy guitar, powerful drums and three hyper dynamic saxophones, a special instrumentation that creates a unique sound with songs that blend Jazz, Psychedelic rock, African Blues and improvised music into a remarkable amalgam.

Viktor Perdieus: tenor & baritone sax
Gregoire Tirtiaux: alto & baritone sax
Ruben Verbruggen: alto & baritone sax
Giotis Damianidis: guitar
João Lobo: drums

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

With the support of Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie 

Friday 17th of December *** Mono Siren // Manon Bara ***



Mono Siren and Manon Bara are intertwined and linked in many ways. Painted leather jackets and funk. May the story blindly continue.

** Mono Siren ** A looper to sow terror. On vocals, Miss Turquoise looks like a Mermaid (Siren). She brightens up your gloomy nights like a lantern. Funk, Punk, Disco influences. Synths vibrate MONO.

** Manon Bara ** Manon Bara paints, which does not necessarily mean producing paintings. Because Manon Bara's painting does not bother too much with supports ... because it is limitless, compulsive, gluttonous, loaded with a desire too great to be contained. The best is today, which is done, which overflows, still wet, which stains and sticks to the fingers. It is a honey in which would be candied Jesus and Michael Jackson, a few dinosaurs, a host of little cats. Popular icons compacted without the slightest condescension or cruelty, cooked with the respect and devotion implied by cannibalistic practices.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

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Saturday 18th of December *** Doc Maab aka Nyati Mayi***



A last minute add on to finish UN PEU's year in style with Doc Maab aka Nyati Mayi. A mystic story will be told.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:00 & 20:30
He will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited. Reserve your place:

paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

One Thousand and One Terrace


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NOVEMBER 2021 What to Expect: Our One Thousand and One Terrace on street level will be telling stories throughout the opening hours while you can enter the subterranean terrace (by paying a small contribution) to enjoy the artists mentioned below. To receive more of you, most artists will play twice (once around 19h30 and once around 21h00). It will be an event to avoid the crowd and meet the people. 

Reservations by email are suggested and please don't hesitate to write us if you have any questions (

Friday the 12th of November *** Julien Tassin & Patrick Steenaerts ***


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Julien will come back to tell a story, this time with Patrick. Two musicians who merge their sound to explore new territories as a guitar duo.
An original musical dialogue made of colors and chaotic sounds in the service of music on the border of jazz, experimental, soundscape and noise.
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
paf €7,-
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
All measures (hygienic and others) are taken… 

with support of Court Circuit

Friday the 19th of November *** La Nuée ***


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Finally this sensitive gathering of instruments will make us travel like a flock of birds while walking on clouds with Johannes Eimermacher, Audrey Lauro, Frans Van Isacker - alto sax, Sylvain Debaisieux - tenor sax, Hanne De Backer - baritone sax & Joao Lobo
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30 - they will play twice, so you choose your time. Spaces are limited:
paf €7,-
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
All measures (hygienic and others) are taken… 

Wednesday the 24th of November *** Elizabeth Devlin (USA) ***


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Elizabeth Devlin, combining an enchanting, lilting voice and Autoharp, is a NYC singer-songwriter with avante-garde-folk sensibilities; she defies traditional song structures, weaving small worlds where magic and fantasies collide.
Devlin's vocals and musical dynamism have been compared to Coco Rosie and Joanna Newsom and her poetic lyrics to that of PJ Harvey and Leonard Cohen. After four years of silence, her new EP, ‘Conscientious Objector’, will be released in the fall of 2021 (with an album to follow in 2022). She will be on a European tour in France, Belgium and Germany from November 23 to December 05.

"Elizabeth Devlin sings her surrealist verses accompanying herself on the autoharp, her voice overlapping the strangely dissonant harmonies she traces with her hands."
- The New York Times

'It must be in the way Elizabeth Devlin sings in that soft, floating voice, the way in which these songs venture out of any traditional structure, the way her lyrics paint abstract narratives that seek more towards poetry than song.'
- Consequence of Sound

Official website:

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:00 & 20:30
She will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.
paf €8,-
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

Friday & Saturday the 26/27th of November *** Maî & Les Chics Types ***


Mai Ogawa surrounded herself with 4 smart guys.
4 singers who, for the occasion, wrote stories.
Stories inspired by Maï's music.
“Maï et les chics types” is a large piece of music of about 45 minutes.
With stories told, and sometimes sung, by 4 guys in white shirts.
A show that mixes music, suspense, solitude, flavors and ornithology.
There is love, the love of knowledge and the love of fries.
A show where the animal, plant and spiritual world do the same. : they wait.
Maï ogawa - piano ( Alek et Les Japonaises, Le Kamishibaï Musical, Facteur Cheval )
Alek Boff - raconteur ( Alek et Les Japonaises )
Tanguy Haesevoets - raconteur ( Témé Tan )
Carl Roosens - raconteur ( Les Hommes-boîtes, PERITELLE, Facteur Cheval )
Mathieu Vandermolen - raconteur ( L’Os de seiche, Le Kamishibaï Musical, Megamoto )

Teaser :

Doors 18:00-22:00
Performance 19:00 & 20:30

They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

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One Thousand and One Terrace

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OCTOBER 2021 What to Expect: Our One Thousand and One Terrace on street level will be telling stories throughout the opening hours while you can enter the subterranean terrace (by paying a small contribution) to enjoy the artists mentioned below. To receive more of you, most artists will play twice (once around 19h30 and once around 21h00). It will be an event to avoid the crowd and meet the people. 

Reservations by email are suggested and please don't hesitate to write us if you have any questions (

Friday the 1st of October *** Gnawa de Bruxelles ***


UN PEU Sufi spirituality this Friday with LES GNAWA DE BRUXELLES headed by: the great Maalem Rida Stitou ...
These are the very ones who blessed, three years ago (October 2018), the CULTURAL BEAUTY CENTER. It seems that a cycle is about...not to end but to start again !!! It will be the 11th of the One Thousand and One Terrace.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30 & 21:00
They will play twice, you choose, spaces are limited.

paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

All measures (hygienic and others) are taken… 

change of plans!

Saturday the 2nd of October *** Ivan Tirtiaux ***


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Organic folk, poetic blues, lunar melodies chiseled with love for the word, Ivan Tirtiaux caresses, hammers, hits his guitar and delivers veracious and penetrating lyrics. His music is somewhere between the soft blues of Dick Annegarn, the disenchanted ritornellos of Nick Drake and the swaying eurythmy of Chico Buarque. Songs that celebrate chance, the course of life and the many dislocations of fate. We talk about travel, stones, women, roses, disasters, oceans ...

A voice, an instantly recognizable style.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30 and 21:00

He will do his set twice, you choose your time, spaces are limited....

paf €5,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

With support of Court Circuit

Friday the 8th of October *** Manu Louis ***


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Manu Louis in all his glory and our terrace will continue to tell a story. Manu Louis is a Belgian musician, singer and composer known for mixing genres and assimilating opposites. He composed for string orchestra1, went through jazz, pop, contemporary and improvised music.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30 and 21:00

He will do his set twice, you choose your time, spaces are limited....

paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

Saturday the 9th of October *** UN PEU parade BOOT TENACE ***


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A special day where music wets the road between UN PEU and the Boot Tenace. 16-18u To wet our appetite for the parade towards our friends at the Boot Tenace, we start with performances at UN PEU by: Aurélie Charneux who invites Lise Oustric (vocals), Silvia Guerra (accordion), Dorothée Pietquin (bass guitar), Clem Thomas (drums). Mamaliga Orkestar. Icing on the cake by Clément Nourry and Florian Guibert for the WALK OF LIFE with all of you as well as Cayo Scheyven & Matthieu Ha.18u PARADE Un Peu ---→ Boot Tenace20u Boot Tenace concerts/cabaret/performance... (tbc)

Friday the 15th of October *** Lennart Heyndels ***


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Lennart's story still needs to be told. At UN PEU with his latest album Halling... A trip into the depths of our nature.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30 and 21:00

He will do his set twice, you choose your time, spaces are limited....

paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

Saturday the 16th of October *** Apprendre à Tuer *** A serious revue coming out!




1 p.m .: Serious terrine / workshop / fresh duck / function of the day's hunt

2 p.m .: serious readings

5 p.m .: serious conference by clément delhomme

7 p.m .: serious concert

8 p.m .: result of the tombolette

8:30 p.m .: very serious concert

/ not serious people to abstain /

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace. Surrounded with serious original drawings from the fanzine...

All serious measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

Friday the 22nd of October *** Three Solos Tom Bourgeois, Alex Beaurain, Daniel Stokart ***


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Three Solos and One evening

Tom Bourgeois // Sax & Bass Clarinet // Name of the album - Solos // Link for the music -

Alex Beaurain // acoustic guitar // Name of the album - Corps flottants // Link for the music :

Daniel Stokart // saxes, flutes & USOs (USO: unidentified sound object) // all info here :

Doors 18:00-22:00

Spaces are limited....

paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…

Friday the 29th of October *** Nilza Costa ***


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Nilza Costa with Daniele Santimone, Seven String Guitar, Maurizio Piancastelli, Trumpet and Roberto Rossi, Drums.

A story will be told in Yoruba and Portuguese....

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:00 and 20:30

She will do her set twice, you choose your time, spaces are limited....

paf €8,-

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…


One Thousand and One Terrace

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What to Expect: Our One Thousand and One Terrace on street level will be telling stories throughout the opening hours while you can enter the subterranean terrace (by paying a small contribution) to enjoy the artists mentioned below. To receive more of you, the artists will play twice (once around 19h30 and once around 21h00). It will be an event to avoid the crowd and meet the people. 

Reservations by email are suggested and please don't hesitate to write us if you have any questions (


Friday the 10th of September

Performances: Mòs Ensemble


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A different, green world, as Brian Eno once imagined. Mòs ensemble lives up to their name, pollinating every ear as one, growing, rampantly moving organism. Music as the matrix for spring dreams, for an Arcadian adventure. A pristine archipelago in a sea of jazz, folk, and psychedelia. No land of milk and honey, but of wriggling, withering chords and rhythms, of serene, softly sprinkling torrents of sound. A place where a duo of angels , sirens cast ashore, scatter seeds with their lungs. Reed and brass provide either breeze or blizzard. Double bass and guitar are the tides, drums foster night or day time. And the songs are the birds, the bees, the fruit, the rain or sun. In the land of Mós grey is not an option, the soil is always rich and fertile. A world of hummus and wonder. Like a Richard Attenborough documentary, but loose and improvised. (c) Jonas Boel

Doors 18:00-22:00
paf €7,- for the artists
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
All measures (hygienic and others) are taken…


Thursday the 16th of September

Performances: Sheik Anorak


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Our terrace down below will resonate Sheik Anorak’s heartbeats.

Sheik Anorak is a solo/ one man band led by Frank Garcia, a French musician now relocated in Göteborg, Sweden. Sheik Anorak’s music is a wide range of all Frank’s influences – from minimal techno to indie pop, from krautrock to noise/nowave…

Doors 18:00-22:00

paf €7,- for the artists

un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.

All measures (hygienic and others) are taken… 


Saturday 18th of September 

Performances: Rombouts & Watts

+ Sabine Happard


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One day, Matt passed by UN PEU and we listened to his new album "Muted Songs For Piano", a collaboration with Nicolas Rombouts. It moved us to our very inner core. It's so damn beautiful. And now you'll have a chance to see it at UN PEU. And Sabine Happard as cherry on the cake.

Doors 18:00-22:00
paf €7,- for the artists
un peu food & drinks on our one thousand and one terrace.
All measures (hygienic and others) are taken… 


Saturday 25th of September

Performances: La Fanfare des Minuscuuls


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As part of the 50th anniversary celebration of la Fédération Wallonie - Bruxelles and in partnership with Court-Circuit, UN PEU invites you.

* Exhibition of Brussels artists and "minuscuuls musical interventions" + refreshments.
* "La Fanfare des Minuscuuls" with
Yannick Dupont, Patrick Clauwaert, Florian Guibert, Guillaume Maupin, Teuk Henri, Matthieu Ha & Cayo Scheyven, in a cabaret and magical formula, presents (un peu): 2 concerts for around 16 people seated.
* Tiny musical aperitif
La Fanfare des Minuscuuls is an ensemble that brings together different strings to its bow. Vocal strings, strings for electrified guitars, or dry and wet guitars, strings for multi-pair violins but also organic accordion and magic flute. Their music accompanies an experimental Brussels folklore: that of the MINUSCUULS.
The Minuscuuls are paper entities (10 cm), claiming to be of the same lineage as that of the folklore of the giants (such as those of the Meyboom). They are a thousand times more numerous. Yet they have been inaudible for centuries. Now La Fanfare des Minuscuuls will make them visible.
Free entry

One Thousand and one terrace
un peu food & drinks
In compliance with the sanitary rules decreed by the City of Brussels



One Thousand and One Terrace

Programme and more to follow:

16:00 to 20:00

Friday 13th: Back to tap with Patrick Honoré and more live by MC Artboy, the poet and graphic artist from the 21st century.

Saturday 14th: Discover Momo l'asticot de l'espace, solo performance by Mauricio Amarante (Radikal Satan) and more

Friday 20th: Piano solo by Eric Bribosia.

Saturday 21st: Don't miss Alice George Perez. She WILL make you cry, it's so damn beautiful.

Friday 27th:On this rare occasion, van Twolips will go both and solo. Cayo as one lip and Matthieu Ha as the other one.

Saturday 28th:Antoine Loyer will tell you tales, fairy and other. As well as Creahm's Donatien.

Saturday 3rd of July 2021 from 14:00 to 22:00

Quai Beco, 1 av. du Port, 1000 Brussels



The cultural beauty center UN PEU & la Petite Maison du Peuple will send 10 golden petals to the water like celestial water lilies, while 50 Brussels artists will come and play the ball of giants and minuscule. This ceremony will take place through an initiatory journey leading the couple of Meyboom giants to reclaim their love story after a hundred years of living together. Brussels will marry herself !!!

Free and no reservations needed!

Take your pick or do the day:

14h00 Gnawa de Bruxelles

14h00-18h00 Atelier for kids, Fanfare, Guided bike cycle tours, Local food and drinks

17h15-18h20 Tow that boat with hearts and Taiko while the fanfare is playing.

18h25 A woman with very long legs, Giants kissing, Manneken Pis pissing, Underwear burns... and then the Giants will dance to the music of Brussels' latest band in town as well as Kangling & DJ Belgitude

22h00 FIN


The City of Brussels in collaboration with the Port of Brussels, Street Art Parcours of the City of Brussels and the cultural beauty center UN PEU & la Petite Maison du Peuple

les Géants du Meyboom and its Fanfare, Gnawa de Bruxelles, Kangling, Maïa Aboueleze, DJ Belgitude, Manneken Piss, Jean Pierre and Rosette Homblé, Mascha Patigny de la Cie Tiguidap, Feu et Métal with Jean François Pierlot, 1000 Brussels Fire Brigade, Eliane, Clément Nourry, Catherine Graindorge, Teuk Henri, Florian Guibert, Patrick Clauwaert, Guillaume Maupin, Yannick Dupont, Alex Guillaume, van Twolips, Matthieu Ha, Cayo Scheyven, JF Lejeune and more 

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Friday 7th of May

Friday 14th of May

Friday 21st of May

Friday 28th of May

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Friday 2nd of April

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Friday 9nd of April

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Friday 16th of April

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Friday 23rd of April

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Friday 30th of April


Friday 5th of March

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Friday 12th of March

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Friday 19th of March

Friday 26th of March

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17th of April

Don Kapot with special guest: Bert Dockx

1st of May

Don Kapot with special guest: Kaito Winse

15th of May

Don Kapot with special guest: FULCO

These live sessions were made possible with the support of Vlaamse Gemeenschap

9th of April

SIGI TETE / Ho - Verbruggen - Mortio -Henri

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New eclectic band from Brussels with Simon Ho on keys, Eli Rabinovitch on drums, Gil Mortio on bass and Teuk Henri on guitar.

Simon and Teuk worked together for 3 years for Cinémaximiliaan's Egged On By Music. They felt that they should create a new band after this collaboration. Teuk has been playing for years with Rudy Trouvé's impro band I H8 Camera. 
When the bass player was not available Teuk asked Gil to join I H8 Camera.

So when Simon asked Teuk to find some musicians for their new band the choice was pretty obvious.

ELDERS is Tom Pintens' (Het Zesde Metaal) and Laurence Roothooft's new band.
ELDERS is electronic popmusic with harmonic vocals, mesmerizing synths, beats and guitar.
ELDERS consists of 2 people but sometimes sounds like more people. Their music sounds mysterious, somewhat daring even.
ELDERS creates a whole new endless world, where the audience is absorbed into.

14th of May


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Backback - Deuk

Ongeveer 100 jaar geleden begon Duke Ellington aan zijn indrukwekkende muzikale carrière in het New York van de jaren ’20.

Naast zijn talloze bekende standards schreef hij bijna 2000 composities. Ellington is altijd een vernieuwer geweest die een brug kon slaan tussen de blues en de avant-garde. Gaande van de dansmuziek uit de beginperiode in de jaren '20, die hij bracht in de "Cotton club" in Harlem, over suites en langere composities die meer aanleunen bij hedendaagse klassieke muziek, talloze opnames voor kleinere bezettingen en solo piano werk.

Vandaag gaat Backback met het project “DEUK” aan de slag met een selectie uit zijn minder bekend werk. 

Geen “satin doll” dus, denk eerder aan obscure titels als “Oclupaca” uit de“Latin-American suite”, “Chinoiserie” uit “Afro eurasian eclipse”, of “Anatomy of a murder” uit de gelijknamige filmscore.

De Bigband-arrangementen maken plaats voor de essentie, en dit met de beproefde no-nonsense aanpak de we van Backback gewoon zijn.

In het najaar verschijnt het nieuwe album van Backback, bestaande uit enkele verborgen parels uit het Ellington oeuvre.

Dit wordt dan meteen het vijfde album in het 20-jarige bestaan van Backback, het trio dat nog steeds een frisse wind laten waaien door het Vlaamse  jazz-landschap.



Filip Wauters - el gitaar, bariton gitaar

Marc De Maeseneer - bariton sax, tenor sax, keyboard

Giovanni Barcella - drums

21st of May


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Ik hou van jou


Thursday 22nd of October - reOPENing UN PEU 

Concerts: Les Hommes-Boîtes & L'Argousier


**les Hommes-Boîtes** After "Où poser des yeux en 2009" and 'La paroi de ton ventre' in 2013, Les Hommes-Boîtes are back with 'La copie d'un autre' released on the young and sparkling Brussels label Gnignignignigni. Composed of Carl Roosens, Emmanuel Coenen and Pascal Matthey, Les Hommes-Boîtes tell and sing funny stories of animals, look-alikes and dark rooms on electronic music that is joyfully haunting, not to say pop. "We are always the copy of another".

**L’Argousier** Laboratory in the form of a multicolored and minimalist duo, we find lyricism, punk, dance, somewhat noisy stuff, ethereal voices, an MPC and poems.

AND GIF Contest - Come with your GIF on a usb stick, and fight the fight...

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30

un peu food & drinks

paf €8,- for the artists (a little more than usual to compensate for limited spaces) - RESERVATIONS:


Friday 23rd of October

Concerts: Lennart Heyndels & van Twolips


ALBUM RELEASE "HALLING" is **Lennart Heyndels**' first release as a solo artist. Recorded during a residency in the Norwegian countryside, the title of the album refers to the Hallingdal region, as well as the traditional local dance 'Halling' (in which the main goal for the dancer is to kick a hat off a stick while doing a somersault... yes you can youtube that). While residing at the Leveld Kunstnartun he recorded sounds from the environment and fused them with his modular synthesizer, making it impossible at times to distinguish one from the other.

**van Twolips** will open up the night with an intimate piano set...

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30
un peu food and drinks
paf €6,- for the artist, and do not hesitate to buy his fantastic new album! -  RESERVATIONS:


Ik hou niet van jou


Friday 30th of October

Exhibition: Marc Rilliet

Concerts: B-Side Kids & Marc Rilliet solo


Solo Exhibition and Performance by **Marc Rilliet**, painter extraordinaire. Paintings inspired by un peu's blue with passion.
**B-Side Kids**, soon to become something somehow more some mature, is composed of three second degree kindred somethings on the loose (Al George Perez, Matthieu Peyraud, and Thomas Vaccargiu). The idea behind this (really A but) B-side venture was to create a somewhat safe space to store and share all these ditties and tunes buried at the back of our minds, give them a stage of their own and allow them, finally, to develop and soar through the air(waves). We make cinematographic pop, and there’s really no better way to put it. That B-side Affair, signing off, Thank you, and good night.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30
un peu food & drinks
paf €6,- for the artists - RESERVATIONS:


FROM 18:30 TO 23:00



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UN PEU presents an original program for 8 Fridays (3 July - 21 August). It brings together the two main music paradigms: via two stages on the same VAUX-HALL site, behind the Théâtre du Parc - Early / classical music / opera - Rock / Jazz / electro and improvised music. An original decoration of five gigantic golden petals, 4 meters Raised high, the Vaux-Hall will grace space, while "flying poets" will surprise your ears with their most beautiful lines. Finally, according to the program, when dusk arrives, the light becomes video graphic. All this in the company of mainly Belgian artists (mostly from Brussels) from different families and artistic generations. The Vaux-Hall then turns "UN PEU" into a "center of cultural beauty".


3rd of July

* 1 minute of silence in tribute to the birds

* OPERA Paul Gerimon & Hanna Bardos-Feltoronyi 

* POETRY Garçon Poète

* POETRY Jan Ducheyne

* JAZZ/ROCK Yôkaï 
10th of July

* PIANO : La voisine 

* POÈZIE : Garçon Poète

* BAROQUE/JS BACH : Jean-Philippe Feiss  

* ROCK/FARANDOLE : Les Filles d’Apocalypse

* VIDEO : Piotr Osuszkiewicz

17th of July

* PIANO : La Voisine

* MUSIC HALL: Patrick Honoré et Erick Hernández Godínez

* SMITHS CORE: Black Tape on Nails

* POPelectroSONG: Zero Years Kid (Joachim Badenhorst)


24th of July


* FOLK & FRENCH TOUCH : Amarante Cérisier

* FOLK ROCK : Matt Watts Group (Maarten Moesen, Nicolas     Rombouts, Stef Kamil Carlens, Matt Watts)


* VIDEO : Matthieu Ha

31st of July


* OPÉRA : La Cathédrale Invisible (Jeanne Monteilhet soprano, Bertrand dazin Contretenor, Pierre Trocellier clavecin, Alice Trocelier viole de gambe, Louise Ayrton violon)

* SYNTH ROCK : Mercelis 

* POÈZIE : Garçon Poète

* VIDEO : Jonty Toosey

7th of August

* HARP ÉLECTRO : Margaret Hermant & Fabien Leseure 

* VOICE & VOICE : Antoine Boute & Jeanne Pruvot Simonneaux

* ÉLECTRO MUSICAL PLAYGROUND : Maniac Maison (Shoko Igaraki, Casimir Liberski & Lucien Fraipont)

* VOICE & GUITAR : Rezal George

14th of August

* FRENCH PIANO: Antoine Herran

* FUNK: Joel Sarakula

* CAR MUSIC: Bààn 

* VIDEO: Bernard Gigounon

* MUSIC: DJ Panda - UN PEU Cayo
21st of August

* PIANO: Giovanni Di Domenico

* ÉLECTROPICALE : Alek & Les Japonaises

* POPUTOPIAN : van Twolips (Matthieu Ha & Cayo) 

* BOTCH VIDEO (psychedelic summer) : Serge Goldwicht & Pierre Lebecque

* DRUMS: Stephane Galland

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UN PEU d'agenda du mois de Mai. Bien qu'il soit vide, Cayo Scheyven et Matthieu Ha vous adressent plus que Jamais en profondeur : IK HOU NOG STEEDS van JOU mon amour (je t'aime toujours) .
La main est couverte d'un gant hygiénique. Malgré son confinement, la bague de la tortue vicieuse (du mariage avec soi-même) parvient à trouver de l'air avec la grâce d' un ange échappé de prison depuis 596 semaines - celui-ci souffle à l'intérieur du gant,jusqu'à le faire gonfler d'espoir. Lorsque le gant sera totalement gonflé- le pénis de la tortue vicieuse aura une érection fulgurante - provocant finalement l'éclatement du pesant confinement. En attendant, le pétale jaune "BEAUCOUP" se dépose sur le creux de la main plastifiée tandis que les cinq phalanges d'un pied nu chantent en choeur sur une mélodie grâcieuse et mystérieuse :

Au mois de Mai, plus que jamais
Tu me reviens UN PEU

Matthieu Ha

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Ik hou nog altijd niet van jou


Friday 6th of March 

Concerts: Speedboat & Jürgen Augusteyns


**Jürgen Augusteyns** First up, guitar solo

**Speedboat**, just two guys from Brighton with length at the back... surfing the 80s synth pop wave.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30

un peu food & drinks

paf €7,- for the artists, from across the Channel and just around the corner



Friday 13th of March

Concerts: Vincent Starwaver


Album release: soloproject Vincent Starwaver, with Steve Slingeneyer (WWWater, Soulwax, Onemanparty), Alan Gevaert (dEUS, Chris Whitley, Chantal Acda) en Serge Hertoge (Sundahl).

van Twolips will open the night....

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30
un peu food and drinks
paf €8,- for the artists


Friday 20th of March

Concerts & Cinema: Adrien Amey & Bitter Flowers


From Adrien Amey's incredible saxophone journey
to Bitter Flowers by Olivier Meys (who will be present un peu)

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30
Film 20:30
un peu food & drinks
paf €6,- for the artists



Friday 27th of March

Concerts: MòS Ensemble


A different, green world, as Brian Eno once imagined. Mòs ensemble lives up to their name, pollinating every ear as one, growing, rampantly moving organism. Music as the matrix for spring dreams, for an arcadian adventure.
A pristine archipelago in a sea of jazz, folk, and psychedelica. No land of milk and honey, but of wriggling, withering chords and rhythms, of serene, softly sprinkling torrents of sound.
A place where a duo of angels , sirens cast ashore, scatter seeds with their lungs. Reed and brass provide either breeze or blizzard. Double bass and guitar are the tides, drums foster night or day time. And the songs are the birds, the bees, the fruit, the rain or sun. In the land of Mós grey is not an option, the soil is always rich and fertile. A world of hummus and wonder. Like a Richard Attenborough documentary, but loose and improvised.
(c) Jonas Boel

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30

un peu food & drinks

paf €6,-

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​Sunday the 2nd of February - Ik hou niet van jou

Concerts: Julien Gasc


*L'Appel De La Forêt*
**Julien Gasc** Full Band, Friends and Playback Orchestra

and Sophie Vendryes work and the making of the album's cover.

Doors 16:00-20:00

Music 17:30

un peu food & drinks

paf €7,-



Friday the 7th of February - Ik hou nog steeds niet van jou

Concerts: Gaspar Claus


UN PEU & Divagation 3! present a night with Gaspar Claus
/ Collectif_sin // VACARME / Les Disques du Festival Permanent //Tireless explorer and cross-country cellist blending popular and erudite styles with a taste for melody and racket alike, along with an all-encompassing appetite. Gaspar Claus allows his unkempt technique to serve the pure joy of being alive, ever open to surprises. Improvised music, contemporary music, flamenco or pop, everything that comes into his hands transforms into an exercise in the intensification of one's tastes and the bursting of boundaries

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30
un peu food and drinks
paf €8,- for the artists


Friday the 14th of February - Ik hou nog steeds niet van jou

Concerts: Giovanni di Domenico / Zahumerio


*Giovanni Di Domenico* built on an encyclopedic technique; rhythm, harmony and tone are informed by non-western traditions yet equally sensitive to Debussy’s “Préludes”, Luciano Berio’s “Sequenzas”, to the ‘ambi-ideation’ heard in Borah Bergman’s Soul Note recordings, Cecil Taylor’s polissemic density, Paul Bley’s bruised transparency and of course, the most radical manifestations stemming from the underworld of pop music, invariably tied together by his own original praxis. A distinction – one would call it generational – he shares with many of the musicians he has crossed paths with recently, artists as different as Chris Corsano, Jim O’Rourke, Akira Sakata, Tetuzi Akiyama, Keiji Haino, Eiko Ishibashi, Joe Talia, Okkyung Lee, Balasz Pandi, Nate Wooley, Yan Jun, John Edwards, Darin Gray, Roger Turner, Steve Noble, DJ Sniff, Terrie Ex, David Maranha, Manuel Mota, Arve Henriksen, Norberto Lobo, Peter Jacquemyn, Alexandra Grimal, John Duncan, Tony Allen, Rafael Toral or Toshimaru Nakamura. Di Domenico has founded his own label, Silent Water, home of an eclectic and occasionally unclassifiable production. He lives in Brussels.

*Zahumerio* Juan Torres & Joaquín Bermúdez (Flamenco). Zahumerio is a project with variable geometry which arises from the meeting of several artists between Brussels, Berlin and Spain. A group which is created as a parallel project of their members. You could say that Zahumerio is a Flamenco collective without borders. This time we can count on the presence of Juan Torres, singer with ancient and deep resonances that come out of his throat and Joaquín Bermúdez guitarist elevated by the tradition of Málaga guitarists like Paco Antequera and Pedro Escalona. For this occasion they will revisit the classic styles of "cante hondo".

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30

paf €6,-

un peu food & drinks



Friday the 21st of February - Ik hou nog steeds niet van jou

Concerts: Choolers Division


Choolers Division offers electro, twisted and glowing hip hop with a multitude of captivating and offbeat sound levels.
A kind of crazy machine, out of control, producing a dizzying mix of musical genres

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30

un peu food & drinks

paf €7,-

ik hou niet van je.jpg
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Friday the 10th of January - Ik hou niet van jou

Concerts: Jawhar Basti & Lennart Heyndels (Offo Vrae)


A new, and exciting project by Jawhar Basti & Lennart Heyndels, called Offo Vrae.

This new duo will surprise you on many levels.

Folk Française with a Tunesian touch carried by electronic Bruxellois waves...

Offo Vrae, invites you to come and attend a work in progress.

Offo Vrae (It seems that it means Special Offer in Finnish slang) The south sings the north from a boat at sea. Seeing yourself as a stranger on all the shores that I left for an ultimate refuge. The dream of a pergola, of a balcony overlooking the sea, of a house brushed against golden sand, of a body that would be one with a forest ...
New folk-electro project by Jawhar Basti where he embarks on a new writing adventure (in French) in collaboration with Lennart Heyndels for arrangements and production.

The in house duo, van Twolips will open the night.

Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30
un peu food and drinks
paf €6,- for the artists


Friday the 17th of January - Ik hou niet van jou

Concerts: Bààn & Jean Philippe Feiss


*Bààn* is a Belgian instrumental duo initiated by Pascal N. Paulus (keyboards) and Jean-Philippe De Gheest (drums). They knit ambient, psych, jazz and rock into an intoxicating musical blanket that gently wraps around you and slowly lets you drift to a different universe.
*Jean Philippe Feiss* returns for another suite of Bach, this time it will be the first
Doors 18:00-22:00
Music 19:30
paf 6
,- for the artists
un peu food & drinks


Friday the 24th of January - Ik hou niet van jou

Soirée Par Coeuriste


There is a big event on January 24 in Brussels
Poetry, fries and music;
with William Cliff, Jan Bucquoy, Claude Guerre, Matthieu Ha, Cayo and Laurence Vielle,
Here's what will happen that day, in the run-up to the 2020 round alliances,
It will be the first PARCOEURISM workshop
the first of a long series, COME TO EXPERIENCE it, between 17:00and 19:00.
that CLAUDE GUERRE, CHIC and SHOCK PARCHOEURIST will initiate, a fantastic poet who ran the poetry house in Paris and transformed it forever. LEARN a poem by heart and find yourself if you want every two weeks somewhere in the city just to say a poem "by heart", it nourishes the body, the heart the spirit and it starts on January 24 AT UN PËU .
From 19H00 you can taste the fries prepared by JAN BUCQUOY
Poet, filmmaker, performer, painter, designer, storyteller and public disturbance.
he will cook us the fries live to create some OILS ON CANVAS, which will also be displayed live
and auctioned to participate in the purchase of the statue of Julian Assange
which will be inaugurated on January 29 at Place de la Monnaie (- soon renamed Place Julian Assange-)
and then there will be a meeting of poets and music around 20:00
MATTHIEU HA, and CAYO, duo of voices and strings and keys, makers of effervescent vibrations will join the poets
WILLIAM CLIFF who hammers the cities with words, blacksmith of terms and sensualities,
breathtaking rhythmic / CLAUDE GUERRE poet of the present time, wind turbines, trains, faces, bookbinder, he penetrates our hearts with his voice / LAURENCE VIELLE, poetess of Brussels, for a memorable DANCE OF WORDS and VOICES

come un peu
Doors 18:00-22:00
paf €7,-

un peu food & drinks

Saturday the 25th of January - Ik hou niet van jou

Concerts: BERT BEGAR (Albert Marcœur et Eric Thomas)


BERT BEGAR [voice, electric guitar, and table percussion]
Here is a light structure with, on one side, Albert Marcœur, storyteller in kitchen gloves beating measure and excess on a table; and on the other, Eric Thomas, humming electric guitarist playing his prepared instrument (clothespins, springs, sanza). BERT BEGAR is a number of duettists who completes the marriage of Marcel Duchamp and Buster Keaton, the union of polyrhythms and dada, creating a new form where for the first time music composed by Éric Thomas colors Albert's sketches in a harmony of moods that can be described as joyful. A gross dosage - as we speak of Art Brut - without exaggerated fiddling or grotesque effects, effective and intoxicating.
[translated** from Guy Darol / Muziq]
This is a recording made at Logellou, in Brittany, during a residency out there in late 2018.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30

un peu food & drinks

paf €7,-


Friday the 31st of January - Ik hou niet van jou

Concerts: Julien Gasc


*L'Appel De La Forêt*
**Julien Gasc** Full Band, Friends and Playback Orchestra
and Sophie Vendryes work and the making of the album's cover.

Doors 18:00-22:00

Music 19:30

un peu food & drinks

paf €7,-


Sunday the 2nd of February - Ik hou niet van jou

Concerts: Julien Gasc


*L'Appel De La Forêt*
**Julien Gasc** Full Band, Friends and Playback Orchestra
and Sophie Vendryes work and the making of the album's cover.

Doors 16:00-20:00

Music 17:30

un peu food & drinks

paf €7,-

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